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After going through the install wiki and doing it like it said, I thought I was installing grub to my MBR. Now I have found out some of grub's files are located on my Arch / partition. Im wondering if there is a way to have all my grub files stored on my MBR.
It seems like all the google searches for install grub to MBR return the same thing, some grub files to MBR but then still the grub conf files in your /boot/.... of linux install.
What I would like is:
All grub files to MBR
os-prober to MBR
Able to have all partition erased on disk and still boot to grub
able to issue mkconfig command and point it to proper location - MBR - to create grub.conf file.
So say I have grub installed to MBR, totally empty paritions, then install arch linux, I dont install a bootloader with it, then I restart and get into grub. I use grub terminal to boot into my arch. Then from arch I will issue a mkconfig command and use os-prober to automatically write my grub.conf file (which should be in my mbr partition, not in /boot/......)
I understand grub cannot write from its own terminal, only read...otherwise I would say to just run mkconfig command straight from grub boot menu....but i dont think that will be possible.
Im not sure if this is really unusual, not possible, or will cause many problems, your thoughts/ideas and help is appreciated.
USE boot managers:
if I want boot manager only on my mbr. These managers fit entirely on mbr parition
Last edited by rexineffect (2014-02-19 18:14:31)