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#1 2013-08-01 23:53:43
Registered: 2013-06-15
Posts: 45

wmpipe - yet another pipemenu project

All written in sh. The basic idea was to split out the functions for actually writing a WM menu into separate function libraries in order to make a modular way of creating pipe-menus and display them unified accross several WM's. Currently supports icewm|pekwm|openbox.

<wm> - The basic calendar that floats around a lot - can't take credit for this one except porting.

<wm> - Another file browser pipemenu but with my twists.
* can browse up or down
* caches directory contents until the next mtime update
* has a "bookmark" option to add a directory to .gtk-bookmarks
* hidden files/dirs in a submenu

<wm> - can look like the gnome2 "Places" menu or add extra content - see config files.
<wm> - controls mpd, most important functions implemented.
<wm> - set your background.

Planned - rss, weather

Still have a bit of work to do on this but it's pretty usable in it's current state. Hope someone finds it useful.


#2 2013-09-12 11:59:57

From: between Asia and Australia
Registered: 2012-06-03
Posts: 29

Re: wmpipe - yet another pipemenu project

Can you add this to AUR? smile

Sorry for my bad English roll


#3 2013-09-15 12:53:01
Registered: 2013-06-15
Posts: 45

Re: wmpipe - yet another pipemenu project

Sorry for the delayed reply. I would consider adding it to the AUR if I thought there was more interest, but seeing as only one person has replied I'm a little discouraged at the moment. Sorry.

I have, however, done some more work on the project recently. Most notably on the filebrowser script, where I managed to speed it up sufficiently to do away with the directory caching and thus simplify the script significantly.


#4 2013-09-15 14:23:29

Registered: 2013-02-13
Posts: 51

Re: wmpipe - yet another pipemenu project

Hi Nathan,
any chance to get your new wallpaper setter in AUR, I think it's very useful for any lightweight window manager?


#5 2013-09-15 14:36:22
Registered: 2013-06-15
Posts: 45

Re: wmpipe - yet another pipemenu project

Yes, that one may wind up there soon. Currently trying to fix an issue for a Puppy user, which leads me to believe I may have optimised the shell usage past the point of portability, but once I've tracked it down maybe I'll do a PKGBUILD.

That said, if I do that then it should get it's own thread here.


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