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Been a while since I showed my screen off. Why not.
DWM, Firefox (with userChrome), URxvt + dvtm (tagging branch in git), vim, semi-custom color script, mocp (not shown: Abduco)
Dou you share dwm patchset and config ?
Been a while since I showed my screen off. Why not.
DWM, Firefox (with userChrome), URxvt + dvtm (tagging branch in git), vim, semi-custom color script, mocp (not shown: Abduco)
I would be interested in seeing your Firefox userChrome. I like how clean and minimal it is.
Dou you share dwm patchset and config ?
I maintain a "fork" of dwm that I integrate all of my patches into. It's not up to date with the latest git release (it was updated to mainline regularly before the libdrw separation. I just haven't had time to adapt my changes)
You can find it here:
The config.h is included there. If you're looking for my dotfiles, check They're not 100% up-to-date (and they reference other repos of mine once or twice) but they're there. If you've got questions, feel free to ask
"Unix is basically a simple operating system, but you have to be a genius to understand the simplicity." (Dennis Ritchie)
I would be interested in seeing your Firefox userChrome. I like how clean and minimal it is.
You can find that here: It's not perfect (and you may need to make further changes. It's tailored to my plugin usage as well, particularly "Hide Menubar")
"Unix is basically a simple operating system, but you have to be a genius to understand the simplicity." (Dennis Ritchie)
Great selection of tunes there, dgz.
I am curious as to what I am seeing. What wm, dock, what music player is going there, etc?
Clean: dirty:
That wallpaper, Sir, is awesome! Mind sharing it, please?
dgz wrote:Great selection of tunes there, dgz.
dgz wrote:I am curious as to what I am seeing. What wm, dock, what music player is going there, etc?
evilwm, moc, tmux/urxvt, xfce4-panel, imagemagick/feh to tile the current song artwork in the background, and conky for the clock/icon. colours are earsplit's edit of crshd's erosion, editted further to fit the light terminal background.
That wallpaper, Sir, is awesome! Mind sharing it, please?
Sure. I tried finding where I originally downloaded it from (It was a HUGE repository of wallpapers on imgur...) but I couldn't find it again. My google-fu must be weakening... Uploaded it here:
"Unix is basically a simple operating system, but you have to be a genius to understand the simplicity." (Dennis Ritchie)
There's too much tiling addiction in here.
I kid, I kid. But really, though. Minus Shell being a complete CPU+GPU whore, GNOME actually is pretty acceptable to me (I've been a tiling guy exclusively, spare one test run of mcwm and one test run of openbox-multihead, since late 2011). I love the workflow management, and it's definitely much more polished than it was last I tested it (3.4 I believe). Still some moments of wanting to hurt someone, but I'll take it for now. I admittedly am using it more to gauge how usable or not GNOME is to determine whether I want to give myself the go-ahead on writing my own DE a few friends and I have been discussing lately... So far, so undecided.
GNOME 3.10 with Numix GTK and Icons. Shell theme is elegance-colors running the almost stock Numix preset. Open Sans fonts pretty much everywhere that's not monospace - all monospace fonts are Inconsolatazi4 size 9. Using only a couple shell extensions, the only major one visible is the music control thing.
Running GNOME Music in the background (amazingly, after grinding my system to a halt scanning my 500GB library, it runs quite well, and sorts collections almost as well as cmus does), as well as Geary for mail (which, like all mail clients, sucks. I have significantly fewer complaints about this one than most, though).
Sublime 3 with a ridiculous load of packages installed on the right monitor. Off the top of my head, Soda Dark 3 theme, an SFTP plugin, a Git plugin, several extra syntax setups, snippets. etc. etc. Writing some AngularJS/Bootstrap goodness, if anyone's curious.
@iv597: Can you please tell me which font is the one you use in sublime text editor? Thanks in advance
@iv597: Can you please tell me which font is the one you use in sublime text editor? Thanks in advance
He already did.
...all monospace fonts are Inconsolatazi4 size 9...
"Unix is basically a simple operating system, but you have to be a genius to understand the simplicity." (Dennis Ritchie)
ganastasiou wrote:@iv597: Can you please tell me which font is the one you use in sublime text editor? Thanks in advance
He already did.
iv597 wrote:...all monospace fonts are Inconsolatazi4 size 9...
LOL thanks !
cju wrote:That wallpaper, Sir, is awesome! Mind sharing it, please?
Sure. I tried finding where I originally downloaded it from (It was a HUGE repository of wallpapers on imgur...) but I couldn't find it again. My google-fu must be weakening... Uploaded it here:
Thanks a lot.
I've been playing with Gnome on my desktop PC. I have to say I like it a lot.
Last edited by mf (2014-03-29 20:57:06)
Playing around with Cairo for drawing stuff in DWM. Behold, the beauty of a simple gradient
Must be my age, but there is nothing there for me to behold.
Unia wrote:Playing around with Cairo for drawing stuff in DWM. Behold, the beauty of a simple gradient
Must be my age, but there is nothing there for me to behold.
You don't know how much I have craved some eye-candy in DWM (this tells a lot about my age )
If you can't sit by a cozy fire with your code in hand enjoying its simplicity and clarity, it needs more work. --Carlos Torres
jasonwryan wrote:Unia wrote:Playing around with Cairo for drawing stuff in DWM. Behold, the beauty of a simple gradient
Must be my age, but there is nothing there for me to behold.
You don't know how much I have craved some eye-candy in DWM (this tells a lot about my age )
No, you misunderstood me: I literally can't see a gradient in the screenie... Did I miss something?
I think the panel on the bottom has the gradient mentioned.
"We may say most aptly, that the Analytical Engine weaves algebraical patterns just as the Jacquard-loom weaves flowers and leaves." - Ada Lovelace
sushixnyan wrote:Not too much more going on for my setup this month. Minor updates to my bar and a new wallpaper .
~ Clean: ~ Fakebusy: like your $PS1
Thanks . I try to keep it pretty minimal but functional!
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HiImTye wrote:sushixnyan wrote:Not too much more going on for my setup this month. Minor updates to my bar and a new wallpaper .
~ Clean: ~ Fakebusy: like your $PS1
Thanks . I try to keep it pretty minimal but functional!
Can you share the wallpaper please?
Programming is a race between programmers making better software the the universe making bigger idiots. So far the universe is winning.
Unia wrote:jasonwryan wrote:Must be my age, but there is nothing there for me to behold.
You don't know how much I have craved some eye-candy in DWM (this tells a lot about my age )
No, you misunderstood me: I literally can't see a gradient in the screenie... Did I miss something?
Ooh, sorry This one is more obvious (and hideous, so no beholding here either)
If you can't sit by a cozy fire with your code in hand enjoying its simplicity and clarity, it needs more work. --Carlos Torres