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What is the recommended procedure to build a package from the Arch Installation ISO, since it is not recommended to run makepkg as root?
This is just a curiosity, I feel this question have already been asked, but I couldn't find anything. Please don't give answers such as 'the arch ISO is not an ideal place to build packages', I know that, but maybe this could be useful on some emergency.
I guess you could use makechrootpkg from devtools. Not sure how well that would work on a live CD.
All the best,
Just create a user and use "su username -c makepkg"?
Last edited by progandy (2014-01-25 21:21:52)
| alias CUTF='LANG=en_XX.UTF-8@POSIX ' |
@HalosGhost Hum, that could work. It would be annoying to duplicate the (file)system just for it, but I guess it would work.
@progandy Nice, this is good. It is a bit strange the notion of creating a new user on a live CD, maybe because it is uncommon (AFAIK), but....hey, I don't see why not. I liked this idea.
I'll leave this open for a while, maybe someone could come up with a *more* simple approach, but I am satisfied, soon I'll mark the topic as solved.
Last edited by thiagowfx (2014-01-25 23:23:43)
Pages: 1