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i just want to know if anyone has got teamspeak2 working together with xmms or any other audio-application (esd, alsa or arts mixing)
i tried it with arts , esd and alsa but the mic does´nt work....(sound output works) ...only this f***ing mic....
thanks in advance
Tried poking around in alsamixer? I don't have a mic, so can't really help you.
read the wiki on using multiple programs with sound at once.
try the close source oss, it should work.
thanks iphitus the closed source drive (nvidia for my nforce 2) works great and in hardware mixing without any sound daemon ,like esd or arts ... JUHU ...
xmms+ teamspeak2+cedega+nvidia-closed-source = happy fragging
What did you do? I installed the nForce pkg for my nForce4 but I still can't do mixing.
A bus station is where a bus stops.
A train station is where a train stops.
On my desk I have a workstation.
For others without hardware mixing, there is oss2jack, which works fantastic... (I use it alongside my sblive [which has hwmix] to allow flash and other oss-only apps to play sounds together)
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