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My last upgrade prior to 1/05/06 was 10/30/05 and that boot was labeled 0.7.1.
I switched to udev some time ago.
The upgrade today seemed to run perfectly (I'm impressed by the obviously skilled work in this process) and I monitored the questions and executed the instructions, including the addition of initrd to grub menu.
System boots properly and I can log in as user.
The command 'startx' produces too many screens to read (I know-use script) but the final display is "no drivers, no modules found, one of which is 'ati'". Please let me know if you need the full error output of startx.
Did I miss something in the upgrade messages which, of course, are gone now?
Bill Barnes
Did you migrate to xorg 7, from the testing repo?
Yes, I have been running with testing and unstable repos enabled.
install the drivers:
look here for migration … rade-xorg/
Why do I not find xorg.conf in /etc/X11
create it yourself with xorgcfg, we do not provide a xorg.conf
you can also do xorgconfig (or xorgconf?) which prompts you questions step by step -It's what's worked best for me.
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