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#1 2014-01-26 21:59:37

Registered: 2013-11-09
Posts: 35

[HP Compaq 6715b] Wi-Fi Problem

Hi guys,
First of all I know that there had been some topics about this laptop already and almost with the same issue, but till now I think I've surfed through nearly every site on web.

Now, proceeding to the very issue: I've installed Arch Linux on this laptop today, and I immediately noticed that Wi-Fi isn't working at all. LED pertaining to wireless adapter was off and then I didn't know what does that meant. So I google'd up, that I need to install drivers manually. So my first attempt was to use ndiswrapper with the driver that I've found on . But it didn't worked at all. There was no sign of wireless interface in 'ip link', and after typing 'rfkill unblock wlan' a message appeared that I need to search for b43-open/ucode13.fw .

So I had undo what I've done with ndiswrapper and proceeded to b43-fwcutter. I've tried two different drivers: … 38.tar.bz2 and the older one: … el.tar.bz2 . Both were listed as 'compatibile' with my laptop (14e4:4312). I've tried both of them, and both seemed to do the same job: I could unblock wlan with rfkill, and WiFi LED has turned blue (which means that the card seems to be working). 'inxi -i' listed new adapter (which was always DOWN) and 'ip link' showed new 'wlan0' interface. So I typed 'sudo wifi-menu' and it showed me my network. But when I tried to connect to it, it said CONNECTION FAILED.
So now I'm at the dead end and I really don't know where to search next.
I'll upload logs from things you will consider important cause right now I don't even know which one I should show you.

I'm impatiently looking for your help, guys.
Thanks in advance!

PS: output of 'uname -a':
Linux locked 3.12.9-1-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Sun Jan 26 09:15

|| Kernel: 4.0.4-2-ARCH || Architecture: i686 || WM: ratpoison || DE: none ||

“A man goes to knowledge as he goes to war: wide-awake, with fear, with respect, and with absolute assurance. Going to knowledge or going to war in any other manner is a mistake, and whoever makes it might never live to regret it”
---Don Juan


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