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I'm trying out urxvt atm. But the shading doesn't work.
I use feh to display the background.
This is what I got in .Xdefaults:
!urxvt.font: -xos4-terminus-medium-r-normal--16-*-72-72-c-80-*
! urxvt.font: -xos4-terminus-medium-r-normal--16-*
!urxvt.boldFont: -xos4-terminus-bold-r-normal--16-*-72-72-c-80-*
! urxvt.boldFont: -xos4-terminus-bold-r-normal--16-*
urxvt.realBold: True
urxvt.inheritPixmap: True
!urxvt.background: #000000
urxvt.foreground: #ffffff
urxvt.scrollBar: False
!urxvt.visualBell: True
urxvt.internalBorder: 3
urxvt.externalBorder: 0
urxvt.shading: 100
urxvt.fading: 30
urxvt.tintcolor: black
urxvt.jumpScroll: true
urxvt.multiScroll: true
urxvt.borderLess: true
I have rxvt-unicode 6.1-1 installed.
Anyone has a clue?
As is true for most people I know, I've always loved learning. As is also true for most people I know, I always hated school. Why is that?
Pages: 1