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(Update for 4.1 version)
Hello, everybody,
As I was tired of traditional desktops to Linux, I decided to customize my own using pieces of shell script, zenity, Fluxbox and Rox Desktop. I like it so much, I created my own Desktop: Zappwm (NOT a Window Manager).
It has panels icons on the desktop and the best, full support drag'n drop: drag icons to the desktop, panel, or file manager. What is also included (ROX).
You can download it freely at:
-PCmanFM (optional)
No more overwrite the init of the Fluxbox, because zappwm now use own self init "~/.fluxbox/initzapp
PS.: Occasionally, if you already use ROX, your settings may be subscribed by the package
-Is Not a Window Manager (Like Fluxbox, OpenBox, Aewm, Kwin, Metacity, Sawfish, Blackbox, Ratpoison e tutti quanti!) - It is my own desktop I share packaged to the community!
-It does not destroy your ROX preinstalled - It updates some files
-It overwrites the init fluxbox - So if you use fluxbox, care. In general it's nothing serious.
Thanks to everyone who helped me to correct the initial topic, to avoid misunderstandings. Definitely, honesty is everything!
I think it's all pretty simple and you can download via sourceforge.
Last edited by bebeto_maya (2013-11-10 20:04:10)
Excuse me, where is the PKGBUILD?
How can I install it the Arch way? It's not in the AUR.
I downloaded it, but there is less code here than there is in the average xinitrc.
This is not really your own window manager when it's just a script that moves around a couple of config files[1] and launches fluxbox and rox.
[1] which users should also be warned about: this will overwrite some config files (for fluxbox, rox, or others) that you may have in your ~/.config, and it will do this every time it is launched.
Last edited by Trilby (2013-11-10 00:18:33)
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
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I downloaded it, but there is less code here than there is in the average xinitrc.
I don't want to give other than a warm welcome, but it seems very dishonest to me to call this your own window manager when it's just a ~five line script that moves around a couple of config files[1] and launches fluxbox and rox.
[1] which users should also be warned about: this will overwrite any config files (for fluxbox, rox, or others) that you may have in your ~/.config, and it will do this every time it is launched.
I'm not dishonest. Not called "My Own WM" I said, "I Decided to customize my own using pieces of shell script, zenity, Fluxbox and Rox Desktop. I like it so much, I created my own Window Manager: Zappwm."
It overwrites the. Init Fluxbox but no the (he uses the option cp -R -u /opt/ $ HOME/.config & meaning "update" and not "overwrite") . So do not advise to those who are satisfied with Fluxbox and Rox. Just do not accept being called dishonest. I'm definitely not, as explained above.
The code is a "lint". But everything works fine. I did not lie, it's all there in the packages. Who want an AUR, please help me! If not, install the source. Do not like it? Use the Uninstall script. Very Easy. Dishonest? Never! I update the topic above for avoid this confusion.
Last edited by bebeto_maya (2013-11-09 22:59:42)
@bebeto_maya, what you have created here is not a window manager. The window manager in this case is fluxbox. You have merely thrown together a set of packages with some configs.
@bebeto_maya, what you have created here is not a window manager. The window manager in this case is fluxbox. You have merely thrown together a set of packages with some configs.
Ok, Wonder, so I'll call Desktop, only (I did change up there). LXDE is based on Openbox and fbpanel then? How is it? Everything works great. It is a work of design and not development; -)
Thank you for the warning
I made the corrections in the initial post to avoid semantic errors. Since I do not accept being called "dishonest", but I admit that allow misinterpretations.
"Is Not a Window Manager (Like LXDE) - It is my own desktop I share packaged to the community!
It does not destroy your ROX preinstalled - It updates some files
It overwrites the init fluxbox - So if you use fluxbox, care. In general it's nothing serious."
Just so you know LXDE is not a window manager (WM) either. It is a dekstop environment (DE). The window manager in that case is indeed openbox. A window manager does exactly what it sounds like. It manages the windows. That it, it draws a box, and puts puts the contents of an application in said box. A desktop environment on the other hand, is a window manager along with a set of other programs/packages that make a complete environment.
I hesitate to call what you have created a desktop environment though, as it may be a set of programs, but they are not integrated together in the same way as a full desktop environment.
Just so you know LXDE is not a window manager (WM) either. It is a dekstop environment (DE). The window manager in that case is indeed openbox. A window manager does exactly what it sounds like. It manages the windows. That it, it draws a box, and puts puts the contents of an application in said box. A desktop environment on the other hand, is a window manager along with a set of other programs/packages that make a complete environment.
I hesitate to call what you have created a desktop environment though, as it may be a set of programs, but they are not integrated together in the same way as a full desktop environment.
WonderWoofy, You are entitled to their definitions. But also need to be honest, because all you said, is already known. Please read the initial post, corrected:
"-Is Not a Window Manager (Like LXDE) - It is my own desktop I share packaged to the community!"
What you can not accept is being called "dishonest" for reasons of semantics, which, for the benefit of the community, I am correcting. Storm in a teacup not help. Post BUGS, assists.
thank you!
bebeto_maya, thanks for the revisions and the willingness to accept constructive criticism. I have redacted most of my concerns.
I am happy to see anyone experimenting and trying to craft new things - so keep that up. I'm also not sure I'd call this a new desktop environment, but that's just arguing semantics.
Last edited by Trilby (2013-11-10 00:20:52)
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
A lot of users new to fluxbox want an easy way to have icons on the desktop, this would be great for them. Have a talk to someone on #fluxbox about adding the info to the wiki, I'm sure many would appreciate it.
bspwm, monsterwm are examples of window managers in arch, using the name Zappwm for something that sets up some config files and some other things, I think, has caused some confusion.
Nice work though.
You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me.
Tribly, moetune, wonderwoof
I corrected some BUGS, zappwm no longer overwrites the init Fluxbox, it also does not overwrite the but updates the settings.