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I have pacman configured that it uses packages from current when possible and then look for packages in testing.
Recently I decided to upgrade to the new Xserver in testing. After some some tweaking everything seems to work well except the startuptime of the kdm-loginmanager.
Previously, it took 5-10 seconds before I got my login-screen. However, now it takes about a minute to get the login-screen and with this minute I mean the time that kdm needs to show the login screen, not the complete startup-time. Everything goes fast. In about 25 seconds everything starts, and then I have to wait for kdm.
I installing kdebase (contains kdm) and kdeutils from testing, but that didn't help (kdeutils was for another problem, that is solved.cdidn't need to upgrade kdeutils I think.).
I tried getting an overview what is happening with strace, but there everything seem to load in ~12 seconds and then there is output that is difficult to understand for more. I have to say that I did previous kdm-startups before the one I got the strace-output from.
The fastest startup I got was 30 seconds and that was when I already had done previous startups. It still is a long time.
I'm using the i810-driver (for the 915 GM chipset) on an nx6110-laptop.
Anyone has a similar experience? Anyone has (a) suggestion(s)?
Thank you,
did you use the same config from the old X? One of the differences with this new xorg is that the paths have changed. I can't remember the extact paths but many of them have X11 omited from them. There's info about it on arch's homepage "Xorg7". So check that your paths are correct in xorg.conf
I generated a new config using xorgconfig, thus the paths shouldn't be a problem I think. I know that the font-paths are pointing to /usr/share/fonts.
The Xserver (with startx) starts up quickly and correctly it seems.
I have the same problem here. Startup time is about 35s. During
that time the hdd is active.
Restarting kdm with everything in cache takes about 6s.
It seems that kdm is searching for something...
Greetings, Multitronic
The problem disappears when I remove the font path
for 75dpi and 100dpi fonts from xorg.conf.