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#1 2014-03-11 22:51:59

Registered: 2012-11-20
Posts: 14

EXIF in Python3 returns empty dictionary of exif tags

Hi folks,
I have modified a Python2 program that downloads a camera, uses '' to get the date of origin from the exif data and puts the pictures in folders named by year, month and day the way Shotwell does. That works well.
Now I want to use Python3 but returns an empty dictionary of exif tags. The following is a test segment to get the tags.
I've tried many variations including commandline.
Is the problem the EXIF module, or is it me (more likely).


import os
import EXIF

def findexifdata(srcfile):
    year,month,day = 'none','none','none'
    print("Examining", srcfile)
    f = open(srcfile, 'rb')
    tags=EXIF.process_file(f, stop_tag='DateTimeOriginal, strict=True, details=False')
    for tag in tags.keys():
        if tag in ('EXIF DateTimeOriginal'):
            dateinstance = (tags.get("EXIF DateTimeOriginal"))
            datestr = str(dateinstance)
            year = datestr[0:4]
            month = datestr[5:7]
            day = datestr[8:10]
    return year,month,day

dirpath = '/home/jj/pictest/source'
for name in os.listdir(dirpath):
    srcfile = os.path.join(dirpath, name)
    print("srcfile", srcfile)
    year, month, day = findexifdata(srcfile)
    print('yearmonthday',year, month, day)

#This produces the following output repeating according to how many pictures are present:

srcfile /home/jj/pictest/source/DSC02290.JPG
Examining /home/jj/pictest/source/DSC02290.JPG
yearmonthday none none none
srcfile /home/jj/pictest/source/DSC02361.JPG
Examining /home/jj/pictest/source/DSC02361.JPG
yearmonthday none none none


#2 2014-03-12 03:10:47

From: Baltimore, MD (US)
Registered: 2009-04-16
Posts: 990

Re: EXIF in Python3 returns empty dictionary of exif tags

Just a guess, but is this really what you mean to do?

	tags=EXIF.process_file(f, stop_tag='DateTimeOriginal, strict=True, details=False')

I'm referring to the fact that you're passing only one named parameter to process_file where it looks like you wanted to pass three.


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