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faad2-devel broke vlc, but pacman won't remove it when i try switching back to faad2 b/c of the dependencies. strange that i could remove faad2 when installing faad2-devel, but not the other way around -- i guess that's why it's unstable.
is there any way to revert back to faad2 cleanly, without uninstalling all the dependencies and having to reinstall them? :?:
[10] root:/home/sero # pacman -S faad2
:: faad2 conflicts with faad2-devel. Remove faad2-devel? [Y/n]
Remove: faad2-devel
Targets: faad2-2.0-8
Total Package Size: 0.3 MB
Proceed with upgrade? [Y/n]
checking package integrity... done.
error: this will break the following dependencies:
faad2-devel: is required by ffmpeg
faad2-devel: is required by mplayer
faad2-devel: is required by avidemux
faad2-devel: is required by mpd
faad2-devel: is required by gst-plugins-faad
[11] root:/home/sero # pacman -Rc faad2-devel
Targets: dvdrip mplayer-plugin vlc k3b transcode xvidcap gst-plugins-faad mpd avidemux
mplayer ffmpeg faad2-devel
Do you want to remove these packages? [Y/n] i? :shock:
no you don't, as this is a shorter way:
pacman -R --nodeps faad2-devel
pacman -S faad2
edit: the case is that faad2-devel provides faad2, which is required by those programs. --nodeps option of pacman will skip dependency test. Installing faad2 after this will provide faad2 again, so no problems
cheers, that did it. i thought nodeps was strictly an -S option. thanks.
Pages: 1