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#1 2006-01-02 12:22:37

From: Germany
Registered: 2005-10-13
Posts: 140

[Arch64] Some questions about new packages


I am just trying to build the KDE 3.5 packages for Arch64, with more or less success. I took the PKGBUILDs from Arch32 and tried to compile/build and adjust the PKGBUILDs if necessary. The basic packages are successful installed on my system... If you are interested and I get access to the repositories (not yet asked for), I can submit the PKGBUILDs and binaries. Before that, I have some general questions:

a) Maintainer: What should be the maintainer entry for these packages? Shall the original maintainer entry remain (the maintainer of the KDE 3.5 packages on Arch32...)?

b) pkgrel: Shall I set the pkgrel to "1" for the new Arch64 packages or shall I keep the pkgrel from the Arch32 PKGBUILD, which is >1 in most of the cases?

c) patches: Is there a way to determine which patches are needed? I saw some patches in the Arch32 abs tree (which are not in the frugalware packages), some of them are and some are not referenced in the PKGBUILDS. In general, shall I include the patches from Arch32 or first build the packages without these patches? What is your recommendation?

You will also find me in the Arch64 IRC from time to time and I read the mailing list ;-)

Thanks, Dieter


#2 2006-01-02 13:00:57

From: Magdeburg/Germany
Registered: 2005-10-07
Posts: 1,642

Re: [Arch64] Some questions about new packages

a) Now I don't care. Maybe one day we will splitt existing packages to permanent maintainers. But these days we are too less packagers.

b) I mostly take over the pkgrel from arch32 and increase it with every release I do.

c) Patches in arch32 mostly fix bugs. So I would let them in untill they break something.

Ask user c14n for svn+sftp access.


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