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However I still have the problem with 'panel' and 'bar-aint-recursive'. I had to change the example script to execute 'bar'. And I get the following error:
Could not load font -*-terminus-medium-r-normal-*-12-*-*-*-c-*-*-1
I have terminus-font installed.
Thanks for the help all. I am already addicted to this wm.
I ran into this problem, and after scratching my head for a while, I stumbled upon this in the wiki:
Some fonts like terminus-font are installed in /usr/share/fonts/local, which is not added to the font path by default. By adding the following lines to ~/.xinitrc, the fonts can be used in X11:
In case the first command causes the following error
you'll have to run
cd /usr/share/fonts/local;mkfontdir
as root to fix it.
This did the trick for me. Hope it helps.
However I still have the problem with 'panel' and 'bar-aint-recursive'. I had to change the example script to execute 'bar'.
The example panel script was recently changed to exec `bar-aint-recursive` instead of `bar`. Here's a link to the old panel script. I don't know much about it (I use dzen2), but I imagine that you'd want to install an executable named `bar-aint-recursive` to use the example panel script with the `bar` default. Try here and here. Looks like `bar` and `bar-aint-recursive` might be the same project... maybe the executable name was changed?
Last edited by andornaut (2013-09-26 19:30:14)
Offline … 5#p1326245
Last edited by bloom (2013-09-26 19:42:22)
Too late
I had the same issue with bar.
Try to add the path where terminus is to xorg.conf or somthing simliar and
xset +fp /the/path/where/the/font/is
xset fp rehash
fc-cache -frv && fc-list | grep "terminus"
If this does not work, you can install terminusmod. That fixed the issue for me.
Last edited by Neuromatic (2013-09-26 20:19:37)
/* No Comment */
tedbell wrote:However I still have the problem with 'panel' and 'bar-aint-recursive'. I had to change the example script to execute 'bar'. And I get the following error:
Could not load font -*-terminus-medium-r-normal-*-12-*-*-*-c-*-*-1
I have terminus-font installed.
Thanks for the help all. I am already addicted to this wm.I ran into this problem, and after scratching my head for a while, I stumbled upon this in the wiki:
Some fonts like terminus-font are installed in /usr/share/fonts/local, which is not added to the font path by default. By adding the following lines to ~/.xinitrc, the fonts can be used in X11: ... In case the first command causes the following error ... you'll have to run cd /usr/share/fonts/local;mkfontdir as root to fix it.
This did the trick for me. Hope it helps.
Thanks for this.
I tried it and still no luck. I even ran
fc-list | grep -i terminus
and there was no font listed as "terminus-medium"
/usr/share/fonts/local/ter-118b.pcf.gz: Terminus:style=Bold
/usr/share/fonts/local/ter-128b.pcf.gz: Terminus:style=Bold
/usr/share/fonts/local/ter-120b.pcf.gz: Terminus:style=Bold
/usr/share/fonts/local/ter-x16n.pcf.gz: Terminus:style=Regular
/usr/share/fonts/local/ter-112b.pcf.gz: Terminus:style=Bold
/usr/share/fonts/local/ter-x18b.pcf.gz: Terminus:style=Bold
/usr/share/fonts/local/ter-132b.pcf.gz: Terminus:style=Bold
/usr/share/fonts/local/ter-x28b.pcf.gz: Terminus:style=Bold
/usr/share/fonts/local/ter-122b.pcf.gz: Terminus:style=Bold
/usr/share/fonts/local/ter-x20b.pcf.gz: Terminus:style=Bold
/usr/share/fonts/local/ter-114b.pcf.gz: Terminus:style=Bold
/usr/share/fonts/local/ter-x14n.pcf.gz: Terminus:style=Regular
/usr/share/fonts/local/ter-x12b.pcf.gz: Terminus:style=Bold
/usr/share/fonts/local/ter-124b.pcf.gz: Terminus:style=Bold
/usr/share/fonts/local/ter-x24n.pcf.gz: Terminus:style=Regular
/usr/share/fonts/local/ter-x32b.pcf.gz: Terminus:style=Bold
/usr/share/fonts/local/ter-116n.pcf.gz: Terminus:style=Regular
/usr/share/fonts/local/ter-x22b.pcf.gz: Terminus:style=Bold
/usr/share/fonts/local/ter-116b.pcf.gz: Terminus:style=Bold
/usr/share/fonts/local/ter-x14b.pcf.gz: Terminus:style=Bold
/usr/share/fonts/local/ter-x12n.pcf.gz: Terminus:style=Regular
/usr/share/fonts/local/ter-x32n.pcf.gz: Terminus:style=Regular
/usr/share/fonts/local/ter-x24b.pcf.gz: Terminus:style=Bold
/usr/share/fonts/local/ter-114n.pcf.gz: Terminus:style=Regular
/usr/share/fonts/local/ter-x22n.pcf.gz: Terminus:style=Regular
/usr/share/fonts/local/ter-124n.pcf.gz: Terminus:style=Regular
/usr/share/fonts/local/ter-x16b.pcf.gz: Terminus:style=Bold
/usr/share/fonts/local/ter-x18n.pcf.gz: Terminus:style=Regular
/usr/share/fonts/local/ter-x28n.pcf.gz: Terminus:style=Regular
/usr/share/fonts/local/ter-x20n.pcf.gz: Terminus:style=Regular
/usr/share/fonts/local/ter-112n.pcf.gz: Terminus:style=Regular
/usr/share/fonts/local/ter-132n.pcf.gz: Terminus:style=Regular
/usr/share/fonts/local/ter-122n.pcf.gz: Terminus:style=Regular
/usr/share/fonts/local/ter-118n.pcf.gz: Terminus:style=Regular
/usr/share/fonts/local/ter-128n.pcf.gz: Terminus:style=Regular
/usr/share/fonts/local/ter-120n.pcf.gz: Terminus:style=Regular
'Terminus:style=Regular' IS terminus-medium.
/* No Comment */
Hey I finally got it working. Thanks guys!
I think it was either the terminusmod, the .xinitrc fix or generating a xorg.conf file (didn't use one) I just restarted and now the panel shows up.
Thanks everybody I really appreciate you all taking the time to help.
It's config time!
My windows are resizing veeeery slowly while compton is running. I think they were resizing normally at first(with compton running). Not sure what I changed as when it broke I didn't have time to troubleshoot, it has been a few weeks since then. Without compton enabled, windows resize faster but have horizontal tearing.
Can I see what compton options you're using? This is most likely a compton issue. I use:
compton -cCfFbG -I 0.05 -O 0.05 -D 4 -r4 -l-6 -t-5 -o.99 &
Can anyone point me to more panel_dzen2 examples, or panel_bar examples? Preferably with clickability? Very much new to dzen2!
Can anyone point me to more panel_dzen2 examples, or panel_bar examples? Preferably with clickability? Very much new to dzen2!
panel_dzen2 before the mouse actions were removed.
dzen & xmobar Hacking Thread at your local Arch Linux Forums.
I use linux and I dont understand nothing in this post.
Right on. Thanks supplantr
Can anyone point me to more panel_dzen2 examples, or panel_bar examples? Preferably with clickability? Very much new to dzen2!
You can run the following sed commands in the same directory as the example panel_dzen2 script to enable "clickability" .
sed -ie 's/bg(${BG})${PADDING}${name}${PADDING}/bg(${BG})^ca(1, bspc desktop -f ${name})^ca(2, bspc window -d ${name})^ca(3, bspc window -d ${name} -f)${PADDING}${name}${PADDING}^ca()^ca()^ca()/g' panel_dzen2
sed -ie 's/bg($COLOR_LAYOUT_BG)${PADDING}$layout${PADDING}/bg($COLOR_LAYOUT_BG)^ca(1, bspc desktop -l next)^ca(2, bspc desktop -B)${PADDING}$layout${PADDING}^ca()^ca()/g' panel_dzen2
Last edited by andornaut (2013-09-28 00:40:52)
tedbell wrote:Hi,
Can anyone point me to more panel_dzen2 examples, or panel_bar examples? Preferably with clickability? Very much new to dzen2!You can run the following sed commands in the same directory as the example panel_dzen2 script to enable "clickability" .
sed -ie 's/bg(${BG})${PADDING}${name}${PADDING}/bg(${BG})^ca(1, bspc desktop -f ${name})^ca(2, bspc window -d ${name})^ca(3, bspc window -d ${name} -f)${PADDING}${name}${PADDING}^ca()^ca()^ca()/g' panel_dzen2 sed -ie 's/bg($COLOR_LAYOUT_BG)${PADDING}$layout${PADDING}/bg($COLOR_LAYOUT_BG)^ca(1, bspc desktop -l next)^ca(2, bspc desktop -B)${PADDING}$layout${PADDING}^ca()^ca()/g' panel_dzen2
So can I just paste these into the config file?
andornaut wrote:sed -ie 's/bg(${BG})${PADDING}${name}${PADDING}/bg(${BG})^ca(1, bspc desktop -f ${name})^ca(2, bspc window -d ${name})^ca(3, bspc window -d ${name} -f)${PADDING}${name}${PADDING}^ca()^ca()^ca()/g' panel_dzen2 sed -ie 's/bg($COLOR_LAYOUT_BG)${PADDING}$layout${PADDING}/bg($COLOR_LAYOUT_BG)^ca(1, bspc desktop -l next)^ca(2, bspc desktop -B)${PADDING}$layout${PADDING}^ca()^ca()/g' panel_dzen2
So can I just paste these into the config file?
1) Change directory to wherever you saved the "panel_dzen2" example script. For example:
cd /usr/local/bin
2) Copy & Paste the following into into your terminal:
sed -ie 's/bg(${BG})${PADDING}${name}${PADDING}/bg(${BG})^ca(1, bspc desktop -f ${name})^ca(2, bspc window -d ${name})^ca(3, bspc window -d ${name} -f)${PADDING}${name}${PADDING}^ca()^ca()^ca()/g' panel_dzen2
sed -ie 's/bg($COLOR_LAYOUT_BG)${PADDING}$layout${PADDING}/bg($COLOR_LAYOUT_BG)^ca(1, bspc desktop -l next)^ca(2, bspc desktop -B)${PADDING}$layout${PADDING}^ca()^ca()/g' panel_dzen2
3) Restart bspwm (alternatively, kill and restart the panel).
Alternatively: If the "panel_dzen2" script is on your $PATH, then you might be able to just copy and paste the following into your terminal instead:
panel_dzen2=`which panel_dzen2`
sed -ie 's/bg(${BG})${PADDING}${name}${PADDING}/bg(${BG})^ca(1, bspc desktop -f ${name})^ca(2, bspc window -d ${name})^ca(3, bspc window -d ${name} -f)${PADDING}${name}${PADDING}^ca()^ca()^ca()/g' $panel_dzen2
sed -ie 's/bg($COLOR_LAYOUT_BG)${PADDING}$layout${PADDING}/bg($COLOR_LAYOUT_BG)^ca(1, bspc desktop -l next)^ca(2, bspc desktop -B)${PADDING}$layout${PADDING}^ca()^ca()/g' $panel_dzen2
Last edited by andornaut (2013-09-28 01:34:36)
I'll give it a try.
So it may just be a silly mix up somewhere, but for whatever reason, ~/.config/bspwm/bspwmrc does not exist for me. I would have created the dir manually myself, but I have no idea what would go inside of it aside from the example bspwmrc file. I'm not sure if this is happening somewhere along the make/install, but either way, I'm pretty sure something is screwed up.
On the contrary however, when I finish everything and hit startx, I DO get a blank screen. The only thing is... none of the hot-keys work at all so I'm just left there with a blank screen and no way of exiting bspwm. So of course I have to reboot.
I am following this guide here: … or-dummies - but there are some places where it can be a tad vague...
Oh right.. one more thing I wanted to add, which I guess is pretty self-explanatory at this point but... 'pacman -S bspwm' ... no longer works?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Last edited by kevinae91 (2013-09-29 06:26:43)
Just keep it simple.
@kevinae91, it rather sounds as though you might be just getting into the whole stand alone window manager thing. If that is the case, then this window manager might not be a very good choice for you. Yes it is awesome and I have been loving my short time with it, but it is also in heavy development meaning that the changes and fixes come quickly, and the configuration formatting is not entirely stable yet. This means that breakage is very possible at any time.
bspwm and bspwm-git are not in the main repos. Therefore pacman -S bspwm will not work at all. Also, pacman does not (and should never) handle anything in your $HOME. That is your job and responsibility to use and maintain. There is software that will create its own configuration directories and sometimes files, but this is not the case for most stand alone window managers.
If you can't get through that link above, you might want to try something a bit more straight forward for the time being, and allow bspwm to mature a bit (its moving pretty quickly I must say… thanks bloom). Might I suggest i3? I was a happy i3 user before bloom went and made this amazing window manager and tempted me away. The i3 user guide on their site provides some amazing documentation into how things work and are configured.
@kevinae91, it rather sounds as though you might be just getting into the whole stand alone window manager thing. If that is the case, then this window manager might not be a very good choice for you. Yes it is awesome and I have been loving my short time with it, but it is also in heavy development meaning that the changes and fixes come quickly, and the configuration formatting is not entirely stable yet. This means that breakage is very possible at any time.
bspwm and bspwm-git are not in the main repos. Therefore pacman -S bspwm will not work at all. Also, pacman does not (and should never) handle anything in your $HOME. That is your job and responsibility to use and maintain. There is software that will create its own configuration directories and sometimes files, but this is not the case for most stand alone window managers.
If you can't get through that link above, you might want to try something a bit more straight forward for the time being, and allow bspwm to mature a bit (its moving pretty quickly I must say… thanks bloom). Might I suggest i3? I was a happy i3 user before bloom went and made this amazing window manager and tempted me away. The i3 user guide on their site provides some amazing documentation into how things work and are configured.
Thanks for the reply.
I'm pretty interested in bspwm though, so I'll keep trying to get it to work. Pretty sure the only issue I'm having is why ~/.config/sxhkd/ and ~/.config/bspwm/ are not becoming actual directories after the make and make install. Am I doing something wrong in that respect? Should those directories be created after the install, or is that something that needs to be done manually? If it's manual, it's not a problem for me.. I just need to figure out what needs to populate those directories so that the wm functions correctly. I mean during the make and make install processes nothing fails or breaks at all, which is why I was confused when the window went blank like it should have, but would not take any input from the keyboard. I switched the hotkeys for xterm as well and that did not work either.
On a side note though, if no one minds to share this information, what dir/folder do you guys clone the repos to? I just cloned them to /etc as I figured that's where its config files would have ended up if it was available through the main repositories.
Last edited by kevinae91 (2013-09-29 08:45:41)
Just keep it simple.
bspwm and bspwm-git are not in the main repos. Therefore pacman -S bspwm will not work at all. Also, pacman does not (and should never) handle anything in your $HOME. That is your job and responsibility to use and maintain. There is software that will create its own configuration directories and sometimes files, but this is not the case for most stand alone window managers.
What WonderWoofy said there is the exact answer to your previous questions: no, the directories for config files are not created in your home during the installation process. You have to manually create them and then you should put in the config files the options that most suite you (remember to make those files executable)
Also, if you are an arch user, as I suppose you are, consider installing bspwm (or bspwm-git if you want to follow the development) from the AUR it will automate the installation and upgrading process.
@Bloom, @all
Since bspwm is becoming quite popular and the people coming here asking for help are increasing exponentially, how would you see the idea to create a separate topic for question about the configuration or installation problems and leave this one for development news by bloom, various feature requests, bug reporting and so on?
Well anyways, thanks for the help(?), but I got it to work. Just took a little bit of troubleshooting, trying different paths and what not, and now it works perfectly. Let's see what this thing can do!
WonderWoofy wrote:bspwm and bspwm-git are not in the main repos. Therefore pacman -S bspwm will not work at all. Also, pacman does not (and should never) handle anything in your $HOME. That is your job and responsibility to use and maintain. There is software that will create its own configuration directories and sometimes files, but this is not the case for most stand alone window managers.
What WonderWoofy said there is the exact answer to your previous questions: no, the directories for config files are not created in your home during the installation process. You have to manually create them and then you should put in the config files the options that most suite you (remember to make those files executable)
Also, if you are an arch user, as I suppose you are, consider installing bspwm (or bspwm-git if you want to follow the development) from the AUR it will automate the installation and upgrading process.@Bloom, @all
Since bspwm is becoming quite popular and the people coming here asking for help are increasing exponentially, how would you see the idea to create a separate topic for question about the configuration or installation problems and leave this one for development news by bloom, various feature requests, bug reporting and so on?
Also, cippaciong, what you said is exactly what I did to get bspwm to work. Still a couple quirks I need to iron out, but it's working nicely and now I'm just playing around with the windows and making sure everything works for every user on my box. I will definitely consider the AUR after I see how I like bspwm. Thanks!
Last edited by kevinae91 (2013-09-29 09:56:04)
Just keep it simple.
Hi guys! By the way bspwm is pretty awesome!
I am trying to bind pointer commands (ex bspc pointer -g move) to Mod4 + b:1 etc through xbindkeys but it isn't working ! Has anyone successfully bind mouse shortcuts through xbindkeys ? I can't find what i'm doing wrong!
My windows are resizing veeeery slowly while compton is running. I think they were resizing normally at first(with compton running). Not sure what I changed as when it broke I didn't have time to troubleshoot, it has been a few weeks since then. Without compton enabled, windows resize faster but have horizontal tearing.
I have the same problem of resize slowness but I don't use either compton or any other composite manager; I should investigate further.
EDIT: Even moving floating windows is slow, and I can confirm I'm not running compton.
Last edited by cippaciong (2013-09-29 13:59:13)
Hi guys! By the way bspwm is pretty awesome!
I am trying to bind pointer commands (ex bspc pointer -g move) to Mod4 + b:1 etc through xbindkeys but it isn't working ! Has anyone successfully bind mouse shortcuts through xbindkeys ? I can't find what i'm doing wrong!
I had the same issue with xbindkeys, but I did not find the answer I was been searched for. So I switched to sxhkd … worked.
/* No Comment */
Another question...
If I'm reading this correctly: … 202104c9ea then apparently there is no way to restore your layout after say, a logout or reboot/shutdown? Does this mean that every time you shutdown/restart your machine you need to configure you windows all over again?
Just keep it simple.
Anyone know of a way to move a window in FROM a desktop? I'd like to make a script that starts an application if it's not already running, then move it to/from a desktop with a single button--if at all possible.