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#1 2013-08-24 15:48:16

Registered: 2012-11-28
Posts: 34

The answer on how to preserve notebook battery life (on linux)?

I just checked my /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/uevent and it contains this part:


so it seems like my battery has already lost some capacity (it's a year old). What can I do to preserve the battery life?

Please only answer if you have scientific proof or really know what you are talking about. For example: Don't tell me I have to take out my battery when not using it, just because your friend told you, you read it on pcworld, or any other form of "broscience".


#2 2013-08-24 21:49:33

Registered: 2013-05-19
Posts: 10

Re: The answer on how to preserve notebook battery life (on linux)?

Hi drenninghoff

I think you're asking for something a little complicated. I mean, you're asking for some "scientific proof" that in fact, is not that easy to prove, and if some person prove it, the document about it will be terribly complicated and probably, and even if that document exists, is not that you're looking for, because "scientific proof" are made for a really specific scenarios.

Unless some kind of battery expert (i.e electronic engeneer and specialist in batteries) ask your question in this thread (and of course, he has to prove that he is a real expert) you're not goin to see some "scientific proof" more than some tests made by a guy that may (or may not) understand the batteries behavior.

Also, you're not givin information about your pc like laptop model, battery model, system spects or something more; but you're saying "please don't tell me generic's stuff about batteries, threads made by pcworld" or something like that; but the info that you're givin us is a little bit poor.

So, I found this document (made with scientific rigor) and can be helpful for you: … f#page=127 Go to Linux Laptop Battery Life (pag 127).
Was taken from Academic Google (one of the best sites for start to looking for a scientific papper). Also the document is based on linux, so, is much better for this case.

Others things:

I'm not an expert on anything right now (I'm just a physics student), but I will give you some others interestings links from recognized places related to batteries:

- How to extend battery life from DELL (points 1,2,4 and 5 seems to be applicable for you): … ttery-life

- Extend battery life in linux: … ower&num=1

- Avoid to use Grovernor Ondemand on linux with a new intel cpu (core i3, i5, i7): … px=MTM3NDQ

Please don't take my response as personal, I'm just want to help.

Last edited by Signum (2013-08-24 21:53:06)

English is not my native language. So please, tell me if I am writing it wrong.


#3 2013-08-25 22:48:20

Registered: 2008-03-15
Posts: 413

Re: The answer on how to preserve notebook battery life (on linux)?

@Signum: I don't think the OP is talking about extending the amount of time the computer can run when not plugged in. I think he's talking about preventing or slowing down the normal degradation of chemical batteries. I found this on wikipedia: … ttery_life

TL; DR: keep your battery at the recommended storage temperature (i.e. not hot), at less-than-full charge levels (but not lower than the minimum), and reduce charge-discharge-charge cycles to a minimum.

Last edited by Pse (2013-08-25 22:50:08)


#4 2013-08-25 23:25:48

From: Cymru
Registered: 2011-11-27
Posts: 7,143

Re: The answer on how to preserve notebook battery life (on linux)?

Note that Lenovo, for example, advise to keep laptop batteries in on AC even though removing them helps to preserve battery life. This is because the batteries also provide some surge protection and batteries are a lot cheaper than motherboards.

Don't know how scientific their case is - I just mention it to show that there are other factors which you might want to consider as well.

As I understand it, batteries inevitably degrade - even if you kept the battery in a box and never used it, it would degrade.

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