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I have built a power strip I can control through USB. Now I have teach my computer how to turn on or off a plug , I would like that it turns on automatically my speakers when my computer play a song and turns it off when it stops.
As the music is controlled by mpd, I would like to know if it is possible to add this functionality to mpd? Or do I have to tell Alsa to make this work (how?)? Or do I have to make a daemon which will check whether a song is played or not?
You would write a simple mpd client for such a task usually. (not sure if perhaps 'mpc' has this built-in already)
Example C-program using libmpdclient that wakes up once mpd plays a song or stops playing:
* Compile: gcc mpdsonglisten.c -o mpdsonglisten -lmpdclient -std=c99
* Run: ./mpdsonglisten localhost 6600 <on_play_script> <on_stop_script>
* Example: ./mpdsong localhost 6600 'echo plays!' 'echo stopped!'
* It will call on_play_script once mpd starts playing,
* and on_stop_script once it pauses, stops or does something unknown.
* Error handling is done by ignoring none-fatal erros and trying to reconnect if
* fatal errors happen.
* */
#include <mpd/client.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdio.h>
static volatile bool not_ctrlc_pressed = true;
static bool check_error(struct mpd_connection * client)
if(mpd_connection_get_error(client) != MPD_ERROR_SUCCESS) {
printf("Error: %s (Retry in 1 second...)\n", mpd_connection_get_error_message(client));
if(!mpd_connection_clear_error(client)) {
return true;
return (client == NULL);
static struct mpd_connection * connect(const char * host, unsigned port)
struct mpd_connection * client = NULL;
for(;;) {
client = mpd_connection_new(host, port, 2000);
if(check_error(client)) {
return client;
void cancel_signal(int signal)
if(signal == SIGINT) {
not_ctrlc_pressed = false;
int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
if (argc < 3) {
printf("Usage: prog <hostname> <port>");
int previous_sond_id = -1;
enum mpd_state prev_state = MPD_STATE_UNKNOWN;
struct mpd_connection * client = connect(argv[1], strtol(argv[2], NULL, 10));
signal(SIGINT, cancel_signal);
while(not_ctrlc_pressed) {
enum mpd_idle events = mpd_run_idle (client);
if(check_error(client)) {
client = connect(argv[1], strtol(argv[2], NULL, 10));
if (events & MPD_IDLE_PLAYER) {
struct mpd_status * status = mpd_run_status(client);
if (status != NULL) {
enum mpd_state play_state = mpd_status_get_state(status);
int current_song_id = mpd_status_get_song_id(status);
switch(play_state) {
if (current_song_id != previous_sond_id && prev_state != play_state) {
previous_sond_id = current_song_id;
if (argc > 3)
previous_sond_id = -1;
if (argc > 4)
prev_state = play_state;
if(client != NULL) {
(also as gist here:
Edit: Added error handling // do not consume 100% cpu when connection fails.
Last edited by SahibBommelig (2013-09-26 18:07:56)
Awesome client program, running it as a daemon to manipulate my A/V receiver when a song is played and also add more songs to the play list when stopping (
I did have a problem in that I have a init.d script that runs mpdsonglisten on system start; however, it seems to be taking 100% CPU, any idea why that may be? My laptop has horrible cooling and fragile GPU, so I end up stopping the service and restarting again. MInimal CPU is used after that and anytime outside of system start.
This is the call I'm using to start mpdsonglisten as a daemon:
start-stop-daemon -c root:root -b --start --quiet --exec /usr/local/bin/mpdsonglisten localhost 6600 /usr/local/bin/mpc_play /usr/local/bin/mpc_stop
Thanks for any help!
Last edited by guikubivan (2013-09-25 16:56:42)
I have built a power strip I can control through USB.
Do you have a link to schematics/plans/etc?
But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain - that it has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case, it is unfit to exist.
-Lysander Spooner
Awesome client program, running it as a daemon to manipulate my A/V receiver when a song is played and also add more songs to the play list when stopping (
I did have a problem in that I have a init.d script that runs mpdsonglisten on system start; however, it seems to be taking 100% CPU, any idea why that may be? My laptop has horrible cooling and fragile GPU, so I end up stopping the service and restarting again. MInimal CPU is used after that and anytime outside of system start.
This is the call I'm using to start mpdsonglisten as a daemon:
start-stop-daemon -c root:root -b --start --quiet --exec /usr/local/bin/mpdsonglisten localhost 6600 /usr/local/bin/mpc_play /usr/local/bin/mpc_stop
Thanks for any help!
That's the fault of the client program. I've edited my post above with a fixed version. If a error happens (like connection refused) it would enter an endless loop. Now it will try to reconnect every second.
That's the fault of the client program. I've edited my post above with a fixed version. If a error happens (like connection refused) it would enter an endless loop. Now it will try to reconnect every second.
Yay, I confirm it's working flawlessly, very much appreciated!