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#76 2013-10-29 03:03:19

Registered: 2013-02-09
Posts: 500

Re: bomi - A powerful and easy-to-use multimedia player!

Wow that sharpness fix patch of yours really upped the quality a ton, really nice. I can confirm that the artifacts in your screenshot that weren't in mine are just either difference in setup or quality of the screenshot or imgur's compression. They don't show for me.

This color difference is definitely weird though and i can also confirm that the colors in K-Lite and MPV match so CMPlayer is again the odd one out, you should really look into this, it's important and my biggest issue with the player atm (good luck!, all i can say is that it seems to me like there's some yellow-ish overlay over the image)

Now, the long-awaited screenshots smile since Gimp actually does not seem to have the pixel aspect ratio correction option (at least not that i could find) i had to edit it's taken screenshots with photoshop to fix the pixel aspect ratio, thus needed to re-upload the MPV image.

I learned by comparing the shots that what really matters in MadVR is the "image upscaling" options rather than the "chroma upscaling" i don't really know much abut this to be perfectly honest, but i had lanzcos 8 on chroma and bilinear on image upscaling and the result would turn out blurry in comparison to CMPlayer/Mpv, so i tried playing with the settings until i'd get the best results.

My K-Lite settings are Chroma Upscaling:Lanzcos 8 & Image Upscaling: Lanzcos 4 (Lanzcos 8 didn't work if i used it here, i just saw boxes all over. the settings in the other players are the same as before.


The differences are by now very small between all three. K-Lite Just barely wins over Mpv in quality with higher sharpness and stuff, one really needs to be looking at the tiny details to see it though. Let's say if k-lite were 10 Mpv would be the 9.5, going to CMPlayer however it clearly has a different color making it quite a bit harder to compare it to the others so i can't really judge it until that's been fixed. When you have fixed that, i'll start comparing things again and see if i find any more details like this to point out, i'm always happy to help in every way i can after all smile (in this case by testing)

Update: I also tested the new Color Range options, they're cool to have, but i won't encourage you to spend more time improving them as apart from the Untouched, Limited and Full ranges they're really not very important, even if they do make for a pretty cool visual effect to use as a toy. I see no difference between Limited Range and Remap Range, The extended range does not bring the same colors as before but certainly it is very similar and makes everything look very vivid, so it's like i said definitely a cool thing to have. smile If you really want to get it right though, remember you can always use VLC for reference with its option that creates the same color range as CMPlayer used to have for 10-bit files.

Last edited by rabcor (2013-10-29 04:16:01)


#77 2013-10-29 04:34:12

From: Serbia
Registered: 2008-08-19
Posts: 127

Re: bomi - A powerful and easy-to-use multimedia player!

From version to version cmplayer is better and better, now i have noticed few things more to fix.

- When i start video file, window show allways bottom, one half is viewable and other is not. (it will be good when call program to windwow be centred on screen in video resolution).

- Second thing i think it is better to video window have normal window atribute not ""allways on top" it broke alt+tab function. (maybe is this featur better when alt tabing to automaticly pause video when is video window not showing).

Thanks one more time cmplayer now look very competitiv to ohter player and good work to future.


#78 2013-10-29 07:20:22

Registered: 2011-04-16
Posts: 167

Re: bomi - A powerful and easy-to-use multimedia player!

The difference of color is notable for me too. I'm trying to figure out the cause.
Well, in fact, I have no other special idea for color range. Auto/Limited/Full/Remap cannot be changed since the coefficients are fixed by standard formula. Extended Range is kind of just for fun and the distortion can be more added but I don't think it's good idea. If someone wants more vivid color, he or she had better adjust saturation. Thank you again.

Well, I have to say thank you everyone who reports anything, including you. For first problem, I'll let you know after a test. For second problem, you can change the behaviour with the submenu 'Stays on Top' in 'Window' menu. Again, you can disable auto-pausing if it is annoying.

Last edited by xylosper (2013-10-29 07:21:41)


#79 2013-10-29 13:58:37

Registered: 2011-04-16
Posts: 167

Re: bomi - A powerful and easy-to-use multimedia player!

Do you think this shows right color?
The monitor at my office showed notable differences but my home monitor does not show big difference, so I'm not sure if the color is really changed or not.


#80 2013-10-29 17:17:36

Registered: 2013-02-09
Posts: 500

Re: bomi - A powerful and easy-to-use multimedia player!

Yes! that seems to be the right color to me! if it isn't at least it's extremely close to it, there still might be some difference though but i can't be 100% sure because of imgur's compression, i'll re-check to confirm it in the next version bump and compare the uncompressed PNG screenshots on my PC wink

How did you do that?

@Kosava, i noticed this about "Always on top" too, but as it turns out CMPlayer's default setting is "On top while playing" i think that makes a lot of sense to me, and it can be configured too. The player already has the "Auto-Pause" function you mentioned would be nice too, and it's on by default.

Last edited by rabcor (2013-10-29 23:58:27)


#81 2013-10-30 00:49:55

Registered: 2011-04-16
Posts: 167

Re: bomi - A powerful and easy-to-use multimedia player!

I replaced some parts of my code with mpv's codes. Mathematically, they produce identical results, so I think it was a problem of floating point value precision in type conversion. Anyway, I'll include it in next release.

Last edited by xylosper (2013-10-30 00:52:49)


#82 2013-10-30 09:38:32

Registered: 2011-04-16
Posts: 167

Re: bomi - A powerful and easy-to-use multimedia player!

I've just uploaded new version package. Please test it. This version contains only two minor bug fixes.


  * Fix: restoring window position didn't work
  * Fix: wrong color display of non-8bit-encoded sources

Last edited by xylosper (2013-10-30 09:55:30)


#83 2013-10-30 14:52:38

From: Serbia
Registered: 2008-08-19
Posts: 127

Re: bomi - A powerful and easy-to-use multimedia player!

Two subtitle at same time. … 920x12.png

I'm in process of learning CSS, think it need to be more like sex box, not check box tongue

Edit: In about dialog when i click on website link not opening for me.

Last edited by Kosava (2013-10-30 15:17:20)


#84 2013-10-31 01:25:57

Registered: 2011-04-16
Posts: 167

Re: bomi - A powerful and easy-to-use multimedia player!

What do you mean sex box? Multiple subtitle display is a key feature of CMPlayer. If you don't like it, you can configure it in Subtitle/Load tab in Preferences.
I'll check About dialog later. Thank you.


#85 2013-10-31 03:58:04

From: Serbia
Registered: 2008-08-19
Posts: 127

Re: bomi - A powerful and easy-to-use multimedia player!

Sex box you can check only female or male in form, but not both in same time.

Last edited by Kosava (2013-10-31 03:58:28)


#86 2013-10-31 04:20:26

Registered: 2011-04-16
Posts: 167

Re: bomi - A powerful and easy-to-use multimedia player!

Okay, I think you mean so-called 'radio button' or 'option button'. As I said, multiple stubtitle selecion is a key feature of CMPlayer and in fact, it is the motivation which made me develop new media player. Autoloading/Autoselection can be configurable, e.g., you can make CMPlayer auto-select the first subtitle only.


#87 2013-10-31 09:37:20

Registered: 2011-04-16
Posts: 167

Re: bomi - A powerful and easy-to-use multimedia player!

About dialog issue will be fixed in next release.


#88 2013-10-31 10:24:17

Registered: 2013-02-09
Posts: 500

Re: bomi - A powerful and easy-to-use multimedia player!

This is definitely good, comparing the raw PNG screenshots after whatever little compression photoshop likes to do to them, i'm seeing extremely small differences between the players... like they're really so small i have to be staring down to the very pixels to notice. Here's what (i think) i'm seeing.

K lite wins in upscaling
CMPlayer is very close to K-lite (I think it's just lanzcos 3 vs lanzcos 4 difference that i'm seeing)
Mpv has the worst upscaling out of the 3.

My point of reference when comparing was usually the line on the shoulder of the samurai, in Mpv it appeared slightly pixelated, in K-Lite it was pretty well... pretty... and in CMPlayer it was inbetween the two (but closer to k-lite), and yes i was looking at that one specific line to see the differences. I encourage you xylosper to jump at any chance you get to improve visual quality and upscaling, because there will always be people like me who will appreciate it. I do notice however if i look at that line that it's shape is different in K-Lite & Mpv than it is in CMPlayer which is pretty weird (this can be seen on Imgur too, it's a very small detail but it is there, i wonder why it happens). The differences were so small however that the compression of Imgur mostly makes them invisible.

Otherwise i'm thinking the players are mostly just equal in all areas when it comes to video quality, at least for 10-bit files. This is really great! and the graphical quality of CMPlayer is now good enough to make it most definitely my player of choice in Linux!

Now i'm really wishing i could point out audio issues, but my ears aren't as powerful as my eyes sad It would be nice to have an option to convert stereo sound to a custom channel map, K-Lite i know offers custom channel mapping for up to 18 channels even if i don't think it offers any upconverting option. I think this upconverting can be done through alsa though, i just haven't tried it yet, and not a lot of people know this, especially applying to the "ubuntu crowd" as i like to call them, meaning people with surround speakers on distros like that would be salivating over this feature and possibly using it as a music player too. Other than that i've got nothing to point out in audio since i have infinitely better drivers in Windows so i can't compare the sound of K-Lite to the others, and the sound in Mpv and CMPlayer seemed pretty much the same to me. It would also be nice to have an equalizer if you want to put the time into implementing that, not extremely important to me, but i'm sure it might be to audiophiles.

Last edited by rabcor (2013-10-31 18:27:19)


#89 2013-11-04 04:00:38

Registered: 2011-04-16
Posts: 167

Re: bomi - A powerful and easy-to-use multimedia player!

Thank you for all your cooperations.

I found some of bugs in interpolator routines. Also, Lanczos 4 and Spline 64 have been added. But they're significantly slow. I cannot even get 24fps with them. Maybe, your hardware can handle it. In fact, most of previous interpolators were not implemented well. Now they work as expected, but they require much more resources. For instance, new Lanczos 3 is 4 times slower than previous one. That's why every previous interpolator showed just blurry image. However, because previous Lanczos 3 worked well, though I cannot understand why, I want to keep it with new name.

For audio, I think it's easy to add channel mapping since it seems that ffmpeg or mpv already supports it. The biggest problem is, I have only two channel speaker...
Anyway, because equalizers are independent from channels, I'll try it first.

Last edited by xylosper (2013-11-04 04:01:01)


#90 2013-11-04 12:44:43

Registered: 2013-02-09
Posts: 500

Re: bomi - A powerful and easy-to-use multimedia player!

That's cool. I have 5.1 speakers so i might be able to test custom channel mapping for up to 6 channels. Custom channel mapping is one thing, but Up/Down converting audio sources to whatever the channel mapping is set to is another. I've been looking into getting such an effect (upconverting 2.0 to 5.1) on my computer, and figured out that Alsa has a simple way of doing this which is:

route_policy duplicate

However it is unfiltered so all it does is copy the original track to all speakers. It's enough for some people, certainly better than nothing but it's pretty primitive. Proper filtering would rather break up elements of the track and divide it among the speakers somehow i think. There is a way to do this in Alsa too but i haven't been able to get it right since i really suck at configuring alsa's config file, more here.

I have pretty serious hardware, if my GTX 670 won't handle it, there either has to be something wrong with the drivers or something wrong with the code. And yes tha previous Lanczos did in fact do well if you're saying that when it's working as it's really supposed to it's 4 times slower, and i agree that you should keep it under a different name. You could try naming it something like "Lanzcos 2.5" or "Lanzcos (Modified) 3" or even "Lanzcos 3 (Fast)"

Last one has a nice ring to it and most people can get the context that "fast" usually means reduced quality in some way.

Last edited by rabcor (2013-11-04 13:17:51)


#91 2013-11-04 12:53:01

Registered: 2011-04-16
Posts: 167

Re: bomi - A powerful and easy-to-use multimedia player!

@rabcor Btw, I've got a report which describes that 5.1ch media outputs only 2 ch, but I couldn't confirm it. It was months ago, so it could be fixed already somehow. How about you? Does current CMPlayer play all channels of 5.1 ch media?

Last edited by xylosper (2013-11-04 12:53:48)


#92 2013-11-04 13:28:14

Registered: 2013-02-09
Posts: 500

Re: bomi - A powerful and easy-to-use multimedia player!

Yes it seems that it's still a problem.

I picked up a certain file and checked media info. This one is 10-bit encoded.

Audio Codec: FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec) [lavc:flac]
Input: fLaC 0kbps 48kHz 6ch 32bits
Output: s32le 6144kbps 96khz 2ch 32bits
Output Driver: ALSA

I can also confirm that i hear nothing in my rear speakers. I definitely don't mind the 96kHz output, i've got a sound card that should support it and stuff. But shouldn't that be the same as the input? (although i think maybe it should be configurable) also what's that s32le?

update, i also tried an 8-bit encoded file.

Audio Codec: AAC [lavc:aac]
Input : mp4a 420kbps 48kHz 6ch 32bits
Output: floatle 6144kbps 96kHz 2ch 32bits
Output Driver: ALSA

Last edited by rabcor (2013-11-04 13:33:29)


#93 2013-11-04 13:46:35

Registered: 2011-04-16
Posts: 167

Re: bomi - A powerful and easy-to-use multimedia player!

Input means compressed data before decoding and output means decoded(and processed) data.
48kHz and 96kHz means each samplerate (larger is better). The output format is determined by codec and output driver.
s32le means Signed 32bit integer in Little Endian. It's one of audio data format.

Maybe I have to buy the cheapest one only to test 5.1 ch....

Last edited by xylosper (2013-11-04 13:47:35)


#94 2013-11-04 14:17:33

Registered: 2013-02-09
Posts: 500

Re: bomi - A powerful and easy-to-use multimedia player!

I doubt you have to do that if you can fix the output channels to be the same as input, custom channel mapping might help fix this issue.

But as an alternative to buying a 5.1 speaker setup, you could just buy another set of stereo speakers and set up a 4.0 setup (you can plug the other set of stereo speakers into the "rear speaker" port on your sound card), you probably wouldn't regret it though either way (neither buying 5.1 or 4.0) if you manage to set it up properly. Surround sound is quite nice even if stereo is enough.

Just having 4.0 would be enough to test this unless you want to specifically test the subwoofer too (if the bass is correct).

I have to recommend that you don't buy the cheapest speakers available. When it comes to speakers the only brand i like to buy is Creative to my experience their speakers are both fairly priced/cheap and of exceptional quality compared to any other speakers i've tested (including logitech, trust and a handful more, don't trust trust wink). In a similar way as you want to buy a computer monitor manufactured by a TV company (something that's been making screens since the CRT age, like Philips), you only want to buy speakers from a brand that you know has made good speakers in the past, Creative is known for specializing in sound specifically for Computers and are the brains behind the extremely good Soundblaster sound card series (which unfortunately don't have proprietary linux drivers). i for example know the best quality headphones available to me for cheap are the Sennheiser ones, better than creative headphones.

Last edited by rabcor (2013-11-04 18:07:21)


#95 2013-11-06 07:59:01

From: Serbia
Registered: 2008-08-19
Posts: 127

Re: bomi - A powerful and easy-to-use multimedia player!

I'm instaled fresh archlinux, and i noticed one problem after 10 minutes screensaver turn on when i watch movies.


#96 2013-11-07 13:55:37

Registered: 2011-04-16
Posts: 167

Re: bomi - A powerful and easy-to-use multimedia player!

Thank you for your advice. I've been thinking I have to get new speaker but I realized that I don't have to from your advice.
I've bought a secondhand USB sound card (I'm using laptop, so there's no default analog 5.1 ch support) and tested but I couldn't find any problem.
Are you sure you've done right configuration for ALSA? What about other players like original mpv or VLC?

And, your environment is still Openbox, right? I'll check it later.


#97 2013-11-07 14:08:14

Registered: 2012-05-17
Posts: 5,279

Re: bomi - A powerful and easy-to-use multimedia player!

Kosava wrote:

I'm instaled fresh archlinux, and i noticed one problem after 10 minutes screensaver turn on when i watch movies.

There are different screensaver application which all use different methods to inhibit locking. There is xautolock (disable with xautlock -disable), then the builtin xorg screensaver (xset s off, works for xss-lock, too). Gnome-screensaver needs a timer that calls a dbus method called SimulateUserInput,and so on. I'm not sure about the requirements of xscreensaver. I guess it should integrate with the xorg screesaver.

Edit: mpv (that also means cmplayer) should be able to manage the xorg screensaver and xss-lock without a problem. xscreensaver is probably working too. I don't know about gnome-screensaver and xautolock

Last edited by progandy (2013-11-07 14:18:23)

| alias CUTF='LANG=en_XX.UTF-8@POSIX ' |


#98 2013-11-07 14:19:55

Registered: 2011-04-16
Posts: 167

Re: bomi - A powerful and easy-to-use multimedia player!

@Kosava I've tested it but screensaver never worked. Did you check the check box 'Disable screensaver while playing' in behaviour tab of preferences?


#99 2013-11-07 19:25:15

Registered: 2013-02-09
Posts: 500

Re: bomi - A powerful and easy-to-use multimedia player!

xylosper wrote:

Thank you for your advice. I've been thinking I have to get new speaker but I realized that I don't have to from your advice.
I've bought a secondhand USB sound card (I'm using laptop, so there's no default analog 5.1 ch support) and tested but I couldn't find any problem.
Are you sure you've done right configuration for ALSA? What about other players like original mpv or VLC?

And, your environment is still Openbox, right? I'll check it later.

Yes i'm sure, with "speaker-test -c 6" i get sound from all 6 channels. I'll come back after testing what happens in mpv. I also noticed another sound bug while watching a certain file, i'll have to investigate that a bit too.

For details, this is what my asound.conf looks like (demixed defines 6 channels under "slave" and 96khz under "pcm")

pcm.dmixed {
	type asym
	playback.pcm {
		type dmix

		ipc_key_add_uid true

		ipc_key 5678293
		ipc_perm 0660
		ipc_gid audio

		slave {
			channels 6
			pcm {
				format S32_LE

				rate 96000

				nonblock true

				type hw
				card 0
				device 0
				subdevice 0
			period_size 1024
			buffer_size 16384
	capture.pcm "hw:0"
pcm.!default {
	type plug
	slave.pcm "dmixed"

Update: I tried changing the code to

pcm.!default {
	type plug
	slave.pcm "surround51"
	slave.channels 6

It fixed the sound bug i was having in that specific episode, but it still shows 6ch input as 2ch output... speaker-test still works perfectly when testing all channels.

I think this might be an Mpv related issue though, since in Mpv i don't notice any sound in my rear speakers either. In VLC i got no sound at all yikes sounds like something might be broken on my end. I tried removing the alsa configuration file entirely, that had no effect either (i confirmed surround sound does work without the config file too. This is weird, what does your asoundrc/asound.conf look like?

I'm curious... if speaker-test works, how could the drivers be broken? I'm close to making a thread about this, but i have other things to do first.

Last edited by rabcor (2013-11-07 21:56:55)


#100 2013-11-08 00:14:57

Registered: 2011-04-16
Posts: 167

Re: bomi - A powerful and easy-to-use multimedia player!

I didn't do anything special. Here's my asound.conf

pcm.!default {
	type hw
	card 2

ctl.!default {
	type hw           
	card 2

This is coped & pasted from the ALSA page in Arch Wiki and it does only setting my new USB external sound card as default(card 2 is the identifier of sound card) as far as the description in wiki is right.

Last edited by xylosper (2013-11-08 00:41:51)


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