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ant32, I cannot install the workspace from git repo, oxygen icons package is missing:
errore: impossibile scaricare il pacchetto 'kf5-oxygen-icons-4.12.80-1-any.pkg.tar.xz' da : The requested URL returned error: 404 NOT FOUND
please, fix it. Thank you for your work.
I cant start plasma2 either from a tty or kdm. I'm using the git packages. Can anyone confirm if it is working for them or not?
Many thanks,
I've added some missing packages and am recompiling. Try again in an hour.
edit: There seem to be some packages with missing dependencies. I'll confirm them in a while.
Last edited by ant32 (2014-04-02 18:57:04)
I cant start plasma2 either from a tty or kdm. I'm using the git packages. Can anyone confirm if it is working for them or not?
For me it gets stuck the first time with a clean configuration, but after killing X it works every subsequent try (from KDM)
Could someone try the repo now and confirm that it works. I'll not be able to test it until later. All git packages build successfully.
Could someone try the repo now and confirm that it works. I'll not be able to test it until later. All git packages build successfully.
I tried, it starts, and I'm not sure if it's my fault, but window management (kwin) seems to be not working properly (if at all).
EDIT: It was just me. I tried again, kwin works. But autostarting applications error, KDE side. Generally, glitchy, crashy. But looks nice.
Last edited by tahahawa (2014-04-03 01:41:23)
As far as I know both the kf5 and the kf5-git repo work currently. They are of course glitchy and buggy which is to be expected with alpha/heavily developing code.
The files on are not all as updated as on dropbox. I'll try fix that tomorrow.
Wasn't there a session file? I stil cannot access to kf5 from KDM..
As far as I know there isn't a session file for the stable kf5, it's only for the git as far as I know.
As far as I know there isn't a session file for the stable kf5, it's only for the git as far as I know.
I'm sorry for asking you, but couldn't you add the session file in ant32-kf5-git repo?
Could someone try the repo now and confirm that it works. I'll not be able to test it until later. All git packages build successfully.
the ant32 repo works fine for me (kf5 - amd64).
I also compiled the entire kf5-meta-git branch from the AUR (I did it with paktahn $/> pak -Ss kf5-meta-git <-- the cower method is better, but the gist was down last time I checked)
Can we please clarify how to start plasma sessions now?
I've tried running the suggested scripts with the latest source without success. I've also tried running the scripts xsessions.
I cant start plasma2 either from a tty or kdm. I'm using the git packages. Can anyone confirm if it is working for them or not?
I cannot.
Can we please clarify how to start plasma sessions now?
If you use the -git packages, you should already have a "Plasma Desktop (KF5)" session in your DM menu. If you use the alpha packages, you have to copy the session files yourself. Grab the 10-kf5 and kf5-plasma.desktop files from plasma-workspace-git, and copy them to /usr/share/xsessions (or to /usr/share/apps/kdm/sessions/ if you use KDM) and to /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/ respectively.
Does anyone know how will the removal of KDM be handled with official packages once KF5 is released ?
Does anyone know how will the removal of KDM be handled with official packages once KF5 is released ?
There's no more a DM made by KDE, instead you can choose whatever you want. sddm or lightdm are recommended though.
AnAkkk wrote:Does anyone know how will the removal of KDM be handled with official packages once KF5 is released ?
There's no more a DM made by KDE, instead you can choose whatever you want. sddm or lightdm are recommended though.
I know, this is why I was asking this question. I guess LightDM is pretty much the only choice. I've tried SDDM, it seemed quite buggy and it looks like it doesn't have any active developers.
I know, this is why I was asking this question. I guess LightDM is pretty much the only choice. I've tried SDDM, it seemed quite buggy and it looks like it doesn't have any active developers.
I guess the reason is political here (I could be wrong!) lightdm is made by Canonical, while SDDM is licensed under GPL. It's true SDDM development has stopped, but I guess it has the basic features a DM need and maybe KDE guys are intested only on that ATM.
Anyway, I heard KDE Visual Design team is working on a new theme for the DM, so let's find out on which DM are they working.
Can we please clarify how to start plasma sessions now?
I've tried running the suggested scripts with the latest source without success. I've also tried running the scripts xsessions.
to answer my own question (with the help of reddit) the kde-workspace packages have been split away from the kf5 (frameworks) packages, and need to be installed as well. the workspace packages now come with kdm xsession files, so kdm will show a boot option the new workspace options.
scarpino wrote:Try:
$ export XDG_DATA_DIRS="/opt/kf5/share:$XDG_DATA_DIRS"
Yep, that works. I added it to the AUR package.
kde-cli-tools-git might need the same fix?
First of all I have a question: can current kde4 installation and this "kde5" coexist on my system?
Then I have this problem: I'm not able to install kde-workspace-git
[daniele@archlinux ~]$ sudo pacman -S kde-workspace-git
resolving dependencies...
looking for inter-conflicts...
error: unresolvable package conflicts detected
error: failed to prepare transaction (conflicting dependencies)
:: kdelibs4support-git and kde4support-git are in conflict
First of all I have a question: can current kde4 installation and this "kde5" coexist on my system?
Then I have this problem: I'm not able to install kde-workspace-git
[daniele@archlinux ~]$ sudo pacman -S kde-workspace-git resolving dependencies... looking for inter-conflicts... error: unresolvable package conflicts detected error: failed to prepare transaction (conflicting dependencies) :: kdelibs4support-git and kde4support-git are in conflict
sudo pacman -Rdd kde4support-git
Last edited by AnAkkk (2014-04-13 19:59:45)
sudo pacman -Rbb kde4support-git
error: failed to initialize alpm library (could not find or read directory)
That was supposed to be -Rdd I believe.
That was supposed to be -Rdd I believe.
Indeed. Oops.