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just caught this link and thought you guys would like it... hopefully xgl is easy to add as a module to xorg 7 because these effects are sweet 8) enjoy.
I want that!
Don't get me wrong, I'm all for a desktop that looks stylish but is all that extra crap worth the overhead? Like an Expose-esque task switcher is eye candy x 12 but is also useful. Logic +5xp. Wobbly windows don't rate real high on the useful scale and are a good way to add unnecessary load to the graphics card that never did anything mean to you yet!
Well, 'unnecesary load'? If the graphics cards not actually doing anything, I dont see the problem in giving it some work to do.
If all that 'crap' according to you, is well written, it wouldnt tax a modern graphics card really all that much at all.
Overhead is a bad word to use, because it implies that it will slow the system down, if done correctly, this shouldnt as the graphics card was doing practically nothing before hand.
As for whether it's 'crap'. I disagree. I'd love that improved alt tab. Even alt-tabs that show window names suck when you've got 5 xterms, or 4 Konquerors. Its not always easy to tell em apart.
And as for the expose rip. I dont care its a rip, I'd love it. There already exists a KDE app called kompose, but it uses screenshots of apps, not live rendered pictures. And because of that, it does feel slow and clunky.
That zoom effect in video 2 would be damned nice to have when working with images in the gimp or inkscape too.
Go grab a window, and drag it around your desktop, look at the hideous trails. Now drag it over some other windows, look at that lovely re-draw delay. I didnt see anything like that in the video, which is a pleasant improvement.
I wasn't knocking the Expose rip, read again I said it would be useful and I was thinking along the same lines as you with that. I'm stuck on 64K at the moment so I didn't check the videos to see everything, I'm just going by the first paragraph of that page. Zooming would be nice too but I object to spending resources (no matter whether it'll slow anything down or not) on making my windows turn to jelly when I move them. Just doesn't make sense.
more to the topic, I've said plenty of times around here that I think Xgl is a great idea, putting my vid card to use for my desktop rendering but I still stand by the fact that wobbly windows and transparent windows (for now, maybe someone will think of a good implementation one day) are useless.
Don't get me wrong, I'm all for a desktop that looks stylish but is all that extra crap worth the overhead? Like an Expose-esque task switcher is eye candy x 12 but is also useful. Logic +5xp. Wobbly windows don't rate real high on the useful scale and are a good way to add unnecessary load to the graphics card that never did anything mean to you yet!
Yes, because my graphics card gets cold when I'm just on the desktop. After about an hour or so, it starts to ask me for a sweater.
BTW, my graphics card is mean to me all the time. It keeps lagging me in the new CS:S maps like cs_militia and cs_assult.
=> Now known as jb
I saw some videos earlier today, and I think the effects are awesome. All of them.
I particularly love the Expose clone, the perfect transparency, and the 3D desktop switcher.
·¬»· i am shadowhand, powered by webfaction
theres the offical release. it looks like novell has released back a lot of the improvements its made to xgl and gnome. check out the new, higher quality videos. i'm still working on an xgl package though i'm having trouble. if anyone would care to lend a helping hand look the thread up in the desktop section.
I think a lot of those effect aren't just nice looking but also usefull. For instance when minimizing a window. With these effects you see the window getting smaller and moving in the taskbar at the bottom of the screen. This makes it much more clear to people new to computers where the window is gone. Or when opening a new fullscreen window over another window. currently it looks like the old window is gone and the new fullscreen has taken it's place. With an effect you would see the the old window still stays there but that a new window pops up bevore it.
I think you have to admit this is largely eye-candy, but I still want it anyway. I've being using skippy as a Expose-clone, but the clone that Novell have come up with looks slicker. It def something I'd try out.
I LOVE icandy, so I love Xgl.
There are awesome possibilities with this advanced technology (like that Expose-clone). NO one could say ever again the Linux desktop is slow!
I like about half of it, and the other half is impressive but kinda WHY? However the big advantage I see in this, is that if youre using the gfx card to do this desktop stuff (its not doing much on the desktop otherwise, right?) then not only is it getting a workout, your cpu has less to do. (I presume currently the cpu does all the desktop management work? correct me if im wrong by all means).
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