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Yup, I'm aware of that, libswitchboard is already shipped with switchboard. There was no reason to split the lib since anything depending on libswitchboard depends on switchboard anyway. However, that reminds me I forgot to delete libpantheon-bzr from AUR. It's gone now, thx for the reminder
I just tried to add your repo for pantheon, and I'm noticing that some items still depend on either libpantheon or libpantheon-bzr. Here is the output from pacman:
warning: cannot resolve "libpantheon-bzr", a dependency of "switchboard-plug-elementary-tweaks-bzr"
warning: cannot resolve "libpantheon", a dependency of "webcontracts-bzr"
:: The following packages cannot be upgraded due to unresolvable dependencies:
switchboard-plug-elementary-tweaks-bzr webcontracts-bzr
Was wondering if these packages should be updated to remove the dependency too?
In any case, thanks for building this. It looks like the desktop is working .
Was wondering if these packages should be updated to remove the dependency too?
The answer would be no: both haven't been updated to use libswitchboard, webcontracts is deprecated and will be replaced with switchboard-plug-online-accounts (building this still fails here for some reason which is why I still haven't submitted it yet), and elementary-tweaks doesn't even work with stable switchboard due to overlay scrollbars (needs ubuntu patched gtk...). I'll leave them in AUR only for now and put a notice on their page, but I'll probably get rid of both soon (unless elementary-tweaks changes, which doesn't seem likely for now).
In any case, thanks for building this. It looks like the desktop is working
My pleasure
The bird of Hermes is my name, eating my wings to make me tame.
elementary-tweaks doesn't even work with stable switchboard due to overlay scrollbars (needs ubuntu patched gtk...).
Care to try an experimental package?
makepkg-optimize · indicator-powersave · pantheon-{3d,lite} · {pantheon,higan}-qq
Care to try an experimental package?
This is not experimental, this is ubuntu crap, only when hell freezes over I'll consider using this
The bird of Hermes is my name, eating my wings to make me tame.
this is ubuntu crap
Indeed. I don't much like the idea of using Ubuntu patches myself, but Pantheon relies on some (or many?) of them. There was some reason I needed both gtk3-git and Ubuntu's patches (dependency hive most likely). Anyway, I've been using it for a few days now and added some final touches to the PKGBUILD; it appears stable at least.
makepkg-optimize · indicator-powersave · pantheon-{3d,lite} · {pantheon,higan}-qq
Let me know if I can contribute in any way to your great work of providing Pantheon on Arch.
I am very excited about the recent developments of elementaryOS and see its huge potential of diffusing Linux to a completely new target group. And with this development I would love to see Arch being the best supported distribution for Pantheon aside from elementaryOS itself!
Last edited by orschiro (2014-04-06 20:15:08)
Finally got indicator-sensors back into super-wingpanel (bzr)
So why doesn't glippy play nice with super-wingpanel-bzr?
Anyone else using it in Pantheon?
Methinks i see a night of much bzr scouring ahead..
More like several days. Got glippy working again!
Last edited by quequotion (2014-04-14 21:07:35)
makepkg-optimize · indicator-powersave · pantheon-{3d,lite} · {pantheon,higan}-qq
By the way, here is a screenshot of a running Pantheon session with custom wallpaper:
I made some updates on the Pantheon Wiki Page.
Most importantly I want to highlight the FAQ-like Troubleshooting section. It would be useful to continue to collect bugs and errors in the Known Issue section and once resolved, move them to the Troubleshooting section if they require user changes.
Last edited by orschiro (2014-04-07 09:30:34)
How to make hot corners working? (without make a full gnome install)
How to make hot corners working? (without make a full gnome install)
that depends on which window manager +/- compositor you're using. pantheon's default is gala, do you have minimal installation with openbox, dwm, or another alternative?
For gala, there's probably something for hot corners in switchboard -> appearance
makepkg-optimize · indicator-powersave · pantheon-{3d,lite} · {pantheon,higan}-qq
that depends on which window manager +/- compositor you're using. pantheon's default is gala, do you have minimal installation with openbox, dwm, or another alternative?
Asking out of interest, why would you use Pantheon Shell if you don't use Gala?
Asking out of interest, why would you use Pantheon Shell if you don't use Gala?
I really like super-wingpanel, slingshot-launcher, and plank (especially with transparency and autohide!) but gala didn't serve my needs. I'm not sure if this is because it's still in development with features on the way or if it's designed to be less than overly complex and more than bare bones. I have need of both a compiz desktop (for multitasking and awesomeness; unfortunately needs complex custom settings) and a lightweight desktop (for realtime applications; some games, etc; not quite as productive).
For now I use openbox with pantheon-shell for the lightweight desktop, but i'm looking into even lighter alternatives. openbox+pantheon-shell is remarkably usable in fact and not much of a sacrifice for the amount of resources it frees up. I did run tests back when I started doing this on Ubuntu to compare the three options and openbox was significantly lighter than gala at the time, especially without a compositor (although compton and openbox combined can be smaller than gala). pantheon-shell works just fine on 2D desktops, but gala has a built-in compositor that can't be disabled (as far as i know?).
makepkg-optimize · indicator-powersave · pantheon-{3d,lite} · {pantheon,higan}-qq
Let me know if I can contribute in any way to your great work of providing Pantheon on Arch.
I am very excited about the recent developments of elementaryOS and see its huge potential of diffusing Linux to a completely new target group. And with this development I would love to see Arch being the best supported distribution for Pantheon aside from elementaryOS itself!
Well I got the packaging covered, now we need to address every outstanding issue, listing them along with their cause, and hopefully providing a fix/workaround, starting with the more blocking ones; like blatant crashes or ones that require difficult operations to get around that might scare some people off. The wiki page is a good place to start discussions about how to solve these issues. For example, I could add gnome-themes-standard to gala's deps, but that would make some people angry because it's not really needed, or I could add a dummy wallpaper and find where the gala wallpaper path is stored and change that to the dummy wall, etc... Having some input/insight about issues would be great, as well as people who can fix arch-related bugs in the code and contribute upstream; I more or less understand C and Vala when looking at them and I can fix simple things, but I'm no expert and complex stuff eludes me completely.
Working with the Pantheon devs to solve those and showing them Arch loves Pantheon sounds like a good way to proceed. Their move to GNOME 3.12 is really great news for us, I was really afraid they would stick to an old GNOME for a time, which would have made things a _lot_ more difficult/impossible.
BTW, I now have transparency in pantheon-terminal-bzr, can anyone confirm the bug has been fixed? Also, the keyboard plug (bzr) seems to have stopped working with the following error:
[_LOG_LEVEL_FATAL 20:07:18.168708] PlugsManager.vala:60: get_plug () not found in /usr/lib/switchboard/hardware/pantheon-keyboard/
[_LOG_LEVEL_FATAL 20:07:18.169010] Switchboard will not function properly.
Hopefully I'll have time to look into it soon. I'll also try to come up with a working online accounts plug, if I can figure out why it won't build.
The bird of Hermes is my name, eating my wings to make me tame.
I could add a dummy wallpaper and find where the gala wallpaper path is stored and change that to the dummy wall
I see an opportunity for an Arch+Elementary themed logo here.
makepkg-optimize · indicator-powersave · pantheon-{3d,lite} · {pantheon,higan}-qq
Great news about the Gnome 3.12 switch! I haven't come across this yet.
Regarding transparency. I cannot confirm this. I changed org.pantheon.terminal.settings.opacity to 30. But still no transparency.
Is it an idea to also work closely together with the guys from Antergos? They could ship Pantheon as a DE aside from the currently default Gnome DE. Since they experimented with Cinnamon before, they might be open to join the development of Pantheon on Arch!
I'd also like to help
Where and how can I help?
Yeah I can confirm the transparency is working fine for the terminal. I'm using intel graphics.
You just adjusted 'opacity' in dconf-editor? I am also using an intel graphics. I will have to check again why I don't have transparency.
hi there! you need to use elementary gtk theme, or add this code to your current theme … vision/210 , (tested with numix theme and works fine)
First attempts:
Transparent bg:
White bg:
Last edited by quequotion (2014-04-10 03:54:11)
makepkg-optimize · indicator-powersave · pantheon-{3d,lite} · {pantheon,higan}-qq
Nice! Maybe also try one with the recent Arch logo instead of the old?
BTW, what do you think about changing the title of this thread to Share your Pantheon Shell Desktop so that we can collect some beautiful examples of Pantheon and how it can look like on Arch.
Your screenshot for example would be nice to have in the Artwork & Screenshot thread!
Last edited by orschiro (2014-04-10 07:14:35)
Nice! Maybe also try one with the recent Arch logo instead of the old?
Thanks! I was curious about that; both icons come from wikimedia: their arch logo is out of date! I will update and try again, but i think the old one is kinda cute.
BTW, what do you think about changing the title of this thread to Share your Pantheon Shell Desktop so that we can collect some beautiful examples of Pantheon and how it can look like on Arch.
Done. Please ignore my pantheon 3d and pantheon lite posts' complete state of unpreparedness and lack of meaningful content; I will remedy this as soon as possible. Let's do this!
makepkg-optimize · indicator-powersave · pantheon-{3d,lite} · {pantheon,higan}-qq
Offline Nice spotting this, I was indeed using the elementary gtk theme. Can somebody update the wiki page accordingly?
I finally have a working Online Accounts plug, well it loads and you can connect your accounts, see here: … ounts-bzr/
I still don't know how apps are supposed to interact with this though, geary didn't seem to pick up my gmail acccount. I will put together an eOS VM to investigate with the real thing when I have time, meanwhile, testing welcome
BTW, you may want to edit /etc/gsignond.conf, and assign 'pantheon' to Extension around the top (this is what eOS devs do). The default claims to store unencrypted credentials with regular linux access control, changing that to pantheon wil make it encrypted (accounts should then end up in /var/db/sudo/pantheon/).
The bird of Hermes is my name, eating my wings to make me tame.
@Alucryd there is a new startup apps plug for Switchboard, it works ok but it looks a bit odd for my taste
btw here the pkgbuild take a look at it if you want of course
Last edited by (2014-04-10 10:14:32)