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any idea how i can get the cpufreq vicious widget working again? the vicious widget is looking for scaling_cur_freq which doesn't exist in /sys/device/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq and cpuinfo_cur_freq can't be read by user. looked at the vicious git but there havent been any updates in a while.
any idea how i can get the cpufreq vicious widget working again? the vicious widget is looking for scaling_cur_freq which doesn't exist in /sys/device/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq and cpuinfo_cur_freq can't be read by user. looked at the vicious git but there havent been any updates in a while.
mmmm its working
cpufreq = wibox.widget.textbox()
vicious.register(cpufreq, vicious.widgets.cpufreq, function (widget, args)
return args[1] .. ' Mhz ' .. args[5]
end, 5, 'cpu0')
mine's pretty plain; just an added statusbar with some vicious widgets and a call to ps to get the top process.
does anyone know why a wibox (and drawins in general) can be set to "normal" and "ontop" but not "above" (the default state for pretty much every other panel-type thing)? it's particularly annoying with shadows enabled because other windows' shadows get drawn on top of the wibox. i had to set compton to only draw shadows for type=dock. clients can be set to above just fine...
Last edited by shmibs (2013-09-05 18:08:28)
[site] | [dotfiles] | あたしたち、人間じゃないの?
does anyone know why a wibox (and drawins in general) can be set to "normal" and "ontop" but not "above" (the default state for pretty much every other panel-type thing)? it's particularly annoying with shadows enabled because other windows' shadows get drawn on top of the wibox. i had to set compton to only draw shadows for type=dock. clients can be set to above just fine...
Hello, I don't have any pictures to share, but seeing as I copied 90% of my config from this thread, I thought I'd add something to the discussion:
Here's my function for moving or resizing clients to a predefined position - I have the functions with different arguments bound to some clientkeys in my rc.lua
There's probably better ways out there, but I didn't find them, and in case someone else can't either they can copy this.
rettab = {}
-- {{{ Client snap-to functions
-- {{{ Position definitions
-- To change the defined positions, just modify these three tables.
-- All values are in percentage of workarea, borders are from edge of monitor
local abstract_borders = {top=0.008, side=0.006}
local abstract_sizes = {small={0.35, 0.5}, normal={0.43, 0.44}, long={0.3, 0.987}}
local abstract_positions = {tl=function(g) return {borders['top'], borders['left']} end,
tr=function(g) return {borders['top'], borders['right'] - g.width} end,
bl=function(g) return {borders['bottom'] - g.height, borders['left']} end,
br=function(g) return {borders['bottom'] - g.height,
borders['right'] - g.width} end,
center=function(g) return {wa.height/2 - g.height/2,
wa.width/2 - g.width/2} end }
-- }}}
-- {{{ Moving
local function find_borders_in_pixels(wa)
-- Converts the global abstract_borders into actual values based on workarea size
-- gives borders in pixels away from workarea borders - does not account for
-- multiple monitors or wiboxes (that is included later)
local topval = math.floor(wa.height *
local bottomval = wa.height - topval
local leftval = math.floor(wa.width * abstract_borders.side)
local rightval = wa.width - leftval
return {top=topval, bottom=bottomval, right=rightval, left=leftval}
function rettab.snap(c, scr, pos, wiboxhgt)
-- c is client, pos is symbolic representation of position (e.g. 'tr')
-- scr is screen (found through screen[c.screen])
-- wiboxhgt is height in pixels of your wibox
local cgeom = c:geometry()
local scrgeom = scr.geometry
wa = scr.workarea
borders = find_borders_in_pixels(wa, cgeom)
newgeom = {}
-- Uses the fact that wa and borders are not defined as local
newposition = abstract_positions[pos](cgeom)
newgeom.y = newposition[1] + scrgeom.y + wiboxhgt
newgeom.x = newposition[2] + scrgeom.x
-- }}}
-- {{{ Resizing
local function create_actual_sizes(wa, sz)
-- Converts abstract sizes into actual sizes based on work area size
-- wa is workarea
-- sz is symbolic size (e.g. 'small')
local function actu(tab)
return {height=math.floor(tab[1] * wa.height), width=math.floor(tab[2] * wa.width)}
pixel_sizes = {}
for key, value in pairs(actu(abstract_sizes[sz])) do pixel_sizes[key]=value end
return pixel_sizes
function rettab.resize(c, scr, size)
-- c is client, scr is client screen (from screen[c.screen])
-- size is symbolic size (e.g. 'normal')
local cgeom = c:geometry()
local wa = scr.workarea
local scrgeom = scr.geometry
local newgeom = create_actual_sizes(wa, size)
newgeom.x, newgeom.y = cgeom.x, cgeom.y
local borders = find_borders_in_pixels(wa)
if cgeom.x + newgeom.width > borders.right + scrgeom.x or cgeom.x + newgeom.height > borders.bottom + scrgeom.y then
newgeom.x = newgeom.x - math.max(cgeom.x + newgeom.width - borders.right - scrgeom.x, 0)
newgeom.y = newgeom.y - math.max(cgeom.y + newgeom.height - borders.bottom - scrgeom.y, 0)
-- }}}
-- }}}
You could combine the functions like
-- Assuming your wibox is 15 pixels high
function bottomleftsmall(c)
resize(c, screen[c.screen], 'small')
snap(c, screen[c.screen], 'bl', 15)
but I haven't (so this bit here is untested)
If your wibox is on the right or bottom - pass '0' as wibox height
If your wibox is on the left - add wiboxhgt to newgeom.x instead of newgeom.y in the snap function
Last time I tested it, this worked well on multiple monitors, but I may have introduced a bug since then.
Note: the 'rettab' is there because I define the functions in a separate file and include them with local funcs = require("myfunctions") where the 'myfunctions' module returns rettab.
I hacked awesome-vain too much I decided to create my own module instead: lain.
Like its precedessor, it's a set of complements for Awesome: layouts, widgets and utilities.
But it tries to stay out of your way, providing a lot of fancy stuff at the same time.
It will be part of awesome-copycats starting from version 2.0.
Some quick and not exhaustive screenshots:
Original ported vain can be found here.
@mony: Nice! How did you manage to show only current tag?
@mony: Nice! How did you manage to show only current tag?
With eminent
do you mean like this ?!
yes, exactly. setting to ontop does that, but also makes them draw over the top of fullscreen windows. also, what file manager are you using for your desktop?
/me stops there to avoid overrunning everything with questions.
I hacked awesome-vain too much I decided to create my own module instead: lain.
Like its precedessor, it's a set of complements for Awesome: layouts, widgets and utilities.
But it tries to stay out of your way, providing a lot of fancy stuff at the same time.
It will be part of awesome-copycats starting from version 2.0.
Some quick and not exhaustive screenshots:
Original ported vain can be found here.
this looks fantastic!
[site] | [dotfiles] | あたしたち、人間じゃないの?
yes, exactly. setting to ontop does that, but also makes them draw over the top of fullscreen windows. also, what file manager are you using for your desktop?
you can do something like this after setting the wibox to ontop
c:connect_signal("property::fullscreen", function()
if c.fullscreen or awful.layout.get(c.screen) == awful.layout.suit.max.fullscreen then
mywibox[c.screen].ontop = false
mywibox[c.screen].ontop = true
for s =1, screen.count() do
if awful.layout.get(s) == awful.layout.suit.max.fullscreen then
mywibox[s].ontop = false
screen[s]:connect_signal("tag::history::update", function ()
if (client.focus ~= nil and client.focus.fullscreen) or awful.layout.get(mouse.screen) == awful.layout.suit.max.fullscreen then
mywibox[mouse.screen].ontop = false
mywibox[mouse.screen].ontop = true
put it in the signals section in the end of your config
client.connect_signal("manage", function (c, startup)
I'm using nemo with --no-desktop option
and freedesktop for desktop Icons
Last edited by mony (2013-09-09 17:29:43)
I hacked awesome-vain too much I decided to create my own module instead: lain.
Like its precedessor, it's a set of complements for Awesome: layouts, widgets and utilities.
But it tries to stay out of your way, providing a lot of fancy stuff at the same time.
It will be part of awesome-copycats starting from version 2.0.
Some quick and not exhaustive screenshots:
Original ported vain can be found here.
@mony: Nice! How did you manage to show only current tag?
First of all, i love your stuff and today installed it.
so i've choose favorite theme, run awesome and popup this error message:
/home/papungag/.config/awesome/lain/widgets/bat.lua:92: attempt to compare nil with number
whats the problem?
sardina you definitely should!
I really like your desktop Jing. But how do you do to have cube? It seems like 3d. Is it compiz or conky maybe or the config in you rc.lua ?
Last edited by sylflo (2013-09-17 12:58:55)
I really like your desktop Jing. But how do you do to have cube? It seems like 3d. Is it compiz or conky maybe or the config in you rc.lua ?
nope its just the wallpaper...with conky overlayed on top, i'm not clever enough for that -.-' (tweaked this one with gimp )
Ok, the effect is amazing, it was a good idea and I'm not clever enought to think to do that . And the icons on the left bottom, did you do it yourself with gimp? And the same goes for layout at the right up ?
Edit: I'll post a screenshot of my desktop, when I'll finish to configure it. I'm new to awesome, but I like it, love shortcuts and modify it like I want .
Last edited by sylflo (2013-09-18 06:30:24)
Ok, the effect is amazing, it was a good idea and I'm not clever enought to think to do that
. And the icons on the left bottom, did you do it yourself with gimp? And the same goes for layout at the right up ?
Edit: I'll post a screenshot of my desktop, when I'll finish to configure it. I'm new to awesome, but I like it, love shortcuts and modify it like I want
the icons came from … -298501868
i just modified the colors a bit ^^ same with the layout icons (from zenburn)
oh and … tent=32627 goes pretty well with the theme
Sardina, please don't post again. I LOVE your shots.