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The brief flirting period with i3 has come to an end.
In order to continue using it, I had to buy a new widescreen monitor instead of my old 19'' 4:3 one - this or go back to openbox.
After some very complex and difficult mathematical calculations, I decided it is cheaper to just switch to my old beloved openbox.
Please make Autocad Civil 3d and Archicad work on Linux! Please make Autocad Civil 3d and Archicad work on Linux! Please make Autocad Civil 3d and Archicad work on Linux! Please make Autocad Civil 3d and Archicad work on Linux! Please make Autocad Civil 3d and Archicad work on Linux! Please make Autocad Civil 3d and Archicad work on Linux! Please make Autocad Civil 3d and Archicad work on Linux!
The brief flirting period with i3 has come to an end.
In order to continue using it, I had to buy a new widescreen monitor instead of my old 19'' 4:3 one - this or go back to openbox.
After some very complex and difficult mathematical calculations, I decided it is cheaper to just switch to my old beloved openbox.
Would you be so kind as to share the wall paper?
Would you be so kind as to share the wall paper?
Please make Autocad Civil 3d and Archicad work on Linux! Please make Autocad Civil 3d and Archicad work on Linux! Please make Autocad Civil 3d and Archicad work on Linux! Please make Autocad Civil 3d and Archicad work on Linux! Please make Autocad Civil 3d and Archicad work on Linux! Please make Autocad Civil 3d and Archicad work on Linux! Please make Autocad Civil 3d and Archicad work on Linux!
Thank you very much.
Offline tried to compensate earsplits boooring colors.
Ugly. [redacted] pink & yellow not to good pair.
Last edited by jasonwryan (2013-12-14 06:44:04)
Ugly. [redacted] pink & yellow not to good pair.
Don't do that again: keep your sexist comments to yourself, they are not welcome here.
Openbox + tint2
Can you please share your terminal color theme and tint2 config?
Even if the colors are unusual, I like how the setup is slick. bitocra font is also nice.
Unusual is quite the euphemism, but I agree, bitocra is pretty neat. Looks like a good alternative to Ohsnap.
F34R wrote:...Snip...
Don't do that again: keep your sexist comments to yourself, they are not welcome here.
If I might interject, I was unaware that pink and yellow had any gender specific connoatation. His comment may not have been very nice, but I do not know how it is sexist. It may have been better for him to say that he personally did not appriciate it, rather than saying that it was inherently ugly. I will ask though, is it not sexist to attach gender affiliation with colors? Also, he was only stating his opinion. It may have seemed rude, but I do not understand where you get the idea that it was a sexist comment.
[If I might interject,....
I had not seen the original post prior to part of it having been redacted by my colleague. I am fairly certain that if he saw the need to edit a post, there was something there that required attention. As moderators, we apply significant restraint when it comes to editing others posts. … _The_Staff
Last edited by ewaller (2013-12-14 16:36:54)
Nothing is too wonderful to be true, if it be consistent with the laws of nature -- Michael Faraday
Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no one can imagine. -- Alan Turing
How to Ask Questions the Smart Way
COLORS=Darkshell (
A little color update:
Could you throw me a hint on how to colour the -l output that way?
Plus, if you're already throwing stuff at me, could you include the nice purple/blue visible on your screen?
Last edited by Jellicent (2013-12-14 18:22:30)
A little color update:
2bwm again, also with busybox are u satisfied ?
#to others
no no no, i mean like pink (in molokai sheme) color but too much this with neon yellow settings.
Only two colors not enough for me and yes i say pink fetish associate the gender.
# ivoarch
thanks the dark color sheme
Last edited by F34R (2013-12-14 18:30:44)
Neuromatic wrote:A little color update:
2bwm again, also with busybox are u satisfied ?
#to others
no no no, i mean like pink (in molokai sheme) color but too much this with neon yellow settings.
Only two colors not enough for me and yes i say pink fetish associate the gender.
# ivoarch
thanks the dark color sheme
Don't mean to sound like a smartass, but I think you don't know the meaning of fetish.
Plus, I know a few guys that LOVE pink. And they are not gay.
Where the fuck did you grow up, dude? Colours are colours, not an indicator for sexual preferences or something.
Jellicent: you aren't helping.
A reminder to others on this point: there is no tolerance at all for people making slurs or disparaging remarks about gender, sexuality or race. If you can't find a way to contribute to this community without posting these sorts of derogatory comments, then please leave.
This is a screenshots thread. Post those, share your configs and be constructive and supportive of people's aesthetic differences.
2bwm again, also with busybox are u satisfied ?
Yes, works great. It boots very fast and only mpd must be recompiled (dbus too, if you're using it).
Could you throw me a hint on how to colour the -l output that way?
Sure, it's a little perl script (w/out depencies) written by Vain.
Download it and pipe the output from ls -l (or somthing else) to the script, and the stdout will be
click me
/* No Comment */
agahnim wrote:[If I might interject,....
I had not seen the original post prior to part of it having been redacted by my colleague. I am fairly certain that if he saw the need to edit a post, there was something there that required attention. As moderators, we apply significant restraint when it comes to editing others posts.
Forgive my insolance. I did not know that he had retracted some of his post. I should have paid better attention. I do not wish to stir up ill feelings, I was seriously asking.
codex1 wrote:Openbox + tint2
Can you please share your terminal color theme and tint2 config?
tint2: (3 files!)
terminal (terminator):
thinkpad x280 • arch.i3 • SRE Senior
Im using xfce4 with numix blue gtk theme and faenza icon theme the dock is docky and im using slingscold wich is a unity style hud launcher also i have the whisker menu for my panel
Arch Linux 64bit Awesome WM
My setup
Here's one of my desktop with nothing on it:
Here's one of my desktop in a typical session:
Using Cinnamon 2.0 and Conky. Terminal is Terminator. Icons are Faenza. GTK theme is xTango. Window borders are Super-Min Border 1.
Here's the link to my Eclipse theme:
Guari Eclipse theme on Github
Vibrant Ink Eclipse preferences
In case you're wondering why I have both wired and wireless graphs on my Conky, it's because I'm using a laptop, so I'm often switching between both. On my desktop (which runs Mint but that will change soon ) I have just one for wireless because that won't be changing any time soon.
Computers are extra dumb, which is why it takes extra smart people to make them work.