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I've been working recently on compiling ArchLinux for MIPS, more specifically mips32r2el. It's going pretty well & I'm at the point of having enough packages to boot to a KDE desktop both in QEMU and on real hardware. My current focus is on automating the building of new and updated packages, which is progressing steadily. But in the meantime I thought I'd show this and make it available to see who might be interested.
For the moment this lives on my home desktop but I'll probably move it somewhere more suitable soon. There's a rootfs tarball and if you want to try it out the repository you'll need in /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist is:
Server =$repo/os/$arch
Last edited by paulburton (2013-08-25 22:04:06)
Those are some very nice pictures, but they are much too large for these forums. You will need to post them elsewhere and either link to them, or make thumbnails and use those as links to your pictures hosted elsewhere. You can see the monthly screenshot threads for a quick howto.
It would be a shame to see pictures of you hard work disappear.
Those are some very nice pictures, but they are much too large for these forums. You will need to post them elsewhere and either link to them, or make thumbnails and use those as links to your pictures hosted elsewhere. You can see the monthly screenshot threads for a quick howto.
It would be a shame to see pictures of you hard work disappear.
I'll go read the screenshot threads, but FYI my images are already hosted on my own server.
I'll go read the screenshot threads, but FYI my images are already hosted on my own server.
Ah, so they are. I would imagine then that this would probably be okay then, though I am not entirely sure, as I am not a mod. Typically it is not so much the physical size that is the issue so much as how large the file in question is. So since they are of no size whatsoever on the forum server, then I can't see why this would be an issue.
Sorry for the noise. But it is indeed some nice handy work you have done there.
Please use thumbnails. I see no reason why I should be surprised with 1.5 MB png file - that's the reason for the 'no big pictures' rule.
Not everyone is using fast Internet connection, has loads of RAM etc.
Sorry but our forum etiquette forbids large images. Please post thumbnail links instead.
Incidentally, this looks very interesting. Well done so far.
My Arch Linux Stuff • Forum Etiquette • Community Ethos - Arch is not for everyone
Alright guys, thumbnails are in place. My apologies.
My Arch Linux Stuff • Forum Etiquette • Community Ethos - Arch is not for everyone
May i ask how you are booting the novo7? Is the Arch kernel flashed into the KERNEL partition or are you not using the android partition layout?
Parabola is also building a nice collection of Arch-compatible MIPS packages. It's 64 bits though
Thanks, I saw Parabola but being 64bit I can't run it on the hardware I have.
May i ask how you are booting the novo7? Is the Arch kernel flashed into the KERNEL partition or are you not using the android partition layout?
I'm not using the android partition layout, but for the moment I am still using x-boot so the kernel (in the form an android-style boot image) is written at an offset of 3MB into mmcblk0 as it would be for android. I then have a large root partition following it where Arch lives. If someone wanted to they could piece it together from my code on bitbucket but I haven't made any attempt to document it or make it easier yet because my goal for the novo7 is to move away from x-boot towards u-boot and a cleaner, more up to date kernel.
Thanks for the info. However your bitbucket is empty (or in private repos)
Thanks for the info. However your bitbucket is empty (or in private repos)
Oops! I hadn't realised that private was the default. I've made the repositories public now.
Cool thanks. I've been toying with the idea of getting arch running on an android phone i have lying around but was sure of a few things (which your previous post and code have answered for me )
That's freakingly cool !!!
I'm going to have a try.
Could you mention qemu settings one could use to bootstrap a core system then from your repo?
I am hilariously insane. yup. you won't notice though.. I promise...I think.
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