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andornaut wrote:does anyone know how to unbind the "toggle visibility" from the clock?
Assuming you're using the example dzen2 script, it should be as simple as removing ^ca(1, bspc control --toggle-visibility) and the consecutive ^ca() from sys_infos.
[edit] Which was just done in the latest git commit.
Great, thanks!
bloom wrote:Stalafin wrote:What I find confusing is that I technically don't have two screens [...]
This should be fixed by ca2d030.
Got the latest git version - bspwm starts if I have my laptop running only, but exits immediately when I run it with an external screen attached. Not sure how to debug that at the moment.
Grab this patch and apply it to the standard Git PKGBUILD.
Install the package generated from this patched PKGBUILD.
(Afterwards, check that the output of file $(which bspwm) ends with not stripped.)
In a virtual terminal (without X running):
ulimit -c unlimited
sudo systemd-coredumpctl gdb bspwm
set logging on
bt full
And post the content of gdb.txt.
The issue might be fixed by 48d181f.
Or 6ae7601.
Last edited by bloom (2013-09-24 19:21:26)
Hi guys.
I was interested in the bspwm project and I wanted to try it. I think it's a really good wm but I have a problem with the panel.
I followed the directions but instead of the panel i see an empty space. Any ideas?
These are my file
[nicola@arch ~]$ cat .xinitrc
sxhkd &
[ -e "$PANEL_FIFO" ] && rm "$PANEL_FIFO"
mkfifo "$PANEL_FIFO"
exec bspwm -s "$PANEL_FIFO"
[nicola@arch ~]$ echo $PANEL_FIFO
[nicola@arch ~]$ cat .config/bspwm/bspwmrc
#! /bin/sh
REMAINING_DESKS="$(seq 2 9) 0"
bspc desktop Desktop01 -n $FIRST_DESK
bspc monitor -a $REMAINING_DESKS
bspc rule -a Gimp -d Eight --floating
bspc config split_ratio 0.52
bspc config border_width 2
bspc config window_gap 12
bspc config borderless_monocle true
bspc config gapless_monocle true
panel &
By default `honor_ewmh_focus` is `false`, which is good in that it prevents applications which are started in bspwmrc with rules such as the following from focusing on off-screen desktops when bspwm is started:
bspc rule -a Pidgin -d three
However, now when the pidgin tray icon is clicked, the 3rd desktop is no longer focused. This behavior can be changed by setting `bspc config honor_ewmh_focus true`, but then we have the startup-offscreen-desktop-focus issue again.
I've worked around this issue with the following in bspwmrc:
pidgin &
sleep 1
# set after pidgin starts so that desktop #3 isn't focused on startup.
bspc config honor_ewmh_focus true
I'm just wondering if anyone has any ideas on how to improve this workaround, or to better address this issue in general?
Last edited by andornaut (2013-09-25 01:53:36)
I tried this out yesterday. I wasn't able to get the panel working according to the instructions so I ditched it for now. But I must say, of all the tiling wm's I tried (not being able to configure any ) I liked this one the best!
Last edited by tedbell (2013-09-25 01:56:44)
I tried this out yesterday. I wasn't able to get the panel working according to the instructions so I ditched it for now. But I must say, of all the tiling wm's I tried (not being able to configure any
) I liked this one the best!
Though it sounds like you have already set roots here to some degree, you might want to take a look at i3. Its ease of configuration is amazing, and all configuration options are very well documented in the i3 User Guide on their site.
That said, I too am liking this window manager quite a bit. The panel is really quite easy if you know just a little bit of shell. Honestly, I know a lot less that I like to think I do, and setting things up in an efficient manner was really quite easy by just modifying bloom's provided config examples. I had used dzen2 in the past, so I decided to give LemonBoy's bar a go. It doesn't register click events (that I can tell), but I don't really use that feature anyway.
To get things going, there is a beginners guide link somewhere in this thread that makes it quite easy to get started with a working bar or dzen2. I think it was earsplit who wrote it up… but without scanning back through, I might be wrong on that.
tedbell wrote:I tried this out yesterday. I wasn't able to get the panel working according to the instructions so I ditched it for now. But I must say, of all the tiling wm's I tried (not being able to configure any
) I liked this one the best!
Though it sounds like you have already set roots here to some degree, you might want to take a look at i3. Its ease of configuration is amazing, and all configuration options are very well documented in the i3 User Guide on their site.
That said, I too am liking this window manager quite a bit. The panel is really quite easy if you know just a little bit of shell. Honestly, I know a lot less that I like to think I do, and setting things up in an efficient manner was really quite easy by just modifying bloom's provided config examples. I had used dzen2 in the past, so I decided to give LemonBoy's bar a go. It doesn't register click events (that I can tell), but I don't really use that feature anyway.
To get things going, there is a beginners guide link somewhere in this thread that makes it quite easy to get started with a working bar or dzen2. I think it was earsplit who wrote it up… but without scanning back through, I might be wrong on that.
Thanks for that! I did try i3 and I liked it a lot. I am actually torn between that and bspwm. Maybe I'll give it another go once I figure out configuring the panel a bit. I had some window trouble in i3 though. Maybe I'll install both and test drive. As long as I can set up a menu I'm sold.
As long as I can set up a menu I'm sold.
A menu? Learn to use dmenu and bask in its glory! …then go find Tilby's interrobang and see the wonders of built in completion.
Sweet. I just installed it again. I am having the same problem as Ayeye but I already have
exec bspwm -s "$PANEL_FIFO" -p W
in my .xinitrc. Can you help me with this or point me to a good beginners tutorial of dzen2? I'd love to have some conky output So I can keep my desktop clean. My present conky is extensive! Thanks for the advice.W ill definitely check out dmenu and interrobang.
Thanks. I followed those instructions to the letter.
I went through the thread and found that the command
which panel
which: no panel in (/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/bin/vendor_perl:/usr/bin/core_perl)
Here's my bash_profile...
# ~/.bash_profile
[[ -f ~/.bashrc ]] && . ~/.bashrc
[[ -z $DISPLAY && $XDG_VTNR -eq 1 ]] && exec startx
export PANEL_FIFO=/tmp/panel-fifo
export PATH=$PATH:/home/gorf
and standard bspwmrc...
#! /bin/sh
bspc desktop ^1 -n I
bspc monitor -a II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X
bspc rule -a Gimp -d ^8 --follow --floating
bspc rule -a Chromium -d ^2
bspc rule -a mplayer2 --floating
bspc rule -a --focus
bspc rule -a Screenkey --unmanage
bspc config border_width 2
bspc config window_gap 12
bspc config split_ratio 0.52
bspc config borderless_monocle true
bspc config gapless_monocle true
panel &
and .xinitrc
# ~/.xinitrc
# Executed by startx (run your window manager from here)
if [ -d /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d ]; then
for f in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/*; do
[ -x "$f" ] && . "$f"
unset f
# exec gnome-session
# exec startkde
# exec startxfce4
# ...or the Window Manager of your choice
#/usr/lib/systemd/systemd --user &
#exec openbox-session
sxhkd &
[ -e "$PANEL_FIFO" ] && rm "$PANEL_FIFO"
mkfifo "$PANEL_FIFO"
exec bspwm -s "$PANEL_FIFO" -p W
Thanks. I followed those instructions to the letter.
I went through the thread and found that the commandwhich panel
which: no panel in (/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/bin/vendor_perl:/usr/bin/core_perl)
If this is the case, then you didn't follow the instructions to the letter.
Yep I followed them to the letter. Cloned and installed all the files. Edited all the necessary files. Still no panel.
Copy the scripts in bspwm/examples/panel/panel and bspwm/examples/panel/panel_bar to some directory. Add this directory to your $PATH using export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/panel/scripts. Make the scripts executable running chmod +x panel && chmod +x panel_bar
Changes in environmental variables like $PATH are not preserved after reboots, to make them permanent you have to add lines like this one
export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/panel/scripts
to your .bash_profile / .profile / any_other_file_you_use_to_set_variables.
Thanks. I got those done.
Still no panel.
The 'Which panel' command is returning the folder with my scripts. I have dzen2 installed. I put the export variables in bash_profile and also in /etc/profile Still no panel showing up. I notice that panel is running though. I don't see anything though.
Last edited by tedbell (2013-09-25 07:18:07)
Ayeye wrote:exec bspwm -s "$PANEL_FIFO"
exec bspwm -s "$PANEL_FIFO" -p W
Thanks for reply. I modified my .xinitrc but i still do not see the bar. And the script panel is ok ( i think ).
[nicola@arch ~]$ which panel
@Ayeye and @tedbell,
Are you launching the panel in bspwmrc or some other script? If you're using dzen2, the example panel script must be launched as panel dzen2 or appropriately modified. If you're using bar, ensure it actually exists as bar-aint-recursive. The aforementioned panel script and panel_{bar,dzen2} (depending on which one you're using, of course) need to be in your $PATH.
Also, make sure you're creating the necessary fifo as described in the example xinitrc.
The examples are very straightforward. Feel free to peruse them, study them, care for them as if they were your own, etc.
I use linux and I dont understand nothing in this post.
The issue might be fixed by 48d181f.
Or 6ae7601.
Great, it works marvelously now! Thank you for your work.
Supplantr: Thanks for that. Still no luck. When I run the scripts manually from terminal it runs but I don't see anything. I tried this with all the scrips and panels in the examples. No panel is displaying at all.
EDIT: I've given up on the panel examples for now and am using a plain vanilla dzen panel.
Last edited by tedbell (2013-09-25 21:47:17)
Did anyone have managed to start bspwm as a systemd user service? Here's what I got so far:
$ cat .config/systemd/user/bspwm.service
$ systemctl --user status bspwm.service
bspwm.service - bspwm
Loaded: loaded (/home/me/.config/systemd/user/bspwm.service; enabled)
Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Thu 2013-09-26 01:29:23 BST; 5min ago
Process: 278 ExecStart=/usr/bin/bspwm (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
Main PID: 278 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
Sep 26 01:29:23 HAL9000 systemd[271]: Starting bspwm...
Sep 26 01:29:23 HAL9000 systemd[271]: Started bspwm.
Sep 26 01:29:23 HAL9000 systemd[271]: bspwm.service: main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Sep 26 01:29:23 HAL9000 systemd[271]: Unit bspwm.service entered failed state.
I know I should call sxhkd before bspwm however this is just a test service to get it running. I'm guessing that it's trying to start before X but I'm not quite sure how to approach it. Any pointers?
My windows are resizing veeeery slowly while compton is running. I think they were resizing normally at first(with compton running). Not sure what I changed as when it broke I didn't have time to troubleshoot, it has been a few weeks since then. Without compton enabled, windows resize faster but have horizontal tearing.
OK I think I identified the problem...
panel: line 19: bar-aint-recursive: command not found
is returned when I run the panel script from terminal.
And also this
Could not load font -*-terminus-medium-r-normal-*-12-*-*-*-c-*-*-1
I have the terminus-font package installed. Others are experiencing this issue... … setlang=he
Last edited by tedbell (2013-09-26 18:45:36)
OK I think I identified the problem...
panel: line 19: bar-aint-recursive: command not found
is returned when I run the panel script from terminal.
Do you want to use "panel_bar" or "panel_dzen2". You mentioned "dzen2" earlier, so I assumed you were trying to run panel_dzen2, but when I look at your bspwmrc it shows that you are executing "panel" (which defaults to "panel_bar").
If you want to use panel_dzen2, then change
panel &
panel dzen2 &
in bspwmrc.
You can also try running `panel dzen2` in a terminal to see if it works.
There are a few things you can check - enter these into a terminal while in bspwm:
[[ ! -z "$PANEL_FIFO" ]] && echo "\$PANEL_FIFO is: $PANEL_FIFO" || echo "\$PANEL_FIFO IS NOT SET"
which panel && which panel_dzen2 && which dzen2 || echo "NOT ALL SCRIPTS WERE FOUND"
Last edited by andornaut (2013-09-26 18:47:26)
Hi thanks for that reply!
First off here are the outputs of those commands:
$PANEL_FIFO is: /tmp/panel-fifo
Those are where the scripts are located.
I was able to run 'panel dzen2' fine now.
However I still have the problem with 'panel' and 'bar-aint-recursive'. I had to change the example script to execute 'bar'. And I get the following error:
Could not load font -*-terminus-medium-r-normal-*-12-*-*-*-c-*-*-1
I have terminus-font installed.
Thanks for the help all. I am already addicted to this wm.