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Salutations! I've written a bash script named tmpfs_backupv2 that links certain folders to a ramdisk and backs them up every 5 minutes. Can I get some code review before I release it as GPLv3?
Requirements : rsync, bash
Modifiable Lines :
flush_dirs | directories to back up every five minutes
cache_dirs | directories to not backup
backup_dir | directory to backup to
flush_time | time to flush flush_dirs to backup (follows sleep format)
bin_path | path of script
To see the available options, just run the script:
<path to script>/tmpfs_backupv2 --help
I currently run it on startup in $HOME/.xprofile on my Live USB.
Save as tmpfs_backupv2
## script to backup tmpfs home directories
## copyright by Mark Lee
main() { ## main insertion function
## set some directories and variables
declare -ra flush_dirs=("$HOME/.config"); ## directory : folders to move to ram
declare -ra cache_dirs=("$HOME/.cache"); ## directory : cache
declare -r ram_dir="/tmp/$(whoami)-tmpfs-cache"; ## directory : tmpfs root directory
declare -r backup_dir="$HOME/tmpfs-back"; ## directory : backup directory
declare -r flush_time="5m"; ## time : time to flush to backup_dir
## (follows sleep format)
declare -r stop_sync="$ram_dir/stop-sync.lck"; ## lock : stop syncing all files
declare -r bin_path="$HOME/Scripts/tmpfs_backup-pkg"; ## set the binary
## run some functions
parse-args $@; ## parse command line switches
check-setup; ## check to see if dirs are properly linked
ram-sync-daemon; ## sync flush_dirs to backup_dir all
check-setup() { ## setup tmpfs directories
if [ ! -d "$backup_dir" ]; then ## check if backup directory exists and
mkdir "$backup_dir" && ## make backup directory if it doesn't
for a in ${cache_dirs[*]} ${flush_dirs[*]}; do
cp -r "$a" "$backup_dir"/; ## flush all cache & non-volatile dirs to backup
if [ ! -d "$ram_dir" ]; then ## check if tmpfs root exists and
mkdir "$ram_dir" && ## make tmpfs root if it doesn't and
for a in ${flush_dirs[*]}; do
name="$(basename $a)"; ## strip the directory of its root path
cp -r "$backup_dir"/"$name" "$ram_dir"/ || ## flush backed up files to tmpfs root
mkdir "$ram_dir/$name"; ## make the ram directory if there was no backup
rm -r "$a"; ## remove the permanent directory
ln -s "$ram_dir/$name" "$a"; ## soft link cache & non-volatile dirs to tmpfs root
for a in ${cache_dirs[*]}; do
name="$(basename $a)"; ## strip the directory of its root path
mkdir "$ram_dir"/"$name"; ## make the tmpfs cache directory
rm -r "$a"; ## remove the cache directory (might not exist)
ln -s "$ram_dir/$name" "$a"; ## soft link cache directory to tmpfs root
flush-cache() { ## flush cache to backup
for a in ${flush_dirs[*]}; do ## loop for all flush_dirs
name="$(basename $a)"; ## strip the directory of its root path
rsync -r --delete \
"$ram_dir/$name" "$backup_dir"/; ## flush to backup_dir
ram-sync-daemon() { ## daemon to sync directories to disk
# flush_dirs | sync every $flush_time to $backup_dir #
# cache_dirs | sync only on shutdown #
while [[ ! -e "$stop_sync" ]] ;do ## run unless lock file is present
sleep $flush_time; ## wait for flush_time
flush-cache; ## flush cache to backup
help-man() { ## print help manual
echo '
where options are:
[usage]: tmpfs_backup [options]
-r or --restart | restart tmpfs_backup
-nc or --no-check | do not run tmpfs_backup setup
-f or --flush-cache | flush tmpfs to backup
-kill or --kill | kill tmpfs_backup ram-sync-daemon
-h or --help | print this help screen
tmpfs_backup <run tmpfs_backup>
tmpfs_backup -flush-cache <flush tmpfs cache immediately>
tmpfs_backup -restart <restart tmpfs_backup>
tmpfs_backup -kill <shut down ram-sync-daemon>
Press "Ctrl-C" to exit any time
parse-args() { ## handle command line switches
for a in $@; do ## check all switches passed
case $a in ## evaluate switches according to cases
alias check-setup='echo >/dev/null' ## link check-setup to a null function
echo "Restarting tmpfs_backup..."; ## restart tmpfs_backup by generating
touch "$stop_sync" && ## stop_sync file and
rm "$stop_sync" && ## delete stop_sync file and
nohup \
bash "$bin_path/tmpfs_backupv2" -nc & ## fork tmpfs_backup and don't setup dirs
echo "Restarted tmpfs_backup";
exit 0;
echo "Killing tmpfs_backup...";
touch "$stop_sync" && ## generate the stop_sync file to
flush-cache; ## stop ram-sync-daemon and
echo "Killed tmpfs_backup!"; ## flush the cache and
exit 0; ## exit the script
flush-cache && ## flush cache immediately to backup
echo "Flushed cache to backup";
exit 0;
help-man; ## print the help manual and
exit 0; ## exit the script
echo "Unrecognized option : $a"; ## tell user that the switch is not supported
help-man; ## print the help manual and
exit 1; ## exit the script
main $@; ## run the main insertion function
Last edited by Bluerider (2013-10-12 01:40:45)
I've had comments on how I comment things before; if it is easier to read the script without comments just use the following code :
echo '#!/bin/bash' > <path to file>/tmpfs_backupv2-stripped;
awk -F'#' '{print $1}' <path to file>/tmpfs_backupv2 | \
awk 'NF' >> <path to file>/tmpfs_backupv2-stripped
tmpfs_backupv2-stripped will not have comments.
Last edited by Bluerider (2013-10-12 00:56:11)
Seems similar to anything-sync-daemon which is mentionned in the SSD page of the wiki.
I'm reading Mine has the big difference of not requiring root access. Users call the script so there shouldn't be large security issues regarding directory permissions.
In addition, I'm seeing that the uses a substantially bigger script (245 lines vs. 129 lines). I'm glad that anything-sync-daemon exists (I haven't tested it out or even heard of it before it was mentioned by stqn), but I feel tmpfs_backupv2 is more concise, cleaner, and sets good default directory permissions.
In addition, I'm seeing that the uses a substantially bigger script (245 lines vs. 129 lines). I'm glad that anything-sync-daemon exists (I haven't tested it out or even heard of it before it was mentioned by stqn), but I feel tmpfs_backupv2 is more concise, cleaner, and sets good default directory permissions.
These are two different products. ASD is full blown systemd service controlled product that allow so the syncing of multiple targets by multiple users. Your product is a user-level one. ASD is heavily commented and has many one-liners spread over multiple lines with \ characters for ease of reading, so comparing the total # of lines is a pretty pointless metric.
CPU-optimized Linux-ck packages @ Repo-ck • AUR packages • Zsh and other configs
Bluerider wrote:In addition, I'm seeing that the uses a substantially bigger script (245 lines vs. 129 lines). I'm glad that anything-sync-daemon exists (I haven't tested it out or even heard of it before it was mentioned by stqn), but I feel tmpfs_backupv2 is more concise, cleaner, and sets good default directory permissions.
These are two different products. ASD is full blown systemd service controlled product that allow so the syncing of multiple targets by multiple users. Your product is a user-level one. ASD is heavily commented and has many one-liners spread over multiple lines with \ characters for ease of reading, so comparing the total # of lines is a pretty pointless metric.
Since they are different products, I'm wondering if there's a place for my script on the AUR.
The AUR is the Wild Wild West; there is no formal approval process. Just upload a PKGBUILD for your wares and it's there.
CPU-optimized Linux-ck packages @ Repo-ck • AUR packages • Zsh and other configs
I've patched the system locking issue caused by syncing files with slow write speed (like to my USB stick). I now use a copy on write system where tmpfs files are copied in ram and then flushed to backup. See updated code.
## script to backup tmpfs home directories
## written by Mark Lee
main() { ## main insertion function
## set some directories and variables
declare -ra flush_dirs=("$HOME/.config"); ## directory : folders to move to ram
declare -ra cache_dirs=("$HOME/.cache"); ## directory : cache
declare -r ram_dir="/tmp/$(whoami)-tmpfs-cache"; ## directory : tmpfs root directory
declare -r backup_dir="$HOME/tmpfs-back"; ## directory : backup directory
declare -r COW="$ram_dir/COW"; ## directory : Copy-on-write to stop system locking
## from slow writes to backup
declare -r flush_time="5m"; ## time : time to flush to backup_dir
## (follows sleep format)
declare -r stop_sync="$ram_dir/stop-sync.lck"; ## lock : stop syncing all files
declare -r bin_path="$HOME/Scripts/tmpfs_backup-pkg"; ## set the binary
## run some functions
parse-args $@; ## parse command line switches
check-setup; ## check to see if dirs are properly linked
ram-sync-daemon; ## sync flush_dirs to backup_dir all
check-setup() { ## setup tmpfs directories
if [ ! -d "$backup_dir" ]; then ## check if backup directory exists and
mkdir "$backup_dir" && ## make backup directory if it doesn't
for a in ${cache_dirs[*]} ${flush_dirs[*]}; do
cp -r "$a" "$backup_dir"/; ## flush all cache & non-volatile dirs to backup
if [ ! -d "$ram_dir" ]; then ## check if tmpfs root exists and
mkdir "$ram_dir" && ## make tmpfs root if it doesn't and
mkdir "$COW" && ## make copy-on-write directory
for a in ${flush_dirs[*]}; do
name="$(basename $a)"; ## strip the directory of its root path
cp -r "$backup_dir"/"$name" "$ram_dir"/ || ## flush backed up files to tmpfs root
mkdir "$ram_dir/$name"; ## make the ram directory if there was no backup
rm -r "$a"; ## remove the permanent directory
ln -s "$ram_dir/$name" "$a"; ## soft link cache & non-volatile dirs to tmpfs root
for a in ${cache_dirs[*]}; do
name="$(basename $a)"; ## strip the directory of its root path
mkdir "$ram_dir"/"$name"; ## make the tmpfs cache directory
rm -r "$a"; ## remove the cache directory (might not exist)
ln -s "$ram_dir/$name" "$a"; ## soft link cache directory to tmpfs root
function flush-cache() { ## flush cache to backup
for a in ${flush_dirs[*]}; do ## loop for all flush_dirs
name="$(basename $a)"; ## strip the directory of its root path
rsync -r "$ram_dir/$name" "$COW/"; ## COW-like copy to stop system from locking due
## to slow writes to backup
rsync -r --delete "$COW/$name" "$backup_dir/"; ## flush files to backup
rm -r "$COW/$name" ## remove COW file
ram-sync-daemon() { ## daemon to sync directories to disk
# flush_dirs | sync every $flush_time to $backup_dir #
# cache_dirs | sync only on shutdown #
while [[ ! -e "$stop_sync" ]] ;do ## run unless lock file is present
sleep $flush_time; ## wait for flush_time
flush-cache; ## flush cache to backup
help-man() { ## print help manual
echo '
where options are:
[usage]: tmpfs_backup [options]
-r or --restart | restart tmpfs_backup
-nc or --no-check | do not run tmpfs_backup setup
-f or --flush-cache | flush tmpfs to backup
-kill or --kill | kill tmpfs_backup ram-sync-daemon
-h or --help | print this help screen
tmpfs_backup <run tmpfs_backup>
tmpfs_backup -flush-cache <flush tmpfs cache immediately>
tmpfs_backup -restart <restart tmpfs_backup>
tmpfs_backup -kill <shut down ram-sync-daemon>
Press "Ctrl-C" to exit any time
parse-args() { ## handle command line switches
for a in $@; do ## check all switches passed
case $a in ## evaluate switches according to cases
alias check-setup='echo >/dev/null' ## link check-setup to a null function
echo "Restarting tmpfs_backup..."; ## restart tmpfs_backup by generating
touch "$stop_sync" && ## stop_sync file and
rm "$stop_sync" && ## delete stop_sync file and
nohup \
bash "$bin_path/tmpfs_backupv2" -nc & ## fork tmpfs_backup and don't setup dirs
echo "Restarted tmpfs_backup";
exit 0;
echo "Killing tmpfs_backup...";
touch "$stop_sync" && ## generate the stop_sync file to
flush-cache; ## stop ram-sync-daemon and
echo "Killed tmpfs_backup!"; ## flush the cache and
exit 0; ## exit the script
flush-cache && ## flush cache immediately to backup
echo "Flushed cache to backup";
exit 0;
help-man; ## print the help manual and
exit 0; ## exit the script
echo "Unrecognized option : $a"; ## tell user that the switch is not supported
help-man; ## print the help manual and
exit 1; ## exit the script
main $@; ## run the main insertion function
Last edited by Bluerider (2013-10-14 02:40:39)
I've split up the check function to allow online additions/removals from the flush_dirs and cache_dirs array. Now one can update the arrays in the script and run
tmpfs_backupv2 --reboot
to add/remove new/cached directories.
## script to backup tmpfs home directories
## written by Mark Lee
main() { ## main insertion function
## set some directories and variables
declare -ra flush_dirs=("$HOME/.config"); ## directory : folders to move to ram
declare -ra cache_dirs=("$HOME/.cache"); ## directory : cache
declare -r ram_dir="/tmp/$(whoami)-tmpfs-cache"; ## directory : tmpfs root directory
declare -r backup_dir="$HOME/tmpfs-back"; ## directory : backup directory
declare -r COW="$ram_dir/COW"; ## directory : Copy-on-write to stop system locking
## from slow writes to backup
declare -r flush_time="5m"; ## time : time to flush to backup_dir
## (follows sleep format)
declare -r stop_sync="$ram_dir/stop-sync.lck"; ## lock : stop syncing all files
declare -r bin_path="$HOME/Scripts/tmpfs_backup-pkg"; ## set the binary
## run some functions
parse-args $@; ## parse command line switches
check-setup; ## check to see if dirs are properly linked
ram-sync-daemon; ## sync flush_dirs to backup_dir all
check-setup() { ## setup tmpfs directories
## ensure some directories are set up
for a in "$backup_dir" "$ram_dir" "$COW"; do
if [ ! -d "$a" ]; then
mkdir "$a"; ## make directory if it doesn't exist
## set up all non-volatile directories
for a in "${flush_dirs[*]}"; do
name=$(basename "$a"); ## strip directory of path
if [ ! -d "$ram_dir/$name" ]; then
cp -r "$backup_dir/$name" "$ram_dir/" || ## flush backup to tmpfs root else
cp -r "$a" "$ram_dir/" || ## flush original directory to tmpfs root else
mkdir "$ram_dir/$name"; ## make tmpfs root cache directory
rm -r "$a"; ## remove original directory (doesn't matter if it fails)
ln -s "$ram_dir/$name" "$a"; ## soft link non-volatile directory to tmpfs root
## set up all cache directories
for a in "${cache_dirs[*]}"; do
name=$(basename "$a"); ## strip directory of path
if [ ! -d "$ram_dir/$name" ]; then
mkdir "$ram_dir/$name"; ## make tmpfs root cache directory
rm -r "$a"; ## remove original directory (doesn't matter if it fails)
ln -s "$ram_dir/$name" "$a"; ## soft linke cache directory to tmpfs root
function flush-cache() { ## flush cache to backup
for a in "${flush_dirs[*]}"; do ## loop for all flush_dirs
name=$(basename "$a"); ## strip the directory of its root path
rsync -r "$ram_dir/$name" "$COW/"; ## COW-like copy to stop system from locking due
## to slow writes to backup
rsync -r --delete "$COW/$name" "$backup_dir/"; ## flush files to backup
rm -r "$COW/$name"; ## remove COW file
ram-sync-daemon() { ## daemon to sync directories to disk
# flush_dirs | sync every $flush_time to $backup_dir #
# cache_dirs | sync only on shutdown #
while [[ ! -e "$stop_sync" ]] ;do ## run unless lock file is present
flush-cache; ## flush cache to backup
sleep $flush_time ## wait for flush time
help-man() { ## print help manual
echo '
where options are:
[usage]: tmpfs_backup [options]
-start or --start | run tmpfs_backup
-r or --restart | restart tmpfs_backup
| does not run check function
-reboot or --reboot | reboot tmpfs_backup
| runs check function
-nc or --no-check | do not run tmpfs_backup setup
-f or --flush-cache | flush tmpfs to backup
-stop or --stop | kill tmpfs_backup ram-sync-daemon
-h or --help | print this help screen
tmpfs_backup <run tmpfs_backup>
tmpfs_backup -start <run tmpfs_backup>
tmpfs_backup -flush-cache <flush tmpfs cache immediately>
tmpfs_backup -restart <restart tmpfs_backup>
tmpfs_backup -kill <shut down ram-sync-daemon>
Press "Ctrl-C" to exit any time
parse-args() { ## handle command line switches
for a in $@; do ## check all switches passed
case $a in ## evaluate switches according to cases
echo "Starting tmpfs_backupv3";
alias check-setup='echo >/dev/null' ## link check-setup to a null function
echo "Restarting tmpfs_backup..."; ## restart tmpfs_backup by generating
touch "$stop_sync" && ## stop_sync file and
rm "$stop_sync" && ## delete stop_sync file and
nohup \
bash "$bin_path/tmpfs_backupv2" -nc & ## fork tmpfs_backup and don't setup dirs
echo "Restarted tmpfs_backup";
exit 0;
echo "Rebooting tmpfs_backup..."; ## reboot tmpfs_backup by generating
touch "$stop_sync" && ## stop_sync file and
flush-cache && ## flush cache immediately to backup and
rm "$stop_sync" && ## delete stop_sync file and
nohup \
bash "$bin_path/tmpfs_backupv2" & ## fork tmpfs_backup
echo "Rebooted tmpfs_backup";
exit 0;
echo "Stopping tmpfs_backup...";
touch "$stop_sync" && ## generate the stop_sync file to
flush-cache; ## stop ram-sync-daemon and
echo "Stopped tmpfs_backup!"; ## flush the cache and
exit 0; ## exit the script
flush-cache && ## flush cache immediately to backup
echo "Flushed cache to backup";
exit 0;
help-man; ## print the help manual and
exit 0; ## exit the script
echo "Unrecognized option : $a"; ## tell user that the switch is not supported
help-man; ## print the help manual and
exit 1; ## exit the script
main $@; ## run the main insertion function
Last edited by Bluerider (2013-10-17 02:57:43)
Script now handles shutdown automatically. This will be uploaded to the AUR soon.
## script to backup tmpfs home directories
## written by Mark Lee
main() { ## main insertion function
## set some directories and variables
declare -ra flush_dirs=("$HOME/.config"); ## directory : folders to move to ram
declare -ra cache_dirs=("$HOME/.cache"); ## directory : cache
declare -r ram_dir="/tmp/$(whoami)-tmpfs-cache"; ## directory : tmpfs root directory
declare -r backup_dir="$HOME/tmpfs-back"; ## directory : backup directory
declare -r COW="$ram_dir/COW"; ## directory : Copy-on-write to stop system locking
## from slow writes to backup
declare -r flush_time="5m"; ## time : time to flush to backup_dir
## (follows sleep format)
declare -r stop_sync="$ram_dir/stop-sync.lck"; ## lock : stop syncing all files
declare -r bin_path="$HOME/Scripts/tmpfs_backup-pkg"; ## set the binary
## run some functions
parse-args $@; ## parse command line switches
check-setup; ## check to see if dirs are properly linked
ram-sync-daemon & ## sync flush_dirs to backup_dir all
check-setup() { ## setup tmpfs directories
## ensure some directories are set up
for a in "$backup_dir" "$ram_dir" "$COW"; do
if [ ! -d "$a" ]; then
mkdir "$a"; ## make directory if it doesn't exist
## set up all non-volatile directories
for a in ${flush_dirs[*]}; do
name=$(basename "$a"); ## strip directory of path
if [ ! -d "$ram_dir/$name" ]; then
cp -r "$backup_dir/$name" "$ram_dir/" || ## flush backup to tmpfs root else
cp -r "$a" "$ram_dir/" || ## flush original directory to tmpfs root else
mkdir "$ram_dir/$name"; ## make tmpfs root cache directory
rm -r "$a"; ## remove original directory (doesn't matter if it fails)
ln -s "$ram_dir/$name" "$a"; ## soft link non-volatile directory to tmpfs root
## set up all cache directories
for a in ${cache_dirs[*]}; do
name=$(basename "$a"); ## strip directory of path
if [ ! -d "$ram_dir/$name" ]; then
mkdir "$ram_dir/$name"; ## make tmpfs root cache directory
rm -r "$a"; ## remove original directory (doesn't matter if it fails)
ln -s "$ram_dir/$name" "$a"; ## soft linke cache directory to tmpfs root
function flush-cache() { ## flush cache to backup
for a in ${flush_dirs[*]}; do ## loop for all flush_dirs
name=$(basename "$a"); ## strip the directory of its root path
rsync -r "$ram_dir/$name" "$COW/"; ## COW-like copy to stop system from locking due
## to slow writes to backup
rsync -r --delete "$COW/$name" "$backup_dir/"; ## flush files to backup
rm -r "$COW/$name"; ## remove COW file
ram-sync-daemon() { ## daemon to sync directories to disk
# flush_dirs | sync every $flush_time to $backup_dir #
# cache_dirs | sync only on shutdown #
trap "bash $bin_path/tmpfs_backupv2 -stop" \
SIGINT SIGKILL SIGTERM ## set up a trap to handle sigterm and kill signals
while [[ ! -e "$stop_sync" ]] ;do ## run unless lock file is present
flush-cache; ## flush cache to backup
sleep $flush_time; ## wait for flush_time
help-man() { ## print help manual
echo '
where options are:
[usage]: tmpfs_backup [options]
-start or --start | run tmpfs_backup
-r or --restart | restart tmpfs_backup
| does not run check function
-reboot or --reboot | reboot tmpfs_backup
| runs check function
-nc or --no-check | do not run tmpfs_backup setup
-f or --flush-cache | flush tmpfs to backup
-stop or --stop | kill tmpfs_backup ram-sync-daemon
-h or --help | print this help screen
tmpfs_backup <run tmpfs_backup>
tmpfs_backup -start <run tmpfs_backup>
tmpfs_backup -flush-cache <flush tmpfs cache immediately>
tmpfs_backup -restart <restart tmpfs_backup>
tmpfs_backup -kill <shut down ram-sync-daemon>
Press "Ctrl-C" to exit any time
parse-args() { ## handle command line switches
for a in $@; do ## check all switches passed
case $a in ## evaluate switches according to cases
echo "Starting tmpfs_backupv3";
alias check-setup='echo >/dev/null' ## link check-setup to a null function
echo "Restarting tmpfs_backup..."; ## restart tmpfs_backup by generating
touch "$stop_sync" && ## stop_sync file and
rm "$stop_sync" && ## delete stop_sync file and
nohup \
bash "$bin_path/tmpfs_backupv2" -nc & ## fork tmpfs_backup and don't setup dirs
echo "Restarted tmpfs_backup";
exit 0;
echo "Rebooting tmpfs_backup..."; ## reboot tmpfs_backup by generating
touch "$stop_sync" && ## stop_sync file and
flush-cache && ## flush cache immediately to backup and
rm "$stop_sync" && ## delete stop_sync file and
nohup \
bash "$bin_path/tmpfs_backupv2" & ## fork tmpfs_backup
echo "Rebooted tmpfs_backup";
exit 0;
echo "Stopping tmpfs_backup...";
touch "$stop_sync" && ## generate the stop_sync file to
flush-cache; ## stop ram-sync-daemon and
echo "Stopped tmpfs_backup!"; ## flush the cache and
exit 0; ## exit the script
flush-cache && ## flush cache immediately to backup
echo "Flushed cache to backup";
exit 0;
help-man; ## print the help manual and
exit 0; ## exit the script
echo "Unrecognized option : $a"; ## tell user that the switch is not supported
help-man; ## print the help manual and
exit 1; ## exit the script
main $@; ## run the main insertion function
Last edited by Bluerider (2013-10-18 19:47:20)
Pages: 1