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It is a bit confusing to me, therefor I open this thread.
I want to work with JEE and also the Android SDK on a single-user system.
I was thinking to get a basic eclipse with pacman and get everything else by it's built in plugin manager.
But what exactly is the pkg at [extra] compared to the official packages at
Is it "Eclipse Standard", "Eclipse IDE for Java Developers", or something totally different?
What are the pros|cons of just downloading and installing eclipse as a normal user with its included install scripts?
I can update the main program and plugins from inside the program, and keep everything up to date,
or is the built in Install/Update manager just for plugins, not for the core eclipse applications?
And why should I get my plugins from AUR, what are the pros|cons of using the built in plugin manager?
Thank you in advance!
It's “Eclipse SDK” that you can download yourself here.
Installing the Eclipse package should be the easier way – you just do pacman -S eclipse and wait until it installs. You'll also get updates automatically as the maintainer of Eclipse pushes them to the repos.
If you install manually, then you might perhaps get more control over what you're really getting, if you need it. You might also upgrade to the newest version before the package maintainer even uploads the updated package – or you could choose to remain on your current version even though the Arch package gets updated.
Personally, I don't think installing manually is going to be worth it unless you know you want to do something special. In which case, it might be worth it to create a package of your own and share it with others on AUR.
Thanks, how do you install your additional plugins? Also using pacman, or from inside eclipse?
It doesn't get messy when you use pacman for eclipse updates together with the plugin manager as root?
Last edited by hddnhrst (2013-08-03 14:20:00)
Personally, I use the Eclipse Update Manager to install plug-ins. And I don't run Eclipse as root – so the plugin manager doesn't run as root either.
But at … in_manager it says...
If you install plugins with Eclipse's plugin manager, you are advised to launch Eclipse as root: this way the plugins will be installed in /usr/share/eclipse/plugins/; if you installed them as normal user, they would be stored in a version-dependent folder inside ~/.eclipse/, and, after upgrading Eclipse, they wouldn't be recognized any longer.
Is this not true anymore? Or can you just rename your plugin folder to the new version after upgrading?
Last edited by hddnhrst (2013-08-03 17:28:58)
So far as I know, it still should be true. If you don't want to reinstall plugins after upgrading Eclipse, then either installing them from AUR or from Eclipse ran as root would be the way.