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I modified Lyvi a tiny bit so that it can support foobar2000 (with control).
Since it is not a native player (although worth using in my opinion), and since my solution is a dirty hack, is it of any use giving it?
I'm curious, can I see the code?
Sure! Here's what I came up with.
WARNING: what follows is plain dirty.
I assumed that foobar is running through wine. The problem is that Peter Pawlowski doesn't want foobar to export info about current track unless you code a plugin.
I found pyfoobar but it seems to rely on windows dependencies and I don't think it would be good to add wine-related dependencies.
The only way I found is to get the info from the titlebar which is fully customizable. Then using wmctrl and grep/cut we can retrieve what we want.
So the prerequisites are:
You have formatted foobar's titlebar.
You use a wmctrl-compliant wm.
The code:
I added a key/value entry in search_player():
players = {
'foobar2000.exe': foobar2000,
And added a foobar2000 player class (I in fact only adapted the cmus one):
class foobar2000(Player):
def __init__(self): = {
'type': 'process',
'name': 'foobar2000.exe',
} = {
'type': 'command',
'name': 'foo-remote',
'str': {
'artist_beg': 'tag artist ',
'artist_end': '\n',
'album_beg': 'tag album ',
'album_end': '\n',
'title_beg': 'tag title ',
'title_end': '\n',
'file_beg': 'file ',
'file_end': '\n',
'stopped': 'status stopped',
self.ctl = {
'type': 'command',
'commands': {
'play': 'wine /home/Idlusen/Desktop/foobar2000_16/foobar2000.exe /play',
'pause': 'wine /home/Idlusen/Desktop/foobar2000_16/foobar2000.exe /pause',
'next': 'wine /home/Idlusen/Desktop/foobar2000_16/foobar2000.exe /next',
'prev': 'wine /home/Idlusen/Desktop/foobar2000_16/foobar2000.exe /prev',
'stop': 'wine /home/Idlusen/Desktop/foobar2000_16/foobar2000.exe /stop',
'volup': '',
'voldn': '',
I know: foobar's commands use a hardcoded path, and what is foo-remote?
foo-remote is the bash script I wrote to imitate cmus-remote -Q output:
if [[ "`wmctrl -l | grep foobar | cut -d "@" -f 6`" == "1" ]]
pause="status stopped"
title=`wmctrl -l| grep foobar | cut -d '@' -f 2`
album=`wmctrl -l| grep foobar | cut -d '@' -f 3`
artist=`wmctrl -l| grep foobar | cut -d '@' -f 4`
echo "tag title $title
tag album $album
tag artist $artist
I think this could easily be merged with the python code.
And finally the titlebar's fomatting is (from foobar2000 preferences/Display):
@[%title%]@[%album%]@[%artist%]@[%path%]@[%ispaused%]@ - foobar2000
I used "@" because I needed an uncommon character in song tiles/album names/artist names.
[%path%] is problematic due to Windows path format, plus I don't really know how player.file is used.
" - foobar2000" is needed so we can grep it out of wmctrl
All of this works fine for me, though I'm very aware it is highly sketchy.
So is there anyway to integrate an improved version of this (I'm working on it) in lyvi or will this forever be my personal trick? ^^
^ Thanks for the code. I'm currently working on a new version of lyvi (branch rewrite: if anyone's interested) and I'll try to include it.
Latest rxvt-unicode update breaks lyvi's background feature: … c92e03cc65
I'll try to find different approach for setting backgrounds. In the meantime, you need to compile rxvt-unicode with
FYI, now there's also #lyvi channel on Freenode.
Hi OK100, first of all thanks for your work.
Can you tell me how to reproduce this result?
My attepts produced this. No matter how I set the offsets: images are always centered "behind" all panes.
This is my latest lyvi.conf:
bg = True
bg_type = cover
bg_opacity = 0.6
bg_tmux_cover_pane = 1
bg_tmux_cover_pane_underlying = False
player = mpd
mpd_config_file = /home/luke/.mpd/mpd.conf
Also, how can I set 'lang' in order to have Italian metadata? I tried 'lang=it' without success.
Last edited by sardina (2013-08-24 01:07:34)
Can you tell me how to reproduce this result?
My attepts produced this. No matter how I set the offsets: images are always centered "behind" all panes.
This is my latest lyvi.conf:
bg = True bg_type = cover bg_opacity = 0.6 bg_tmux_cover_pane = 1 bg_tmux_cover_pane_underlying = False player = mpd mpd_config_file = /home/luke/.mpd/mpd.conf
You also need to set bg_tmux and bg_tmux_window_title options (see man lyvi for details).
By the way, the current master branch is deprecated and will not be updated any more. You might want to use the rewrite branch instead.
Also, how can I set 'lang' in order to have Italian metadata? I tried 'lang=it' without success.
Not all providers have metadata in all languages.
By the way, the current master branch is deprecated and will not be updated any more. You might want to use the rewrite branch instead.
I saw that, but I didn't find any related documentation on your github.
Which are the dependencies? (I got several ImportError trying to start it)
How to install it correctly? (there's no PKGBUILD)
How to configure it? (lyvi.conf from master branch doesn't work anymore)
Which are the dependencies? (I got several ImportError trying to start it)
Dependencies are python, python-urwid, python-pillow, python-glyr-git (AUR), python-gobject, python-dbus, python-psutil.
How to install it correctly? (there's no PKGBUILD)
For now, just clone the repository and checkout the rewrite branch:
git clone
cd lyvi
git checkout rewrite
How to configure it? (lyvi.conf from master branch doesn't work anymore)
Configuration file for the new version is a python script. For example, config file for the tmux background like on this screenshot would look like this:
bg = True
bg_tmux_backdrops_pane = 1
bg_tmux_backdrops_underlying = False
bg_tmux_cover_pane = 1
bg_tmux_cover_underlying = False
bg_tmux_window_title = 'tmux-lyvi'
bg_type = 'cover'
Documentation is still missing, though you can find all currenly supported options in the file.
Last edited by OK100 (2013-10-26 19:21:02)
Thanks for your reply.
sardina wrote:Which are the dependencies? (I got several ImportError trying to start it)
Dependencies are python, python-pillow (AUR), python-glyr-git (AUR).
I got this:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/luke/bin/lyvi", line 3, in <module>
import lyvi
File "/home/luke/.config/lyvi/lyvi/", line 111, in <module>
File "/home/luke/.config/lyvi/lyvi/", line 6, in <module>
import urwid
ImportError: No module named 'urwid'
So extra/python-urwid is needed as well.
Moreover, lyvi seems to misunderstand some names:
Last edited by sardina (2013-08-25 12:45:47)
Moreover, lyvi seems to misunderstand some names:
Does this command show the right image?
glyrc cover --artist "My Bloody Valentine" --album "Loveless Disc 1 Original Version Remastered" --write '/tmp/:artist:_:album:.:format:' --callback 'sxiv ":path:"'
(replace sxiv with your image viewer)
Hya ok100
ok after moving apartments, switching countries and jobs i finally have some breathing time whats up?
how do i go and test the new version/branch? is there an AUR package?
Oh damn, I was writing the same, but I'll just use this
I created a small script which streams music directly from Youtube, so I don't have to download them, I just type "Blowin in the wind" in the TTY and I can listen to it.
I was writing a Lyrics feature for this, I'll see if I can modify this in any way.
I created a small script which streams music directly from Youtube, so I don't have to download them, I just type "Blowin in the wind" in the TTY and I can listen to it.
I was writing a Lyrics feature for this, I'll see if I can modify this in any way.
Lyvi uses libglyr for this. (Just in the unlikely case you were not aware of it.)
See this post.
Please can you tell me how to reproduce it? Did you play a song from MCR before that album?
I'm thinking about adding another view which will show a list of youtube videos of the currently playing song. User will be able to choose the video and play it in external player. Moreover, in configuration file will be possible to set a custom string that is append to every search, e.g "tutorial" to search for tutorials how to play the song, etc.
Last edited by OK100 (2013-08-27 12:14:28)
Please can you tell me how to reproduce it? Did you play a song from MCR before that album?
Here I just started ncmpcpp, Loomer being the first song in the playlist.
Then I switched to if i am.
Both songs are by My Bloody Valentine, respectively from Loveless and m b v albums.
I have no My Chemical Romance albums.
I have no My Chemical Romance albums.
So it seems like libglyr issue. Try to delete the cache file (~/.local/share/lyvi/metadata.db).
Would love support for RadioTray:
I'll try to do that myself, although I have little to no idea how lyvi handles lyrics
I guess you use DBUS? How do I interact with it to get the song title?
Last edited by dysoco (2013-09-07 16:27:48)
Would love support for RadioTray:
I'll try to do that myself, although I have little to no idea how lyvi handles lyrics
I guess you use DBUS? How do I interact with it to get the song title?
If RadioTray supports MPRIS then it should work with Lyvi out-of-box.
Looks like there is the beginnings of MPRIS in RadioTray but it is commented out and, when uncommented, still is a work in progress so it doesn't show up in Lyvi.
Does/Can lyvi work with python2-pillow?
Last edited by CarbonChauvinist (2013-11-03 18:45:30)
"the wind-blown way, wanna win? don't play"
Does/Can lyvi work with python2-pillow?
After checking the AUR page, which I should have done first, I see this was already addressed by a "luculu" who posted:
A patch is needed due to replacement of python2-imaging with python2-pillow. Line containing "import Image" must be converted to "from PIL import Image". Then it works otherwise command gives import error
"the wind-blown way, wanna win? don't play"
CarbonChauvinist wrote:Does/Can lyvi work with python2-pillow?
After checking the AUR page, which I should have done first, I see this was already addressed by a "luculu" who posted:
A patch is needed due to replacement of python2-imaging with python2-pillow. Line containing "import Image" must be converted to "from PIL import Image". Then it works otherwise command gives import error
The master branch hasn't been updated for a while. Consider using the rewrite branch (which can be installed with lyvi-git AUR package)
Hi OK100,
First of, thank you for the great program. I love the convenience of it when used alongside a CLI based mpd setup.
I recently switched to the 'lyvi-git' AUR package and I feel as if it is significantly faster on startup/shutdown.
Today though I am experiencing some problems with lyvi. It would seem to be a bug in lyvi.
My keyboard shortcuts for mpd stopped working, but only while lyvi was running. These shortcuts are just wrappers around mpc.
So I tied mpc in the shell, which gave either 'error: Connection closed by the server' or an error about max connections exceeded.
Following this I checked the open file descriptors of mpd and of lyvi. lyvi appears to open a whole mess of connections to mpd and it is aggregating more and more of them over time.
I have mpd setup to it's default port 6600.
Here some information on the open connections:
Without lyvi running:
% lsof -i :6600
mpd 20092 rolf 7u IPv4 15373313 0t0 TCP *:mshvlm (LISTEN)
Directly after starting lyvi:
% lsof -i :6600
mpd 20092 rolf 7u IPv4 15373313 0t0 TCP *:mshvlm (LISTEN)
mpd 20092 rolf 12u IPv4 15911157 0t0 TCP localhost.localdomain:mshvlm->localhost.localdomain:54275 (ESTABLISHED)
mpd 20092 rolf 14u IPv4 15911148 0t0 TCP localhost.localdomain:mshvlm->localhost.localdomain:54269 (ESTABLISHED)
lyvi 24054 rolf 7u IPv4 15909271 0t0 TCP localhost.localdomain:54269->localhost.localdomain:mshvlm (ESTABLISHED)
lyvi 24054 rolf 10u IPv4 15906386 0t0 TCP localhost.localdomain:54275->localhost.localdomain:mshvlm (ESTABLISHED)
Here it is already using two connections where only one is required.
Important to note though is that it first opens a connection on FD 7 then opens two FIFOs/pipes on FD 8 and 9 and from FD 10 onwards new connections.
And after a few minutes I have as many as a hundred open connections from lyvi to mpd.
% lsof -i :6600
mpd 20092 rolf 7u IPv4 15373313 0t0 TCP *:mshvlm (LISTEN)
mpd 20092 rolf 12u IPv4 15989431 0t0 TCP localhost.localdomain:mshvlm->localhost.localdomain:55977 (ESTABLISHED)
mpd 20092 rolf 14u IPv4 15911148 0t0 TCP localhost.localdomain:mshvlm->localhost.localdomain:54269 (ESTABLISHED)
mpd 20092 rolf 15u IPv4 15989432 0t0 TCP localhost.localdomain:mshvlm->localhost.localdomain:55979 (ESTABLISHED)
mpd 20092 rolf 16u IPv4 15989433 0t0 TCP localhost.localdomain:mshvlm->localhost.localdomain:55981 (ESTABLISHED)
mpd 20092 rolf 17u IPv4 15949652 0t0 TCP localhost.localdomain:mshvlm->localhost.localdomain:55983 (ESTABLISHED)
mpd 20092 rolf 18u IPv4 15949653 0t0 TCP localhost.localdomain:mshvlm->localhost.localdomain:55985 (ESTABLISHED)
mpd 20092 rolf 19u IPv4 15949654 0t0 TCP localhost.localdomain:mshvlm->localhost.localdomain:55987 (ESTABLISHED)
mpd 20092 rolf 20u IPv4 15949658 0t0 TCP localhost.localdomain:mshvlm->localhost.localdomain:55989 (ESTABLISHED)
mpd 20092 rolf 21u IPv4 15949659 0t0 TCP localhost.localdomain:mshvlm->localhost.localdomain:55991 (ESTABLISHED)
mpd 20092 rolf 22u IPv4 15949660 0t0 TCP localhost.localdomain:mshvlm->localhost.localdomain:55993 (ESTABLISHED)
lyvi 24054 rolf 7u IPv4 15909271 0t0 TCP localhost.localdomain:54269->localhost.localdomain:mshvlm (ESTABLISHED)
lyvi 24054 rolf 10u IPv4 15986658 0t0 TCP localhost.localdomain:54847->localhost.localdomain:mshvlm (CLOSE_WAIT)
lyvi 24054 rolf 11u IPv4 15986663 0t0 TCP localhost.localdomain:54849->localhost.localdomain:mshvlm (CLOSE_WAIT)
lyvi 24054 rolf 12u IPv4 15987729 0t0 TCP localhost.localdomain:54851->localhost.localdomain:mshvlm (CLOSE_WAIT)
lyvi 24054 rolf 13u IPv4 15986807 0t0 TCP localhost.localdomain:54853->localhost.localdomain:mshvlm (CLOSE_WAIT)
lyvi 24054 rolf 14u IPv4 15986812 0t0 TCP localhost.localdomain:54855->localhost.localdomain:mshvlm (CLOSE_WAIT)
lyvi 24054 rolf 15u IPv4 15986817 0t0 TCP localhost.localdomain:54857->localhost.localdomain:mshvlm (CLOSE_WAIT)
lyvi 24054 rolf 16u IPv4 15986822 0t0 TCP localhost.localdomain:54859->localhost.localdomain:mshvlm (CLOSE_WAIT)
lyvi 24054 rolf 17u IPv4 15986828 0t0 TCP localhost.localdomain:54861->localhost.localdomain:mshvlm (CLOSE_WAIT)
lyvi 24054 rolf 18u IPv4 15986837 0t0 TCP localhost.localdomain:54863->localhost.localdomain:mshvlm (CLOSE_WAIT)
lyvi 24054 rolf 19u IPv4 15948200 0t0 TCP localhost.localdomain:54867->localhost.localdomain:mshvlm (CLOSE_WAIT)
lyvi 24054 rolf 20u IPv4 15948226 0t0 TCP localhost.localdomain:54901->localhost.localdomain:mshvlm (CLOSE_WAIT)
lyvi 24054 rolf 21u IPv4 15948231 0t0 TCP localhost.localdomain:55429->localhost.localdomain:mshvlm (CLOSE_WAIT)
lyvi 24054 rolf 68u IPv4 15948483 0t0 TCP localhost.localdomain:55973->localhost.localdomain:mshvlm (CLOSE_WAIT)
lyvi 24054 rolf 69u IPv4 15948488 0t0 TCP localhost.localdomain:55975->localhost.localdomain:mshvlm (CLOSE_WAIT)
lyvi 24054 rolf 70u IPv4 15948493 0t0 TCP localhost.localdomain:55977->localhost.localdomain:mshvlm (ESTABLISHED)
lyvi 24054 rolf 71u IPv4 15948498 0t0 TCP localhost.localdomain:55979->localhost.localdomain:mshvlm (ESTABLISHED)
lyvi 24054 rolf 72u IPv4 15948503 0t0 TCP localhost.localdomain:55981->localhost.localdomain:mshvlm (ESTABLISHED)
lyvi 24054 rolf 73u IPv4 15948508 0t0 TCP localhost.localdomain:55983->localhost.localdomain:mshvlm (ESTABLISHED)
lyvi 24054 rolf 74u IPv4 15948513 0t0 TCP localhost.localdomain:55985->localhost.localdomain:mshvlm (ESTABLISHED)
lyvi 24054 rolf 75u IPv4 15948518 0t0 TCP localhost.localdomain:55987->localhost.localdomain:mshvlm (ESTABLISHED)
lyvi 24054 rolf 76u IPv4 15948523 0t0 TCP localhost.localdomain:55989->localhost.localdomain:mshvlm (ESTABLISHED)
lyvi 24054 rolf 77u IPv4 15948548 0t0 TCP localhost.localdomain:55991->localhost.localdomain:mshvlm (ESTABLISHED)
lyvi 24054 rolf 78u IPv4 15948553 0t0 TCP localhost.localdomain:55993->localhost.localdomain:mshvlm (ESTABLISHED)
lyvi 24054 rolf 79u IPv4 15948558 0t0 TCP localhost.localdomain:55995->localhost.localdomain:mshvlm (CLOSE_WAIT)
lyvi 24054 rolf 80u IPv4 15948563 0t0 TCP localhost.localdomain:55997->localhost.localdomain:mshvlm (CLOSE_WAIT)
My lyvi config:
% cat ~/.config/lyvi/rc
As for version information:
'pacman -Qii mpd' gives version '0.18.3-2'. Version 0.18 (2013/10/31) did entail a major rewrite to C++.
'pacman -Qii lyvi-git' gives version '55.4088e32-1'.
'pacman -Qii python' gives version '3.3.2-2'.
If you need any additional information to get comprehensive view on what is going on I would be happy to do so.
Last edited by RMorel (2013-11-13 18:37:15)