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Hi there!
Lately I've been thinking about enhancing eye-candiness of my terminal.
I bet you can remember how futuristic computers were pictured in the 90's movies; printing one character at a time and stuff...
__ |
|-- //Five seconds of each should be enough __|
Those imaginery haunted me as a kid...
I wish I could find some zsh knob / some terminal emulator settings that would allow me to slow down text output (not too much, of course) and maybe add some kind of burnout effect to all this.
While searching, I've stomped on OSX terminal emulator in openGL with fancy, useless features similar to what I'd like. But it's for OSX, and it's kinda heavy.
Any ideas appreciated.
foo=$(uptime|perl -pe 's/.+up (.+)/$1/')
echo -e "$(date)\b\b\b\b\b\b\t1984, $foo"|pv -L 14 -q
courtesy of
Here is exactly what you're looking for:
Install the package "xscreensaver". Then start the "phosphor" application like this:
$ /usr/lib/xscreensaver/phosphor -scale 2 -delay 0 -program zsh
Then bask in its glory.
See "man phosphor" for more information.
Last edited by drcouzelis (2014-02-07 20:14:45)
Hell yeah! That's exactly what I was looking for... Sad thing is that it dont allows input in -root mode...
I've found another one:
Too bad that those apps dont have features like xterm... This one has exactly two options to tweak ;P
On the other hand, lets look at something really futuristic:
That one seems to be kinda cool. I've used it like a year ago, but it was pretty glitchy then and I ditched it. Dunno if anything has changed since.
Last edited by 0x29a (2014-02-08 11:43:20)
I use Terminology and have had no issues with it so far. I don't do exotic things, but it's worked for me always.
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