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grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg was what part of the install I used in the first link I provided. So yes, I'm using GRUB.
You are? *confused*
I gather you must then have both grub and syslinux packages installed, but you can only actually be using one or the other. Which one has been installed to the MBR? Have you ran `syslinux-install_update -i -a -m` or some such, or have you ran a grub equivalent to copy the MBR code to the block device?
I just tried nomodeset but didn't experience any change.
Well, if you are actually booting with grub, but modifying your syslinux.cfg, that could explain (almost) everything.
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
Le Sigh...
After Tribly's post I went back through the first link I posted and realized that syslinux is another boot-loader. Don't know how I missed that except I was kind of tired when I did the install and syslinux was new to me. I decided do a clean install on /dev/sda2 and ONLY install Grub this time. After formatting, re-installing and rebooting I didn't get the warning about "The root device is not configured to be mounted read write". I just got a cursor that flashed for a few seconds and then froze.
I think the best way to handle your new problem would be to mark this topic 'solved', which is in an odd way true,
and start a new one. That way you would get more and better responses to the current problem.
EDIT: Created a new thread for my problem.
Last edited by mid-kid (2013-08-10 17:03:03)
If it ain't broke, you haven't tweaked it enough.
I just changed the topic, as suggest earlier, to "Unable to boot after installation" which seems to still be a common theme. If that doesn't clear things up I will try Henk's suggestion on a new thread. I just know opening new threads on the same issue is often frowned on at a lot forums. Guess we'll see what happens.
Le Sigh...
After Tribly's post I went back through the first link I posted and realized that syslinux is another boot-loader. Don't know how I missed that except I was kind of tired when I did the install and syslinux was new to me. I decided do a clean install on /dev/sda2 and ONLY install Grub this time. After formatting, re-installing and rebooting I didn't get the warning about "The root device is not configured to be mounted read write". I just got a cursor that flashed for a few seconds and then froze.
The flashing/freezing cursor, is this happening before Grub starts?