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These two things seem to be hating each other at the moment. Everytime I try to install the nVIDIA drivers, I get the following error.
Could not compile gcc-version-check.c. Please be sure you have your distribution's libc development package installed and that 'gcc' is a valid C compiler name.
The reason I blame the gcc version is because it is a prerelease, and the last time I used a gcc version like that in Linux, things messed up. Anyone know how to alleviate this issue?
I got it to work by exctracting the pkgbuild, hacking the makefile in the usr/src/nv folder, and running make install, but that is not really much of a fix. Oh well, at least I have it working now.
Strange... installing fine here.
Are you talking about the regular nvidia package, or the legacy one?
Microshaft delenda est
Strange... installing fine here.
Are you talking about the regular nvidia package, or the legacy one?
I am talking about the one you get from the extra repository. I get the same error with the nforce package too.
The error disappeared, oddly. I do not know if it will resurface or not, but for some reason it is gone. O_o Whatever. heh