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Alsi is a good successor for archey, provides lots of info and works very well, Archey is no longer maintained.
Linux user #498977
With microsoft you get windows and gates, with linux you get the whole house!
My Blog about ArchLinux and other stuff
Qtile can be run as 'qtile' or 'qtile-session', so it would be better to add both.
kittykatt wrote:Looking good, melik. Keep it up. I've been seeing more users using Archey than screenfetch lately. Darn.
Don't worry about it, I use both.
Archy can't "catch my screen" and other than the few tops lines, shows different info.
Could you tell me what to do in order to have filesystem space shown?
My config in ~/.archey3.cfg looks that way:
[firekage@arch_desktop ~/.config]$ cat ~/.archey3.cfg
color = blue
display_modules = distro(), uname(n), uname(r), uptime(), wm(), de(), packages(), ram(), cpu(), env(editor), fs(/), mpd(albums)
align = top
[firekage@arch_desktop ~/.config]$
There is filesystem space but it does not shown it at all. It works here, as shown:
I would like also to add temperatures of my processor, could it be done?
BTW - is there a way to launch Archey3 when terminal is being launched, when it starts?
Last edited by firekage (2014-06-19 09:23:25)