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Interesting! What panel is that? Im guessing heavily modified tint2? If so, what font? I use a pretty plain XFCE4-panel setup, but always looking for something new.
If wayland ever becomes a default, I really really hope Openbox will have been ported over. I cant imagine having to use anything else (except maybe awesome)..
Changed colors to base16 and decided to get a new wallpaper.
Last edited by Gadileth (2014-02-15 01:19:22)
I wish XEWM (XEmacs Window Manager) worked on Linux but though it downloads it barfs on some obscure local network issue.
int_young wrote:Interesting! What panel is that? Im guessing heavily modified tint2? If so, what font? I use a pretty plain XFCE4-panel setup, but always looking for something new.
If wayland ever becomes a default, I really really hope Openbox will have been ported over. I cant imagine having to use anything else (except maybe awesome)..
Yes it's tint2,and the font is Tamsyn,you can gei it through pacman,the package is tamsyn-font.And I hope openbox will be ported to wayland,too,openbox is so great!
Here's my Openbox setup :
Apps :
dwb (it's so fast !)
termite (urxvt doesn't work good anymore on my computer, so I tried termite, really impressed by the font rendering adn simplicity of the config file)
dunst ( I don't know if I can have covers of albums, don't think so, but hey, all the rest is configurable to death !)
conky ( I spent some time on that one but it's really useful thing)
Asus 1225B - 11,6" - AMD E-60 Dual Core 1,3Ghz - 4 Go RAM - Disque dur SSD 128 Go - Radeon HD6290
ArchLinux Openbox - My Github
Last edited by Montague (2015-07-28 03:05:23)
Why not another one. XMonad URxvtc SublimeText Firefox Chromium
Nice screenshots.I like your font rendering.Can you share your config?
And... here... we... go!
Last edited by Montague (2015-07-28 03:05:35)
AwesomeWM - awesome v3.5.2 (The Fox)
Solarized Colour Scheme all over
Configs here:
grobar87 wrote:Montague wrote:Why not another one. XMonad URxvtc SublimeText Firefox Chromium screenshots.I like your font rendering.Can you share your config?
Thanks.As far as fonts go, I use the infinality repo, but I didn’t configure anything special, just enabled the infinality repo in pacman.conf and installed some fonts. I didn’t touch firefox’s or chromium’s configs, they just use the default fonts, but I suspect infinality’s patches help to have nicer rendering. For urxvt I use Clean font. Sublime Text uses Inconsolata-zi4 (from the infinality repo).
Some configs :
For some eye candy, I have this line in ~/.xinitrc :
compton -cCGfF -o 0.38 -O 200 -I 200 -t 0 -l 0 -r 3 -D2 -m 0.88 &
And for the “ padding ” in urxvt I have this line in ~/.xmonad/xmonad.hs :
myTerminal = "urxvtc -b 12"
And I don’t pay too much attention to the wallpaper, it changes every 15 minutes thank to a script found here and a folder full of images dowloaded from a couple years ago (and never updated )
And... here... we... go!
Nice, care to share your panel config?
Petite veille d'ivresse, sainte ! quand ce ne serait que pour le masque dont tu as gratifié. Nous t'affirmons, méthode ! Nous n'oublions pas que tu as glorifié hier chacun de nos âges. Nous avons foi au poison. Nous savons donner notre vie tout entière tous les jours.
Voici le temps des Assassins.
very nice. pls share your config.
Damn, the colors freakin' dark. Share the terminal clrs?
Color scheme pls and what font are you using?
DotDev wrote:Damn, the colors freakin' dark. Share the terminal clrs?
DotDev wrote:Color scheme pls and what font are you using?
URxvt.background: #000000
URxvt*foreground: #9E8C7A
*color0: #262626
*color8: #4F4F4F
*color1: #663333
*color9: #993333
*color2: #63874C
*color10: #76a35A
*color3: #88764C
*color11: #A58E5A
*color4: #526282
*color12: #61759E
*color5: #775182
*color13: #8F5F9E
*color6 : #767D75
*color14 : #9DA69E
*color7: #A0A0A0
*color15: #FFFFFF
Font: Pragmata Pro
Last edited by DotDev (2014-02-20 03:08:20)