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#1 2014-02-15 18:29:11

From: Canada
Registered: 2005-12-06
Posts: 1,718

A small contribution for Foundation/Laravel developers

I'm a software developer in Toronto.

I like Foundation/SASS for adaptive mobile first web development. I also happen to be very fond of Laravel for rapid PHP development.

If you are like me, you may find a pain having to issue a bunch of commands every time you need to create a new project. Not to mention having to edit all the configuration files for both, Foundation and Laravel  to get the directory structure "the way you like it". Overtime, I got tired of it and decided to write a script to automate this process.

The directory structure I use is the default Laravel's install, eg:

myApp |
            |- app
            |- public
            |- vendor

and inside the public directory I set the Foundation framework. Therefore it looks like this:

myApp |
            |- app
            |- public-|
            |             |- assets -|
            |                             |- css
            |                             |- fonts
            |                             |- scss |
            |                             |           |- partials
            |                             |
            |                             |- js
            |- images
            |- vendor

This is the script:

# ====================================+
# 	Creates a new Laravel project using Foundation 5.0 
#  	Copies template files and sets directory structures
#	as per ITTwo development standards.



echo +===================================================+
echo "     LAMP Project Builder (Laravel/Foundation)     "
echo +===================================================+

# verify that the dev.template directory exists
if [ -d $TEMPLATE_FILES ]; then

    if [ -z "$1" ]; then
    	echo "Missing project name"

    echo "1. Creating Laravel Project: "$PROJECT_NAME
    composer.phar create-project laravel/laravel $DEVAREA/$PROJECT_NAME &&
	foundation new $DEVAREA/$PROJECT_NAME/_public

	# Create my development environment
    mv public/.htaccess _public/.htaccess
    mv public/index.php _public/index.php
    mv public/robots.txt _public/robots.txt

    rm -fr public && mv _public public
    mkdir public/packages
    # Arrange directory structure
    cd public
	mkdir -p images/icons images/sprites
	mkdir -p assets/fonts  assets/css

	# Move files into my directory structure 
	mv js/app.js  js/master.js
	mv js assets/js 
	mv scss assets/scss

	# Create partials directory
	mkdir assets/scss/partials

    # Create default partial files
    for partial in variables base layouts mixins fonts modules;
    	touch assets/scss/partials/_$partial.scss;

    # Move existing files into partials
	mv assets/scss/app.scss assets/scss/master.scss
	mv assets/scss/_*.scss assets/scss/partials
    cd .. # go back to the app root directory
	echo "2. Getting template files"
		echo " a. index, template and hidden files ..."
            cp $TEMPLATE_FILES/index.html $DEVAREA/$PROJECT_NAME/public
            cp $TEMPLATE_FILES/.gitignore $DEVAREA/$PROJECT_NAME/.gitignore
            cp $TEMPLATE_FILES/Guardfile $DEVAREA/$PROJECT_NAME/app/Guardfile

		echo " b. config.rb"
		    cp $TEMPLATE_FILES/config.rb $DEVAREA/$PROJECT_NAME/public/config.rb

		echo " c. $TEMPLATE_FILES/master.scss "
		    cp $TEMPLATE_FILES/master.scss	$DEVAREA/$PROJECT_NAME/public/assets/scss/master.scss

        echo " d. Initialize Git project"


        if [ -f ".git" ]; then
            rm -fr .git

        # Initialize git for this project
        git init
        git add .
        git commit -m 'Initial Commit'

        echo " f. Prevent sending log in data into repo ..."
        git update-index --assume-unchanged $DEVAREA/$PROJECT_NAME/app/config/database.php

    echo "3. Setting permissions on "$DEVAREA/$PROJECT_NAME/"app/storage"
    chmod -R 757 $DEVAREA/$PROJECT_NAME/app/storage

	echo "4. Creaging symlink to $DEVAREA/$PROJECT_NAME/public in the web server"
    su root -c "ln -s $DEVAREA/$PROJECT_NAME/public $WEBROOT/$PROJECT_NAME"

	if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
	echo "+----------------------------------------------------------------+"
	echo " All done!"
    echo "A. Edit "/home/$OWNER/HTML/$PROJECT_NAME"/app/config/database.php"
    echo "   and set your database password as needed."
    echo "C. Remember to run compass watch and guard"
	echo "+----------------------------------------------------------------+"

    echo "Missing directory "$HOME "/HTML/$TEMPLATE_FILES"

For the setup as I have described, these are my config.rb and master.scss which I keep in my development directory in a folder I call

config.rb :

# Require any additional compass plugins here.
add_import_path "bower_components/foundation/scss"

# Set this to the root of your project when deployed:
http_path = "/"
css_dir = "assets/css"
sass_dir = "assets/scss"
javascripts_dir = "assets/js"
fonts_dir = "assets/fonts"
images_dir = "images"

# You can select your preferred output style here (can be overridden via the command line):
# output_style = :expanded or :nested or :compact or :compressed
output_style = :expanded

# To enable relative paths to assets via compass helper functions. Uncomment:
relative_assets = true

# To disable debugging comments that display the original location of your selectors. Uncomment:
line_comments = false

# If you prefer the indented syntax, you might want to regenerate this
# project again passing --syntax sass, or you can uncomment this:
# preferred_syntax = :sass
# and then run:
# sass-convert -R --from scss --to sass sass scss && rm -rf sass && mv scss sass


@import "partials/settings";
@import "partials/fonts";
@import "foundation";
@import "partials/variables";
@import "partials/base";
@import "partials/layouts";
@import "partials/modules";

Now this is of course tailored to the way I like my code structured, if you like it different (I can't imagine why tongue) just edit the master.scss and config.rb to your coding stile and you are on you way.
The main script is, or so I think wink, easy to understand but I'll be happy to answer questions if anyone has them.
You may also want to add other files to your template directory ( like I did (you will see that in the code) and that can be easily done by editing the main script. I've left the code in place so you can use it as an example, but if you do not need it just comment the lines and you are set.

BTW, I'm not a bash-fu coder, if  you see improvements to the code let me know.
I hope this will help some other developers.


p.s: If someone wants a tar file with the scripts and my current development setup I'll be happy to put a link to a public server.


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