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After looking at the PKBUILD for Opera, I am confused. The build portion of the PKBUILD for Opera reads as follows:
build() {
cd $startdir/src/$pkgname-$pkgver-20051114.6-shared-qt.i386-en
./ DESTDIR=$startdir/pkg
sed '' -i $startdir/pkg/usr/lib/opera/plugins/operamotifwrapper-3
But if you look at the install script for Opera, it does not use $DESTDIR. It uses "--prefix=" as the way to specify the installation directory.
Shouldn't the second line in the install script read as follows:
../install --prefix=$startdir/pkg
Perhaps $DESTDIR has nothing to do with Opera but is an environment variable used in pacman?? Comments please.
I downloaded opera using "pacman -Sw opera" so I could take a close look at the opera package before installing. Pacman downloaded the opera package but I cannot seem to find it on my hard disk. Where does pacman put the downloaded packages?
After looking at the PKBUILD for Opera, I am confused. The build portion of the PKBUILD for Opera reads as follows:
build() {
cd $startdir/src/$pkgname-$pkgver-20051114.6-shared-qt.i386-en
./ DESTDIR=$startdir/pkg
sed '' -i $startdir/pkg/usr/lib/opera/plugins/operamotifwrapper-3
}But if you look at the install script for Opera, it does not use $DESTDIR. It uses "--prefix=" as the way to specify the installation directory.
Shouldn't the second line in the install script read as follows:
../install --prefix=$startdir/pkg
Perhaps $DESTDIR has nothing to do with Opera but is an environment variable used in pacman?? Comments please.
Are you sure that there is not two files: install and and that you are mixing the two? I haven't looked at the sources but if the file is using prefix instead of DESTIR for the files installation directory, then most likely the package would contain no files. I have opera 8.51 on my system and it works fine. And DESTDIR (or prefix) are environnement variables used by the script.
I downloaded opera using "pacman -Sw opera" so I could take a close look at the opera package before installing. Pacman downloaded the opera package but I cannot seem to find it on my hard disk. Where does pacman put the downloaded packages?
look in /var/cache/pacman/pkg
From what I understand, there's USUALLY a difference between prefix and destdir, and it goes like this:
prefix is generally used to tell the installer where the files will be installed to your system; generally for configuring the app and hardcoding paths.
destdir is used when actually copying the files, and has nothing to do with configuration - this variable simply tells an install script where the "root" directory to install the files is.
This might be the case with the opera installer as well. Very useful to have both options, especially for packaging or installing a package to a different root, but with paths that reference it as /
BTW next version of Opera (9.0) will not have motif dependency.
to live is to die
No. I am looking at
If you run "./ --help", you also get the following:
$ --help
Usage: -s
or: -f DEST
or: --prefix=DEST
or: --exec_prefix=EXEC_DEST --wrapperdir=WRAPPER_DEST --docdir=DOC_DEST --sharedir=SHARE_DEST --plugindir=PLUGIN_DEST
Install Opera files to standard or user defined locations.
-i, --interactive Interactive mode (default)
-s, --standard install to standard locations
-f, --force install to user defined location(s)
--prefix= install all files to directory
--exec_prefix= install Opera binaries to directory
--wrapperdir= install Opera wrapper script to directory
--docdir= install Opera documentation to directory
--sharedir= install Opera shared files to directory
--plugindir= install Opera plugin files to directory
-v, --verbose output which files are copied
-vv output info on each executed command
-V, --version output version information and exit
-h, --help display this help and exit
--help=long show advanced functions
If you choose to do a standard locations install, files will be put into
/usr/bin, /usr/share/doc/opera and /usr/share/opera.
However, if you choose to install to user defined locations, you must either
specify one directory (all files will be put in this directory), or
specify five directories (you may enter the same directory several times).
Opps -- I do see a DESTDIR in the script. It is funny it is not mentioned when you do a " --help". Only the --prefix option is mentioned.
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