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Ok, this is one of those really stupid questions that a google or forum search should answer in a second, if only I knew the correct magic keywords to search for. :-D
I'm working on Metisse (the client for which is basically a slightly hacked fvwm) and want to customize the configuration to my liking. I thought of copying an existing fvwm theme (maybe a clearlooks theme), but I really ought to understand the configuration I was provided with and each of the options I change as I change them rather than clobbering it.
Now, that simple silly problem I've got. No matter what I do, I can't seem to define a colorset that doesn't put some kind of highlight or shadow around the font in menus, titlebars, etc. If I don't specify highlight and shadow, it generates one for me. If I try to make it the same as the fg, it makes the letters look wide and blocky.
Its gotta be simple, what am I missing?
Also, Is there a difference between 'fgsh' and 'sh' in the colorset specification?
Hi, Dusty
If you haven't already done so, check out this page doing a page search for "colorsets" and you'll find lots of info about shadows and how they work with colorsets within FVWM:
Yeah, I've been reading through that but its difficult to find what you want. Turns out my problem was in the font specification, not the colourset.
I hate configuring this thing. The syntax is ugly and there are too many options.
Ok, something else that is driving me crazy.... every time I get a new message in gaim, metisse is switching focus to that window. Any way to get around that? I think its a window manager thing because it didn't happen in pek... I'm using gaim 2.0 though.
I can't tell if this is a gaim or fvwm or metisse setting. Further, I can't tell if its something in my existing configs I have to disable, or something missing that I have to add. Its extremely irritating though! I can't do anything while a conversation is going on.
Fixed it by disabling the gaim-notifications plugin. *shakes head*
I hate configuring this thing. The syntax is ugly and there are too many options. :
That's the image what Fvwm has created. But the basic is quite simple.
The best site for Fvwm is "Fvwm Beginners Guide" to learn and getting an idea what's about.
Will these samples help.
# Configs:DefaultMenu.conf
# Menu Colorsets
Colorset 47 fg Black, bg #dddddd
Colorset 48 fg #f3f3f3, bg #6c83b0, sh Black, hi #808080
# Configs:ArchMenu.conf
SetEnv MenuFont "$[UserSettings]/conf.dlayouts/pixmaps/bluepixmap-pager"
# Menu Colorsets
Colorset 47 fg white, pixmap $[PixmapLocation]/archbgr.png
Colorset 48 fg black, bg white
For more samples:
for your shadow question, this (from the fvwm man page) may be of help:
Fonts can be given 3d effects. At the beginning of the font name (or just after a possible StringEncoding specification) add
Shadow=size [offset] [directions]:
size is a positive integer which specifies the number of pixels of shadow. offset is an optional positive integer which defines the number of pixels to offset the shadow from the edge of the character. The default offset is zero. directions is an optional set of directions the shadow emanates from the character. The directions are a space separated list of fvwm directions:
N, North, Top, t, Up, u, -
E, East, Right, r, Right, r, ]
S, South, Bottom, b, Down, d, _
W, West, Left, l, Left, l, [
NE, NorthEast, TopRight, tr, UpRight, ur, ^
SE, SouthEast, BottomRight, br, DownRight, dr, >
SW, SouthWest, BottomLeft, bl, DownLeft, dl, v
NW, NorthWest, TopLeft, tl, UpLeft, ul, <
C, Center, Centre, .
A shadow is displayed in each given direction. All is equivalent to all the directions. The default direction is BottomRight. With the Center direction, the shadow surrounds the whole string. Since this is a super set of all other directions, it is a waste of time to specify this along with any other directions.
The shadow effect only works with colorsets. The color of the shadow is defined by using the fgsh option of the Colorset command. Please refer to the COLORSETS section for details about colorsets.
Note: It can be difficult to find the font, fg, fgsh and bg colors to make this effect look good, but it can look quite good.
As rasat pointed out before, you can also change your font shadow color to the same color as your title bar color.
For the gaim question, with some effort you could probably solve it by creating your own focus policiy (probably you will need a focus policy for the gaim conversation window)
Yeah, I got those problems fixed already. I'm still messing with it. I understand the fvwm config syntax, I can pick up syntaxes in short order. But I still hate it. Its worse than lua!
Eventually I have to hack a custom fvwm module that interacts with a hacked version of fvwm that interacts with a hacked X-Server...
I *love* the strokes module.