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I'm porting some stuff for Arch64. I often grab patches and solutions from Frugalware. I wonder if they've patched pacman for their multi arch support or if it is already contained in our 2.9.7 version.
It looks like this:
Frugalbuild multiarch Frugalbuild example
6 pkgname=firefox
7 pkgver=1.5
8 pkgrel=2
9 pkgdesc="Mozilla Firefox web browser"
10 url=""
11 depends=('gtk+2' 'libidl' 'desktop-file-utils')
12 makedepends=('libgnome' 'zip')
13 groups=('xapps')
14 archs=('i686' 'x86_64')
15 up2date="wget -O - -q|grep '>[0-9.]*/'|sed -n 's|.*>([0-9.]*)/.*|1|;$ p'"
16 source=($pkgname/releases/$pkgver/source/$pkgname-$pkgver-source.tar.bz2
50 Fpatch 01-$pkgname-$pkgver-default_applications.patch0
51 Fpatch 02-$pkgname-$pkgver-gtk+2_flash.patch
52 Fpatch 04-$pkgname-$pkgver-freetype-compile.patch0
53 Fpatch 05-$pkgname-$pkgver-lang-detection.patch
54 Fpatch 07-$pkgname-$pkgver-gnome-vfs-default-app.patch
55 [ "$CARCH" == "x86_64" ] && Fpatch 08-firefox-1.1-visibility.patch0
Looks like they have additional functions starting with "F" included and some more. Cannot find any documentation in "man makepkg" or on any website.
If multi arch suppot is already included I want to ask the devs if they could imagine to go a similar way.
In the future the day will come when an official 64bit is a must. So we should be prepared early :!:
there was already talk about this on the arch-ports mailing list. i don't remember what we decided on (if we decided on something).
I'm just reading that...
Looks like everybody's working on their own distro - maybe even more forking than porting :-(
I'm interested in two things: one is the technical side. What is already included in pacman, abs... And we should find a practicable way how to manage the workflow. Several possible ways are shown in other distributions.
But this is something where our holy official devs have to make a final decission. Even when the ports are still in an early state.