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Whenever I try to input this commands to dd:
dd.exe if=archlinux-2013.11.01-dual.iso of=\\.\e: bs=4M
I get:
"Error reading file: 87 The parameter is not correct"
108+1 records in
108+1 records out
It's driving me crazy and I don't have a spare cd or dvd to install it.
Have you tried using 'of=\\?\Volume{ blah blah blah}' instead of 'of=\\.\e:'?
It says it's having problems reading the file, though.
How does the volume syntax work? just in case.
It says it's having problems reading the file, though.
Yeah, but I have no idea what could be wrong here. I assume the path to the iso is correct. Which parameter is not OK then?
See for help with volume syntax etc.
damicore wrote:It says it's having problems reading the file, though.
Yeah, but I have no idea what could be wrong here. I assume the path to the iso is correct. Which parameter is not OK then?
See for help with volume syntax etc.
It didn't work out. I'm having the exact same error with the volume.
Yes, the path to the iso is correct.
Well now I'm over that but now I can only boot the x86_64 but the i686 boot will throw this to me:
Squashfs error: Wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on "/dev/loop0".
Missing codepage or helper program, or other error.Error: failed to load "/dev/loop0"
Arch used to be much easier to install haha.
I'm running a Gigabyte Z68MA-D2H-B3.
Isn't arch x86_64 a little bit less stable/scarce o documentation and/or drivers?
Last edited by damicore (2013-11-29 01:31:40)
Isn't arch x86_64 a little bit less stable/scarce o documentation and/or drivers?
What makes you think that?
Most people are running 64-bit Arch.
I remember it being that way when I used arch some time ago but it could might aswell changed. Thanks for your help!