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#1 2013-09-11 22:22:24

Registered: 2009-11-24
Posts: 155

Humble Bundle 9

Another Humble Bundle has arrived... smile

Share your success or problems with running the games on Arch Linux in this thread! (And also post if you create an AUR package for one of them.)

The included games (links point to the AUR packages):


For a start, I'm trying to get Mark of the Ninja to run properly and package it for the AUR, but all menu items (and other text strings) show the string "<missing>" instead of the actual text. Anyone else have better luck with it? UPDATE: Never mind, it was just some locale mixup on my PC, it works fine now.

Last edited by sas (2013-09-25 15:22:53)


#2 2013-09-12 07:49:30

Registered: 2007-05-16
Posts: 87

Re: Humble Bundle 9

So far, I’ve only tried Trine 2, Mark of the Ninja and FTL (I also wanted to give the new Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs a whirl yesterday). Mark of the Ninja and FTL both work like a charm. Trine 2 didn’t work, I guess due to some missing dependencies. But I didn’t try very long to get it running and instead fired up the other games.


#3 2013-09-12 16:36:50

From: Sol System
Registered: 2011-10-20
Posts: 139

Re: Humble Bundle 9

Janusz11 wrote:

So far, I’ve only tried Trine 2, Mark of the Ninja and FTL (I also wanted to give the new Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs a whirl yesterday). Mark of the Ninja and FTL both work like a charm. Trine 2 didn’t work, I guess due to some missing dependencies. But I didn’t try very long to get it running and instead fired up the other games.

I too was having issues with trine2.  For me the problem wasn't missing dependencies, but a poorly written launcher (the bash script).  The AUR package has a modified launcher script that works perfectly, so I would highly recommend installing it from there.  How did A Machine for Pigs run?


#4 2013-09-13 08:31:21

Registered: 2009-06-08
Posts: 29

Re: Humble Bundle 9

FEZ behaves like I'm always pressing the left/right arrow key.

Also it recognize my mouse as joystick, don't know if they're relevant.


#5 2013-09-13 08:42:13

Registered: 2012-02-04
Posts: 147

Re: Humble Bundle 9

About Steam Linux versions:
Brütal Legend, FTL, FEZ work like charm -I've finished the first two some months ago-.
Mark of the ninja had some issues with my pad, didn't try to solve it since I've already finished it -great game!-

I'm using a Logitech Cordless Rumblepad 2 for all those games, except FTL (obvius).


#6 2013-09-13 09:19:48

Registered: 2007-05-16
Posts: 87

Re: Humble Bundle 9

piratebill wrote:
Janusz11 wrote:

So far, I’ve only tried Trine 2, Mark of the Ninja and FTL (I also wanted to give the new Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs a whirl yesterday). Mark of the Ninja and FTL both work like a charm. Trine 2 didn’t work, I guess due to some missing dependencies. But I didn’t try very long to get it running and instead fired up the other games.

I too was having issues with trine2.  For me the problem wasn't missing dependencies, but a poorly written launcher (the bash script).  The AUR package has a modified launcher script that works perfectly, so I would highly recommend installing it from there.  How did A Machine for Pigs run?

Yeah, the launcher in the game directory didn’t work at all for me. I changed into the /bin directory of the game directory and tried to call the game from there. And that’s when I actually got some error messages concerning some missing libraries.

Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs works flawless out of the box. I experienced some minor stutters that I never had when playing the original Amnesia: The Dark Descent. But other than that the game runs just fine.


#7 2013-09-13 14:22:26

From: Denmark
Registered: 2013-04-11
Posts: 21

Re: Humble Bundle 9

I get an error, trying to run Mark of the Ninja:

ERROR: Missing required OpenGL extensions.
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

I'm on a 64 bit install with Intel integrated graphics (GMA 4500MHD). As per the wiki instructions, I have lib32-intel-dri installed.

Last edited by reannual (2013-09-13 14:22:48)


#8 2013-09-13 19:18:20

Registered: 2009-11-24
Posts: 155

Re: Humble Bundle 9

mzneverdies wrote:

Mark of the ninja had some issues with my pad

This upstream developer post has some info regarding gamepad issues with Mark Of The Ninja on Linux.


Janusz11 wrote:

Yeah, the launcher in the game directory didn’t work at all for me. I changed into the /bin directory of the game directory and tried to call the game from there. And that’s when I actually got some error messages concerning some missing libraries.

You cannot simply run the trine2_linux_32bit binary directly without first setting $LD_LIBRARY_PATH so it finds its bundled libraries. That (and two other less important things) is what the launch script is for. Except that the bundled launch script is badly written, does lots of unnecessary/wrong stuff, and doesn't seem to work at all on Arch Linux. Thus, as piratebill already wrote, you're best off installing the game via my AUR package which installs a proper launch script.


reannual wrote:

I get an error, trying to run Mark of the Ninja:

ERROR: Missing required OpenGL extensions.
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

I'm on a 64 bit install with Intel integrated graphics (GMA 4500MHD). As per the wiki instructions, I have lib32-intel-dri installed.

You do not need any lib32-* stuff for Mark Of The Ninja, as it includes a 64-bit binary.

To debug your problem, run the game with the  -enablelog  command-line parameter, and then look at the file ~/.klei/ninja/log/rendering.log to see if it has any additional useful info.

Among other things, that file will tell you which MojoShader profiles are compatible with your computer and which one it auto-selected, for example for me it looks like this:

[15:03.33] (139654320035712) 3 mojoshader profiles:
[15:03.33] (139654320035712) 0: "glsl120"
[15:03.33] (139654320035712) 1: "glsl"
[15:03.33] (139654320035712) 2: "arb1"
[15:03.33] (139654320035712) best profile: glsl120

If it lists multiple ones for you as well, you can try each of them by passing   -mojo "glsl120"   etc. as a command-line parameter to the game.

If nothing works (but you're sure that hardware-accelerated OpenGL rendering does work with other programs), then maybe your graphics chipset/driver simply doesn't support the game... The official system requirements say "Graphics: NVIDIA GeFore 7800 GT or better" - I have no idea whether that includes your graphics chip or not.


#9 2013-09-14 16:21:27

From: Gentoo!
Registered: 2013-09-14
Posts: 1

Re: Humble Bundle 9

sas, any details on the locale issue? What locale does the game require?


#10 2013-09-14 18:12:59

Registered: 2009-11-24
Posts: 155

Re: Humble Bundle 9

NegatedVoid wrote:

sas, any details on the locale issue? What locale does the game require?

I'm using en_US.utf8 now.
I re-generated the locale, enabled it system-wide, and rebooted. I also had to delete the folder ~/.klei/ninja so that the game would regenerate its cache and use the new setting.

Also note that another, unrelated thing that can affect rendering of menu items in the game, is the MojoShader profile choice - see my previous post to in reply to reannual for more info on how to list the profiles and select a different one.


#11 2013-09-15 12:29:45

From: Denmark
Registered: 2013-04-11
Posts: 21

Re: Humble Bundle 9

sas wrote:

To debug your problem, run the game with the  -enablelog  command-line parameter, and then look at the file ~/.klei/ninja/log/rendering.log to see if it has any additional useful info.

Among other things, that file will tell you which MojoShader profiles are compatible with your computer and which one it auto-selected, for example for me it looks like this [...]

Thanks for the suggestion. I ran it with -enablelog and the log listed no "mojoshaders". It did however list a requirement that seemed a likely cause of the instant crashes: "EXT_texture_compression_s3tc required". Googling that led me to a comment on the AUR for 'trine' which suggested installing 'libtxc_dxtn_s2tc'. Which solved the crashes.

However, regardless of graphics settings and playing with manually setting mojoshaders, the game simply plays slow, like moving in treacle. I suspect (and have somewhat confirmed) that the game isn't meant to be played on integrated graphics :-/

Hope something more laptop friendly is added to this bundle before it's over. While Fez is playable on the machine you get the impressoin that more oomph would help. And I'm not even going to try installing Trine 2. (FTL is utterly brilliant and works perfectly on a laptop, though, but I had that already)


#12 2013-09-15 13:44:54

Registered: 2010-10-22
Posts: 2,141

Re: Humble Bundle 9

reannual wrote:

Hope something more laptop friendly is added to this bundle before it's over. While Fez is playable on the machine you get the impressoin that more oomph would help. And I'm not even going to try installing Trine 2. (FTL is utterly brilliant and works perfectly on a laptop, though, but I had that already)

"Laptop-friendly" is rather relative; Fez for Linux runs just fine on my Intel HD3000.  Which is strange since, under Windows 7, Intel graphics aren't officially supported. hmm


#13 2013-09-15 17:00:03

Registered: 2009-11-24
Posts: 155

Re: Humble Bundle 9

reannual wrote:

"EXT_texture_compression_s3tc required". Googling that led me to a comment on the AUR for 'trine' which suggested installing 'libtxc_dxtn_s2tc'. Which solved the crashes.

Ah yes, S3TC, I should have thought of that... (It's been a point of trouble for users of Mesa-based graphics drivers in several previous HIB games.)

First of all there's now a binary package in extra for that: libtxc_dxtn (So you shouldn't have to manually compile the one from AUR any more.)

Secondly, before I add that as a dependency to the game's AUR package, can you (or someone else who uses one of the open-source grahics drivers) please test the following:

1) Uninstall 'libtxc_dxtn' and 'libtxc_dxtn_s2tc' if you have it installed
2) Set the environment variable force_s3tc_enable=true
3) Run the game to see if it works. (Also check an actual game level, not just the menu, to confirm that all textures are displayed properly - no black rectangles where sprites should be etc. Also check that it doesn't runs slower than with 'libtxc_dxtn'.)

For some games that use S3TC textures, this has been known to be enough, since Mesa itself does in fact have limited S3TC support, it just disables it by default. In that case, I could just set the 'force_s3tc_enable' variable in the launch script installed by the AUR package.
Other games though, need the full S3TC support provided by 'libtxc_dxtn', that's why I need someone who uses a Mesa-based grahics driver to test it.

Last edited by sas (2013-09-15 17:12:05)


#14 2013-09-15 20:15:16

From: Denmark
Registered: 2013-04-11
Posts: 21

Re: Humble Bundle 9

sas wrote:

1) Uninstall 'libtxc_dxtn' and 'libtxc_dxtn_s2tc' if you have it installed
2) Set the environment variable force_s3tc_enable=true
3) Run the game to see if it works. (Also check an actual game level, not just the menu, to confirm that all textures are displayed properly - no black rectangles where sprites should be etc. Also check that it doesn't runs slower than with 'libtxc_dxtn'.)

Uninstalled 'libtxc_dxtn_s2tc' and ran the game just to be sure that it would crash again. It did. Then I ran:

force_s3tc_enable=true markoftheninja -enablelog

The game ran -- as far as I can tell -- exactly like it did when the package was installed. I.e. very slowly but to the same degree as before. That goes for the actual gameplay. Menus and cutscene videos run very nicely and responsively. But that wasn't what you were asking. For the (short) time that I played (a minute or so) I didn't notice any graphics artifacts of any kind (I did when I earlier on had tried forcing the choice of mojoshader).

Quitting the game revealed the following notice on the command line:

ATTENTION: default value of option force_s3tc_enable overridden by environment.

Last edited by reannual (2013-09-15 20:19:39)


#15 2013-09-16 10:01:27

Registered: 2013-09-16
Posts: 14

Re: Humble Bundle 9

reannual wrote:
sas wrote:

1) Uninstall 'libtxc_dxtn' and 'libtxc_dxtn_s2tc' if you have it installed
2) Set the environment variable force_s3tc_enable=true
3) Run the game to see if it works. (Also check an actual game level, not just the menu, to confirm that all textures are displayed properly - no black rectangles where sprites should be etc. Also check that it doesn't runs slower than with 'libtxc_dxtn'.)

Uninstalled 'libtxc_dxtn_s2tc' and ran the game just to be sure that it would crash again. It did. Then I ran:

force_s3tc_enable=true markoftheninja -enablelog

The game ran -- as far as I can tell -- exactly like it did when the package was installed. I.e. very slowly but to the same degree as before. That goes for the actual gameplay. Menus and cutscene videos run very nicely and responsively. But that wasn't what you were asking. For the (short) time that I played (a minute or so) I didn't notice any graphics artifacts of any kind (I did when I earlier on had tried forcing the choice of mojoshader).

Quitting the game revealed the following notice on the command line:

ATTENTION: default value of option force_s3tc_enable overridden by environment.

Same here.

It's very slow but at the lowest resolution it has a normal speed.


#16 2013-09-16 12:01:35

Registered: 2007-05-16
Posts: 87

Re: Humble Bundle 9

sas wrote:
Janusz11 wrote:

Yeah, the launcher in the game directory didn’t work at all for me. I changed into the /bin directory of the game directory and tried to call the game from there. And that’s when I actually got some error messages concerning some missing libraries.

You cannot simply run the trine2_linux_32bit binary directly without first setting $LD_LIBRARY_PATH so it finds its bundled libraries. That (and two other less important things) is what the launch script is for. Except that the bundled launch script is badly written, does lots of unnecessary/wrong stuff, and doesn't seem to work at all on Arch Linux. Thus, as piratebill already wrote, you're best off installing the game via my AUR package which installs a proper launch script.

Thanks. I didn't pay the game more attention than simply trying to getting it started. The other games are more interesting to me at the moment. But you're right, it was just a simple matter of setting the path to the necessary libraries.

I didn't use the AUR package as I don't want to install the game via pacman. But the launch script definitely comes in handy. Thanks again for your help!


#17 2013-09-16 19:08:09

Registered: 2009-11-24
Posts: 155

Re: Humble Bundle 9

Thanks for testing. I'll use force_s3tc_enable in the AUR package then.


#18 2013-09-18 19:13:59

Registered: 2010-04-27
Posts: 43

Re: Humble Bundle 9

Hi all,

had some issues with trine2, too. Obviously on my system two dynamic libraries were missing:

I downloaded the following packages from AUR:

You can simply build the packages with makepkg. I was too lazy to edit the PKGBUILD file for selinux-usr-libselinux and installed the package for selinux-usr-libsepol since selinux-usr-libselinux depends on it. After building selinux-usr-libselinux and tcp_wrappers you can simply put the files and to $TRINE2_HOME/lib/ and $TRINE2_HOME/lib/ respectively. After that I uninstalled package selinux-usr-libsepol and was able to start trine2. Haven't played yet but looks promising.

Cheers, Zmann


#19 2013-09-18 21:23:11

Registered: 2009-11-24
Posts: 155

Re: Humble Bundle 9

Four more games were added to the bundle today.

I highly recommend LIMBO and Bastion if you don't have them already (they were in previous bundles already).

The other two games are new to HIB (and to Linux) - I just created an AUR package for A Virus Named TOM, now checking out the gameplay... smile UPDATE: It's sort of like the old KDE puzzle game KNetWalk, only with much higher production values, a backstory, and a few twists... tongue

Those libraries aren't needed to run the actual game, only the optional GTK-based graphical launcher for the game (trine2_linux_launcher_32bit) links to them.

Last edited by sas (2013-09-18 23:05:13)


#20 2013-09-19 17:54:43

Registered: 2011-01-09
Posts: 97

Re: Humble Bundle 9

so i wanted to see how my laptop (asus x54c) is beahving with games on arch linux 64bit in 2013. still a PITA.

* eets munchies - fez - a virus named tom - rocketbird: work like a charm

* trine 2: works. had to install proper lib32 packages and modify screen resolution by hand in the .options file.

* limbo: installed and lib32-libsm, app fails at startup

process 1061: Applications must not close shared connections - see dbus_connection_close() docs. This is a bug in the application.
  D-Bus not built with -rdynamic so unable to print a backtrace
wine: Assertion failed at address 0xf772f430 (thread 001a), starting debugger...
wine: Unhandled page fault on read access to 0x00000000 at address 0x4f2b75 (thread 0024), starting debugger...
Can't attach process 0023: error 5

i think games should include their own deps in their bundle. distro compatibility is a bummer for linux.

Last edited by josephk (2013-09-20 11:20:12)


#21 2013-09-19 20:20:37

Registered: 2013-09-01
Posts: 5

Re: Humble Bundle 9

Same error with Limbo. Btw, Libo is a codeweaver's port, it includes all the necessary dependencies, but for some reason they don't work.

@josephk just a question, are you using arch 64bits?  becuase all the debug trace launches 32 bits dll's and I think that this limbo build is 32 bits (I'll decompile the 64 bit .deb and install it to be sure)

Desktop: Intel Xeon X5650 6-core / 24GB RAM DDR3 / 1TB SSD / nVidia 750Ti
Laptop: Asus N550JK - Intel i7 4700HQ / 16GB RAM DDR3 / 1TB SSD / nVidia GTX850M


#22 2013-09-19 20:54:10

Registered: 2013-09-01
Posts: 5

Re: Humble Bundle 9

Sorry for the double post. Limbo 64 bits debian package doesn't work either. I also redeemed the steam key for Limbo and Steam doesn't host the Luinux version, so I couldn't test it. I hope someone can tell us if he/she makes some progress with this.

Desktop: Intel Xeon X5650 6-core / 24GB RAM DDR3 / 1TB SSD / nVidia 750Ti
Laptop: Asus N550JK - Intel i7 4700HQ / 16GB RAM DDR3 / 1TB SSD / nVidia GTX850M


#23 2013-09-19 23:57:23

Registered: 2009-11-24
Posts: 155

Re: Humble Bundle 9

josephk wrote:

* limbo: installed wine and lib32, app fails at startup

Did you also try it with the AUR package?

josephk wrote:

i think games should include their own deps in their bundle.

They already do that to an extent, but it simply does not make sense (and will in fact cause problems) to duplicate half the Linux system libraries with every game.

Imo the way the HIB games are packaged right now does mostly make sense, although it would be nice if they published a comprehensive list of library dependencies for every game on their system requirements page.

But as an Arch Linux user you don't even have to worry about that, you can just install the games via the AUR packages... Not only do they take care of library dependencies, but also patch launch scripts and make other changes as necessary to run the games trouble-free on Arch Linux.


#24 2013-09-20 17:25:11

Registered: 2010-11-09
Posts: 55

Re: Humble Bundle 9

josephk wrote:

* limbo: installed and lib32-libsm, app fails at startup

process 1061: Applications must not close shared connections - see dbus_connection_close() docs. This is a bug in the application.
  D-Bus not built with -rdynamic so unable to print a backtrace
wine: Assertion failed at address 0xf772f430 (thread 001a), starting debugger...
wine: Unhandled page fault on read access to 0x00000000 at address 0x4f2b75 (thread 0024), starting debugger...
Can't attach process 0023: error 5

As sas said, you really should try the AUR package. It is far better than the Codeweaver's port.


#25 2013-09-22 23:40:20

Registered: 2013-07-19
Posts: 96

Re: Humble Bundle 9

Could someone explain how to install these games from the AUR? I have the same issue when installing the Limbo binary provided on the Humble Bundle site. Yaourt gives me: Could not find hib://limbo-1.3.tar.gz. Manually download it to "/tmp/yaourt-tmp-gulshan/aur-limbo", or set up a hib:// DLAGENT in /etc/makepkg.conf.

How do I set up a DLAGENT?


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