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cippaciong wrote:@Rasi : Which shell interpreter are you using in your bspwmrc?
Full path?
after manually killing all processes now, it seems to work.
But i have another VERY annoying bug.
In bspwm every X keystrokes are ignored. I guess thats some kind of shxkd bug...
He hoped and prayed that there wasn't an afterlife. Then he realized there was a contradiction involved here and merely hoped that there wasn't an afterlife.
Douglas Adams
config is the example config from git.
i will try -n later
He hoped and prayed that there wasn't an afterlife. Then he realized there was a contradiction involved here and merely hoped that there wasn't an afterlife.
Douglas Adams
In sxhkdrc, I removed the super + bracket{left, right} for changing desktops, and added super + {left, right} for the same purpose. But it doesn't work; nothing happens as I press super + left/right.
Yes, I restarted xorg/bspc.
super + {left, right}
bspc desktop -f {prev, next}
Last edited by Ploppz (2013-10-04 16:49:39)
Another thing:
I am trying to open a floating termite window.
super + shift + t
termite \
bspc window -t floating \
I tried with and without the last '\', but neither works.
super + shift + t
bspc rule -a termite --floating --one-shot; \
Would it be possible to store history per-desktop as well as globally, and allow applicable commands to use either set?
I use linux and I dont understand nothing in this post.
Would it be possible to store history per-desktop as well as globally, and allow applicable commands to use either set?
(I don't need to store the history locally, I can deduce the local history from the global history.)
I could provide a last_local selector.
Would it be helpful?
Something strange just happened. I was al of a sudden only able to use one shortcut: super + T, which opens Termite. Whenever I wrote a command with bspc, it said "Could not connect to socket.". And all I could do was pkill x.
Edit: Oh. I see what I did wrong. I emptied /tmp, which I thought did not contain anything important.
Last edited by Ploppz (2013-10-05 15:49:03)
I could provide a last_local selector.
Would it be helpful?
Yes, this would be useful.
I use linux and I dont understand nothing in this post.
Hey guys, I have a small problem. I would like to switch to using URXVT after having used sakura terminal and lx-term and the like for awhile. I like how it uses Xresources directly and stuff like that. The problem being that when I run it, it does not obey the window manager at all and just sits in the top left corner. I have to do a killall command due to not being able to interact with the window at all. It also does not obey any parameters set in .Xresources. I would post mine, but it is very simplistic with only the font hinting and some color stuff for urxvt. Any tips, or anything that I need to post to give more info, as I have no idea what would affect this.
This should be simple for you guys lol...
What's the syntax for setting things under the Global Settings section: ? I keep trying variations but I can't get the window/borders to color the way I want them. I do add those commands to the bspwmrc file right?
I tried:
bspc config focused_border_color #00FFFF
But that doesn't work..
Last edited by kevinae91 (2013-10-06 07:13:02)
Just keep it simple.
kevinae91 wrote:bspc config focused_border_color #00FFFF
For the shell, # indicates the beginning of a comment...
This will probably work better:
bspc config focused_border_color "#00FFFF"
Oh god... lol. I think I was in the twilight zone last night...
Thanks bloom. And thanks for this awesome wm!
As well I would like to add another quick question...
I already asked this here, but I figure I could ask it again to you specifically; Is there a way, or could there be a future, for a feature that saves the layout of the windows? As in... when I lay out the windows the way I want them, and then I go to reboot/shutdown, and then when I start up bspwm again, I can just use a hotkey to open up the window layout just as it was before I shutdown/reboot? Instead of having to open up a new set of terminals/windows every time I start up bspwm.
Last edited by kevinae91 (2013-10-06 20:19:55)
Just keep it simple.
instantepiphany wrote:The fact that the problem exists but not as bad when I don't have compton running makes me think that it may not be compton, but compton exacerbates the problem greatly.
Does it happen with every window of every client?
Have you tried with an empty .Xresources?
(And an empty bspwmrc?)
Could you check if ea49ed3 is related to the issue?
Yes, every client I have tried has done this. even blank urxvt windows do it. The problems persisted with an empty bspwmrc and Xresources. I had a look at that commit but i don't know C at all. or did I misunderstand you? Regardless I couldn't gain any insights from reading that commit.
Is there a way, or could there be a future, for a feature that saves the layout of the windows? As in... when I lay out the windows the way I want them, and then I go to reboot/shutdown, and then when I start up bspwm again, I can just use a hotkey to open up the window layout just as it was before I shutdown/reboot?
This is:
Not a window manager task.
instantepiphany wrote:Or did I misunderstand you?
Could you try to find the commit that introduced the problem (if there is one) with git bisect?
Or do you need more detailed instructions?
Ah ok. I started git bisect, marked the current version as bad, then did "git checkout 6110b14" and did "git fetch". I just chose an arbitrary version that was from before I even started using bspwm. I then compiled and installed and the problem is still there. So (assuming I understand how git works and I did actually revert to that version correctly) does this mean that I screwed something else up and it isn't anything to do with some code you pushed? I am probably doing everything wrong...
So (assuming I understand how git works and I did actually revert to that version correctly) does this mean that I screwed something else up and it isn't anything to do with some code you pushed?
It would seem so.
One small feature reqest.. Is there any way to implement a window rule to remove borders, or make a border_color option for "none"? I'm trying to implemement a blank window like so:
Currently, I've just created a blank transparent X window. It looks great when the borders are turned off.
Another option could be to simply spawn a "null" window at some point in the tree that is just a blank transparent window with no decorations.
Manual tilers do this when "preselecting" a space to spawn the next window in.
This would allow me to make a desktop look like this:
Leaving space to run floating windows to the left, while still being able to tile in the grid
Last edited by earsplit (2013-10-08 19:31:17)