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#1 2013-09-08 04:51:58

Registered: 2013-09-08
Posts: 1

Wireless setup: D-Link Drivers

I was originally going to post this in Networking, but since this is merely a newbie question about installing drivers or firmware after the installation, here I go:

I just installed arch linux and one of the only remaining things I have to set up is the USB wifi card. However, I can't seem to find the appropriate driver for it. Here's the device description according to lsusb:

Bus 001 Device 003: ID 2001:3301 D-Link Corp. DWA-130 802.11n Wireless N Adapter(rev.C1) [Realtek RTL8192U]

I can't find anything on RTL8192U with Arch-Linux around the internet. The wiki does list some similar devices, though. Also, when the USB device is connected, enp0s26u1u1 pops up when using the "ip link" command, I don't know how relevant this is.

Any help would be appreciated.


#2 2013-09-08 06:56:24

From: san francisco
Registered: 2013-04-20
Posts: 153

Re: Wireless setup: D-Link Drivers … connection
youve a bit of reading to do start with the given link and follow the yellow brick road...
this will explain the ip link result, its telling you what you need to know
  drivers can be a bit of trial and error if your specific one isn't listed, a few will work, one will work best
Welcome to Arch youre gonna get an education so be willing.....good luck!

end ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     'the machine is not the end to the means., we are. In history, in board rooms and politic the greatest  decision and effort
        evolves from passion, lust for life, and a common sense of humanity. Never forget what you are and why'.         -me


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