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I want to make pacman use the packages from my own repository.
I keep my own PKGBUILDS in /home/tpj/opt/Pakiety/pkgbuilds (e.g. the pkgbuild of the "abc" program is kept in the /home/tpj/opt/Pakiety/pkgbuilds/abc/PKGBUILD file and so on). I want to keep all the packages that I have built by myself in the /home/tpj/opt/Pakiety/gotowe directory. Therefore I use gensync to create the database for my own repository as follows:
# gensync /home/tpj/opt/Pakiety/pkgbuilds
According to the pacman manpage (and to some articles that I have read from the Arch Wiki) the next thing to do is to tell pacman to use this new repository. So I added the following line to the /etc/pacman.conf file:
Server = file:///home/tpj/opt/Pakiety/gotowe/
The last thing to do is to refresh the pacman database:
# pacman -Sy
All went well, so now I should be able to use the packages from my own repository (or am I wrong?). But when I do
# pacman -Qi some_package
all I get is the error message: "Package "some_package" was not found.".
And when I do
# pacman -A some_package
all I get is the message: "loading package data... could not open package: No such file or directory".
(Replace "some_package" with "qemu" or "lincity-ng" and you'll get the exact command, that I type.)
I suppose that I'm making some stupid mistake somewhere... What is wrong?
You need to pacman -Sy.
jerem: he did it already, perhaps you didn't read it
your mistake is the following:
pacman -Q
only searches for installed packages, so if you pacman -Qi <package_of_your_repo_which_is_not_yet_installed> you of course will get the "not found" error
Your command is:
pacman -Ss <package>
And if there is a version in your repo and in extra and you want to install the pkg from yours, you have to type
pacman -S <your_repo_name>/pkg
When you use pacman -A you have to specify the path to the pkg.tar.gz, eg:
pacman -A /home/tpj/opt/Pakiety/pkgbuilds/abc/abc-0.1-1.pkg.tar.gz
Note: If you only have the pkgbuilds in your pkg-dir, you have to use qpkg (you find it here in the forums and also in community repo i think) which builds the package automatically for you!
greets to Poland, my girlfriend is currently there at her grandparents, lol
Thank you very much, hellwoofa!
The command "pacman -Ss pkg_name" was exactly what I needed. All my problems were caused by my incomprehension of the pacman's manual.
greets to Poland, my girlfriend is currently there at her grandparents, lol
Has your girlfriend her roots in Poland then? If so - don't you think that our Polish girls are the most beautiful on the world?
hm of course she was born there... and yes, i think you can say that you have very nice girls (and some of them can kiss very well as i was allowed to experience last year *laugh*)
umm and if i see that right, she's not too far away from you: biała, actually.
dobra noz!