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All written in sh. The basic idea was to split out the functions for actually writing a WM menu into separate function libraries in order to make a modular way of creating pipe-menus and display them unified accross several WM's. Currently supports icewm|pekwm|openbox.
<wm> - The basic calendar that floats around a lot - can't take credit for this one except porting.
<wm> - Another file browser pipemenu but with my twists.
* can browse up or down
* caches directory contents until the next mtime update
* has a "bookmark" option to add a directory to .gtk-bookmarks
* hidden files/dirs in a submenu
<wm> - can look like the gnome2 "Places" menu or add extra content - see config files.
<wm> - controls mpd, most important functions implemented.
<wm> - set your background.
Planned - rss, weather
Still have a bit of work to do on this but it's pretty usable in it's current state. Hope someone finds it useful.
Can you add this to AUR?
Sorry for my bad English
Sorry for the delayed reply. I would consider adding it to the AUR if I thought there was more interest, but seeing as only one person has replied I'm a little discouraged at the moment. Sorry.
I have, however, done some more work on the project recently. Most notably on the filebrowser script, where I managed to speed it up sufficiently to do away with the directory caching and thus simplify the script significantly.
Hi Nathan,
any chance to get your new wallpaper setter in AUR, I think it's very useful for any lightweight window manager?
Yes, that one may wind up there soon. Currently trying to fix an issue for a Puppy user, which leads me to believe I may have optimised the shell usage past the point of portability, but once I've tracked it down maybe I'll do a PKGBUILD.
That said, if I do that then it should get it's own thread here.