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What can you recommend to browse and manage huge collection of photos? I don't need special support for digital camera (it mounts as usb storage), but I exif support would be nice.
I can't find anything better than gqview, and it's very hard to manage photos in it (I just use "delete" and "move", but need to create/delete directories outside gqview).
Have you tried f-spot?
digikam with digikamimageplugins is quite nice, it needs kdelibs though. Don't know if that's a problem.
I use Gwenview which can delete/move directories.
I use Gwenview which can delete/move directories.
Double that. With right-click -> new folder, it'll create new folders too.
Two oldies but goodies:
xzgv, available via pacman - VERY fast, and a decent thumbnail oriented viewer. Looks quite plain at first. Poke around in it for a bit and it will reward you. It is pretty good.
xv, the granddaddy of unix image viewers. This venerable old warhorse (image viewer, image editor and image file manager all in one incredibly fast package) is AMAZING. There is a very good user manual with it, which reveals the huge power of this program - if you read it. xv still stacks up so well against modern image viewers that I am never without it. In the image management department, check out its oddly named "visual schnauzer", which is xv's built in thumbnail based file manager. Very nice. xv is not available via pacman - you'll have to pick it up off the web.
Cast off the Microsoft shackles Jan 2005
xv is not available via pacman - you'll have to pick it up off the web.
Its in [community]. … s=0&SeB=nd
Thanks Dusty. Thats just the incentive I need to try AUR out again. I've only tried it once, shortly after I installed Arch, and my build attempt crashed n burned. I decided AUR wasn't worth the effort at that point. Clearly I just managed to pick out the bad apple in the barrel for my first effort. I will try re-installing xv this way and see what happens.
I did it "the hard way" myself - got the source from the xv website, applied all the patches, fixed the Makefile, and built. Works like a champ, but if I could have just picked it up painlessly through AUR, it might have been worth it. I will try again with xv and see how it goes. Thanks again.
Cast off the Microsoft shackles Jan 2005
Whoops, I realized that it was in community, not AUR. I did check the AUR page though, and it does not appear that there is a downloadable tarball there. So, I couldn't build it from there even if I wanted to. So far I am 0 for 2 on AUR.
Cast off the Microsoft shackles Jan 2005
You don't need to build packages that are in the community repo. Just uncomment the lines:
Include = /etc/pacman.d/community
in /etc/pacman.conf and install with pacman:
pacman -Sy xv
Thanks, yes I found that out in my travels through the Wiki tonight, and have done just that. A whole new world of software opens before me!
Cast off the Microsoft shackles Jan 2005