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I play cube 2005_08_29-4 from [community]
I use stack kernel 2.6.15-ARCH.
1st problem, the cube documentation (file:///opt/cube/docs/config.html) says that -t option starts the game windowed (not fullscreen). But it starts the game fullscreened anyways.
Can anyone play cube windowed?
2nd problem, I get this:
init: sound
sound init failed (SDL_mixer): No available audio device
I have sb live! that works fine with mplayer...i.e. it plays sounds ...but i don't get the error..
Does anyone know how to troubleshoot the sound problem?
Thank you.
The sounds would be fixed by installing sdl, and modprobe'ing snd-pcm-oss and snd-mixer-oss.
·¬»· i am shadowhand, powered by webfaction
Try 'aoss cube', works for me.
For the windowed problem: Sorry, it's my fault :oops: The /usr/bin/cube script don't accept any arguments. I will fix that.
For the sound: are you using a sound deamon (other than arts or esd) or any other app that would use the sound card and cause a conflict? Sometime when I start it I don't get sound. In this case, I just quit and restart it. :?
1) cube -t starts windowed here too...
2) If you have a sound daemon running and you don't have hardware mixing, I suggest you to setup dmix - it works fine here. Just create ~/.asoundrc (as your user) and enter this in it:
pcm.dsp0 {
type plug
slave.pcm "dmix"
ctl.mixer0 {
type hw
card 0
Save and re-login (to make sure everything that uses ALSA reads the asoundrc), sound should now work.
The sounds would be fixed by installing sdl, and modprobe'ing snd-pcm-oss and snd-mixer-oss.
i do have sdl and sdl_mixer
lsmod|grep oss shows snd_pcm_oss..etc loaded
Try 'aoss cube', works for me.
not for me.
Snowman, why are you suspending artsd and esd (in /usr/bin/cube)?
you can do ./cube_client $@ to pass arguments...
And how did you compile it from source??
I downloaded and did make in ./cube_source/src .
But it doesn't build.
From sound.cpp file:
if(Mix_OpenAudio(SOUNDFREQ, MIX_DEFAULT_FORMAT, 2, soundbufferlen)<0)
conoutf("sound init failed (SDL_mixer): %s", (size_t)Mix_GetError());
nosound = true;
That's the line that prints the error message...
So, Mix_OpenAudio fails..
But i can't find what is MIX_DEFAULT_FORMAT ..
jaboua, sound still doesn't work..
When I don't suspend artsd and esd, I don't get any sound. Probably conflicts with the sound card.
Some googling gave me this: … 0&start=25
Check from post #41. It seems that "a workaround is to set the sound volumes in autoexec to 0". Try also to start cube_client directly (without suspending the sound daemons).
If you want to build it, check my cube-i810 PKGBUILD in AUR. You can comment the patch line if you don't use a i810 video card.
I found I have:
in .zshrc (my shell config file)
After I unset the variable, cube worked with sounds...!!
Cool. I'll just have to fix the scripts then.