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So, I just installed Cinnamon, and Im using the Loki theme. I'm looking for a way though to change all my window themese as well. What I've found seems to rely on GTK, but I'm not entirely sure of my options.
My goal currently is a dark, easily read theme with flat modern design. Glossy is a no no. I spend a lot of time working on programming and things like that, so I'm trying to find something that doesn't kill my eyes late at night.
Anyone know of something that meets the description?
add downloaded themes to .themes folder in your home directory
Go and install the Numix/Numix BLUE GTK themes from the AUR.
And yes, there are Shell Themes (which Loki is) and there are the GTK themes which deeal with the Window theming.
Claire is fine.
Problems? I have dysgraphia, so clear and concise please.
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Hmmm, Numix looks nice, but its not as dark as I would like. Definitely the right style of flat and minimalistic though.
So maybe you'd like to try FlastStudio Dark?
Like here - … :08:35.png
if u like flat colors take a look at cathexis as well