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#3626 2013-12-27 03:19:28

From: Denver
Registered: 2013-12-27
Posts: 32

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Just stopping through to give the obligatory hello and I'll see some of you guys around I'm sure. Came from Slack, after breaking my teeth on that curb many moons ago, went back to Windows and OSX for practical purposes (school, multimedia development).

Started fooling around with android development and found Linux to be more practical for that end of things in Ubuntu. Jumped on #! (which I really enjoy), really liked customizing it, but I found it rather subtractive in terms of how you shape it into what you want. I decided I would try building a custom rig from the ground up and get a more in depth understanding of linux, so here I am.

So far I haven't had to resort to using the forums here for help as Google, Arch wiki and man pages have all been very kind to me in terms of solving any issues I have run across.

See you guys around the boards.

I am up to neither good nor bad, but what serves me.


#3627 2013-12-27 21:55:17

From: The Netherlands
Registered: 2013-12-14
Posts: 1

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hi all,

I'm looking forward to contribute, learn and be part of this great community. I've been involved in 3D & CAD since the ninenties and moved to Linux in 2007 when a friend introduced me to Linux and Blender. The past few years I've developed an interest in how software works and started studying programming languages.

Arch runs on 2 machines at the moment, one for production, one to experiment with and learn. Arch invites, sometimes forces me to dive into a specific aspect of the system and let's me learn along the way. I didn't want all the bells and whistles some mainstream distro's offer and prefer a minimal and customized setup. The Arch way!

Greetings from The Netherlands.



#3628 2013-12-28 14:54:47

From: Minnesota, USA
Registered: 2013-12-28
Posts: 2

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread


I am a long time Linux user since about 2005.  I started on Ubuntu and shorty after was convinced to switch to Gentoo (by my Comp Sci major roomate).  That was a GREAT learning experience, but too much work to keep things running smoothly.  Since then I have tried most of the other major distributions before I finally discovered Arch.  I was really sold on the "Arch Way".  I originally started with Arch a few months before the major shake ups of systemd, grub2, etc, etc.  That caused things to get pretty bumpy for a while.  I moved my main PC back to windows for a while because of work and stability.  Then a few months ago I got a work laptop so I decided to dive back in and start learning again!  I have recently come to appreciate a spartan openbox desktop, and a clean home directory (thanks to git and stow).

Its great to be back and this time around I want to contribute to the community through the wiki, aur,  and forums!

See you around!


#3629 2013-12-28 17:05:38

Registered: 2013-12-28
Posts: 1

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread


I am new to this forum but not new to Linux and Arch (I'm using Archlinux for twelve months), finally I decided to join this community and I hope I can contribute to this project in some way.



#3630 2013-12-29 02:10:31

From: São Paulo
Registered: 2013-12-29
Posts: 13

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Wow, did my first Arch install today.

What a nice distro... it is completely addicting distro, and I mean it.

Hope to be around for a long time.



#3631 2013-12-29 02:52:16

From: Connecticut, USA
Registered: 2009-11-09
Posts: 4,092

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

alexx wrote:

What a nice distro... it is completely addicting distro, and I mean it.

Ha. That reminds of when my mom got her first iMac. I sat down in front of it, logged in, and stared at the screen thinking, "Now what do I do?". It was so pretty and nice and pre-configured that I had nothing to do with it except real work. Thank goodness that's not the case with Arch Linux! I can spend all day just "using" Arch Linux without being productive at all! So fun! big_smile


#3632 2013-12-29 13:05:05

Registered: 2013-12-28
Posts: 1

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hello everyone,

switching my personal computers over to Arch for the following reasons (servers will have to wait):
* Bleeding edge software versions on btrfs for rollbacks when things break.
* Wanted to go back to rolling releases, which I last had on debian unstable many years ago.
* Would like to check out systemd/wayland and other new developments which are not included/supported by other distros.
* Just about 50% of the time I'm searching for a solution to a linux related issue, the arch wiki provides the answer.

In the last 17 years I've used just about every major distro and now the time has come to Arch.
I've very excited to get on board, it seems like a very good fit for me.


#3633 2013-12-29 22:42:50

From: New Jersey, USA
Registered: 2013-12-29
Posts: 1

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hello all!

I saw this post so I figured I would say hello!  I'm new to Arch, but not new to linux.  I've been using linux distros since I was in High School, and have tried Ubuntu, Fedora, Mint, and Raspbian (on a Raspberry Pi of course).  I have been using Ubuntu as a "Daily Driver"  for about a year now, and I want to try my hand at something a little more challenging big_smile

Running on a Thinkpad x200


#3634 2013-12-30 11:51:15

From: At home
Registered: 2013-12-27
Posts: 12

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hello everyone at the Archlinux forum,

I used the invitation at this first post to say hello to everyone, and thanks to the maintainers of this interesting distro.

I started using Ubuntu some 6 years ago, when Windows-server did not 'cut the mustard' for my professional needs. Being a long time mac-user (since 1992) this was a nice and easy introduction to Linux for me.

With my growing interest in other distributions and Linux in general I got attracted to the elegant approach of Arch. Having a Raspberry-Pi on the way and some spare time during the holidays, I got my first little Arch-experiments  running on VM-ware (Fusion, as OS-X still is my main OS for day to day home use). Has a steep learning curve for me, but I like it a lot.

So a big thank you for all the documentation written by you, the Arch community.

Kind regards,


Last edited by RadioGnome1971 (2013-12-30 12:30:49)


#3635 2013-12-31 17:19:52

From: The Western Hemisphere
Registered: 2013-12-31
Posts: 8

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hello fellow Arch users.

This is my first post on this forum and I wanted to introduce myself.

I started out with Linux through Fedora, but recently I built my own system for the first time and I really enjoyed making all of the decisions about what went into it, and building it the way I wanted it.  This is the primary reason I switched to Arch, its customizability, and the ability to keep out things I didn't use or want that that provided.

The other reasons I switched were the excellent documentation in the wiki (the best Linux documentation and guide I've seen so far) and the hepfulness of this forum, so a special thank you to those who make that happen.

Best wishes for the new year!



#3636 2014-01-01 17:49:35

Registered: 2014-01-01
Posts: 129

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

I'm publicus, from the Northeast of US.

Hello smile .


#3637 2014-01-01 18:17:41

Registered: 2013-12-16
Posts: 73

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hey all, I'm Joe. I've already asked some seemingly dumb questions, so I hope I haven't already tarnished my rep or earned a lifetime n00b badge.

Anyway, glad to be here.


#3638 2014-01-01 22:42:25

From: Cologne
Registered: 2014-01-01
Posts: 4

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hello Everyone!

nobody will read this anyways but i just write it down now.

to be honest.. i don't really know the time i started using linux.

i've got my first experiences with Knoppix in around 2005 i think.. maybe a year later. i tried to use it in order to restore some data from an unbootable ntfs drive so i can re-install windows xp.
later then i've tried certain other live cd distributions to poke around with stuff.

it continued with vm's.

i had some kind of feeling that there are less strict barriers in all these distributions than in any Micro$oft OS. its just that you can change everything.. EVERYTHING..


in that time i've been young and stupid. now i'm 25 actually..

i've installed and played around with Ubuntu, Debian and fedora. i basically preferred Debian since it seemed to be the less bloated distribution. Ubuntu had and always has features that just don't work (even though they ship it this way) but in exchange it was looking sweet.

basically i've installed Debian so i could dual boot into windows xp and Debian. when i've been in windows i used to use vmware player to run Debian. when i've been in Debian i just accessed the data on my ntfs partitions so i never had to switch in order to access my data.

somehow i lost interest in using this linux partition for certain reasons. mainly because most of the applications i use don't work well in wine and do not really have fine native applications on linux.
Photoshop, steam, notepad++, cinema 4d, ms office, ... just these kind of applications held me back from using linux for every day usage.

before i joined a software engineering company i just started learning c++ and sure had some success in writing plugins for valve's source engine games like half-life 2 deathmatch and counter-strike source.
this is also how i first came in touch with serversided linux for game server hosting purposes.

then, around.. two years ago i started working for a small company that did software engineering in c / c++ for IO modules they invented them self.
they used a creepy and overaged vmware image using ubuntu and certain other aged components to develope the firmware parts for their modules.
this was the first time i really came in touch with linux on a daily basis. at first i just used to use windows and a shared folder to forward sourcecode to the vm so i could compile it. later than i figured out how i could use putty to connect to the vm so i could compile my stuff without opening up that bloated vm window. i learned basics in VI and since the IO module i was working on was using busybox as basis i came in touch with message queues, temp fs, nfs, other unix related programming.. it was inspiring and i learned alot.
sadly my boss was not willing to teach me anything so i learned all that stuff myself and some day quit the job for multiple reasons (just got enough money so i could travel from home to work and back every day, got yelled, had to work alone and had to Google everything myself since my boss was incompetent)

well.. in that time a good friend found a job in a neat huge company. he made it possible for me to join that company too and so i did.
the job at first was not really my favorite since i had to do telephone support and install software packages remotely onto pc's.
i fixed problems using my private experience and our internal wiki and colleagues as reference and was doing what i could to succeed without alot failure.

after a while we got some internal restructuring and most of us turned into an administrative application management department.
i was happy because i finally had to work fulltime with software again.
the outcome is that i'm now debugging some of our internal software, fixing things, writing scripts for automation, working on projects to improve our workflows etc.
basically i'm happy and thankfull for the job i have now.
we use linux and windows based servers so my already achieved knowledge comes in handy.
another big bonus is that we are the only department in that company that is able to choose which operating system each employee uses.
i choose arch linux because a good friend (szt in this forum) told me to give it a try.

i still use arch and love it.
since arch gave me lots of trouble i learned alot about linux / gnu / arch while fixing all theese problems that were poking me alot.
what i like the most about arch is that it is fast, a rolling release system and that it is required to do some manual work to get stuff running.

i use it on two servers and two laptops. i play around with it alot and recently started using a self compiled linux kernel big_smile yay
well i still have a long way to go in order to be able to contribute but srsly.. even though i went into the world of linux from the surface to the inner parts and not the good old way.. i do make progress and will continue to do so big_smile

thats it. thank you for reading my horrible grammatically incorrect english. my native language is german.

greetz GottZ


#3639 2014-01-02 17:52:19

Registered: 2014-01-02
Posts: 1

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hi everyone! xD
I'm kinda new with all this linux or any unix-like os at all.
Archlinux it's my first try with linux and I have liked it so much till now.
I'm trying to use the console for everything and learning new console based apps.
I'm trying Awesome WM. So I'm diving in all this linux world.
My first language is spanish so sorry if I have some mistake.
Hope you enjoy arch as much as I do and I hope to learn much,


#3640 2014-01-02 18:14:28

Registered: 2014-01-02
Posts: 1

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread


Last edited by MrMateczko (2019-11-30 14:23:14)


#3641 2014-01-02 21:18:46

From: Florida
Registered: 2014-01-02
Posts: 22

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Page 146. Not sure if anyone would read this anymore, but here goes.

My name is Russell, I'm 19 years old and hail from Florida, USA. Originally born in Indiana, only recently made the southbound move for a warmer climate.

I have been using linux (read: Ubuntu) off-and-on for the past few years, but decided that with a new year comes a new way of life. I threw out Windows completely and installed Arch.

I intend to use Arch as a gateway to my programming career and hope that it follows me throughout the rest of my life.

I'm still new to linux and do not know everything I should, but I'm reading the docs so please bare with me if I bug you with any questions.

'Til then.

- Russell // simplesquare

8GB RAM | AMD Phenom II X4 965 Black Edition (3.4 GHz) | EVGA GTX 770 SC ACX


#3642 2014-01-02 21:39:49

From: Connecticut, USA
Registered: 2009-11-09
Posts: 4,092

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

simplesquare wrote:

Page 146. Not sure if anyone would read this anymore, but here goes.

No way, I read every one! (Well, except for that post above from GottZ...) wink

It's fun to see where people are from and hear about their software experiences. One fun activity I like to do once in a while is to browse through some of the old pages of this thread looking at the post counts, to see who stuck around. smile

...Oh gosh. That's what I do for fun? What's wrong with me?? sad


#3643 2014-01-02 23:24:52

Registered: 2014-01-02
Posts: 3

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hello Arch Linux Users, just wanted to shout out my great experience with Arch.  I have dabble in the past with Ubuntu,Debian, and Centos.  I have been playing around with Arch now for about a week and just recently I was able to install it successfully using virtualbox.  The experience has been very positive.  It really a wonderful feeling knowing you are using the latest apps available. I can see myself moving from current Windows OS to Arch in the near future on a real computer.  Thank you !


#3644 2014-01-03 09:05:52

From: Cologne
Registered: 2014-01-01
Posts: 4

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

drcouzelis wrote:

No way, I read every one! (Well, except for that post above from GottZ...) wink

...Oh gosh. That's what I do for fun? What's wrong with me?? sad

maybe you just have nothing to do big_smile

(teh evul kitten behind you points at the first line of dat quote)


#3645 2014-01-03 10:07:14

Registered: 2014-01-03
Posts: 1

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hello, all.

I was a Mac guy when I was younger, a Windows guy due to necessity as I went through school, and I've been a Linux guy on principle for the past several years. I've used Ubuntu, Fedora, Mint, Debian (very briefly), a slew of other OSs on Live CDs, and now Arch. I'm unapologetically an Arch man now. It's beautiful, simple, has a vibrant community, and a very well done wiki.

I'm looking to add to the open source world in every way I can, and I'm trying to begin with forum assistance to other linux users. Not that I know everything by any means, but I'm certainly willing to try helping. And I'm sure I'll ask all kinds of silly questions as time progresses, but such is learning.

As time goes on, I'm going to smash my OS X partition into a smaller and smaller corner of my HD as linux takes over.


#3646 2014-01-03 22:58:42

Registered: 2013-12-16
Posts: 73

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

GottZ wrote:

nobody will read this anyways but i just write it down now.

I read it... I read it.


#3647 2014-01-03 23:04:03

Registered: 2013-12-16
Posts: 73

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

lichetano wrote:

Hello, all.

I was a Mac guy when I was younger, a Windows guy due to necessity as I went through school, and I've been a Linux guy on principle for the past several years. I've used Ubuntu, Fedora, Mint, Debian (very briefly), a slew of other OSs on Live CDs, and now Arch. I'm unapologetically an Arch man now. It's beautiful, simple, has a vibrant community, and a very well done wiki.

I'm looking to add to the open source world in every way I can, and I'm trying to begin with forum assistance to other linux users. Not that I know everything by any means, but I'm certainly willing to try helping. And I'm sure I'll ask all kinds of silly questions as time progresses, but such is learning.

As time goes on, I'm going to smash my OS X partition into a smaller and smaller corner of my HD as linux takes over.

I like this a lot. Almost my story exactly. I was a Windows guy when I was younger. Then, after learning how to develop websites, I became a Mac guy. Never really felt at home. The first time I used a Linux box... I felt home. I was hooked. As of late, I've just wanted way more options and the fastest system I can build. So, after using Ubuntu and Fedora for years and using a few Linux home servers, I made the jump to Arch.

I will never go back. The Arch Wiki is so comprehensive and dense... it's only shortcoming is that I get sidetracked while reading it because it's fascinating and forget what I originally wanted an answer to. There's just so much to digest. I've never seen anything like it on any other distro.

The forums are great and the subreddit is AWESOME! I'm really, really excited to be a part of this community.


#3648 2014-01-03 23:38:48

Inspector Parrot
Registered: 2011-11-29
Posts: 30,338

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

GottZ wrote:

i've been young and stupid. now i'm 25

THAT should be a t-shirt.

"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman


#3649 2014-01-04 14:06:46

Registered: 2014-01-04
Posts: 3

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Yippiee...finally managed to setup arch linux in my laptop....
Been a windows user till my 10th grade but will taste fedora occasionally but will soon revert without any idea...then installed ubuntu along with windows 7 and started using it when windows 8 came out as i hated it to the core...eventually removed Windows completely and became a full time Ubuntu user and wanted to learn linux badly so installed many distros along with ubuntu like fedora, open suse, debian, kali, AV Linux, and finally loved CrunchBang which replaced Ubuntu...
It was great to use and tinker with crunchbang yet i wasn't satisfied so didi some research about Arch Linux and here i am now....Huge adventure ahead...lovin it smile

Last edited by pvkiniyan (2014-01-04 14:19:53)


#3650 2014-01-05 01:18:20

From: Hartford Wi
Registered: 2013-12-10
Posts: 93

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hi y'all. Of course i use Arch, only for about 6mo's tho. I love it, only crashed on me a few times.. lololol  but hey, what an experience. I'm going to journey into the DWM world so wish me luck..

Crude matter we are not, Luminous beings we are


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