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#1 2013-12-28 14:50:23

From: 延雪平縣 Sweden
Registered: 2013-12-28
Posts: 119

VMware reinstall

I had to reinstall VMware, I had no problems for removing it. But when I installed again(after reboot), then I got errors from VMware during installation with parsing *.py files. Solution that helps is reinstall python2 and python3, I did it by "pacman -S python2 python3" and resintalled other python related modules with "pacman -S $(pacman -Qqe | grep -i python)", after that I got no errors when installed vmware. I also took a risk by taking a shurtcut clean up after uninstalling

rm -fr $(find / | grep -i "vmw")
## but you can try somthing like this
rm -fr $(find / | grep -v "/home/" | grep -v "/root/" | grep -i "/vmw")
## or
rm -fr $(find ./ | grep -v "/home/" | grep -v "/root/" | grep -i "/vmw")

I think that it will be good if you could add the solutin about python problems after removing vmware, in my case is vmware-player. I think that I am not the only one who have similar problems with reinstallation of vmware.

Please reproduce the bugs by reinstalling VMware after the clean install of Arch to verify this and write your response about my solution.

Last edited by Andy_Crowd (2014-01-02 14:09:16)

Help to make Arora bug free!!
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