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I'm and old Slack user. Recently I installed (clean) arch 0.7.1 and I like it very much, however, I noticed that **every time** I exit KDE kicker crashes.
Since I did not notice that bebavior in arch 0.7 (my first test) nor it is a problem in any of my Slackware boxes (all running KDE 3.5.0) I concluded that it could be a corrupted KDE. To "fix" the problem I removed all KDE (pacman -Rd kde), but when I try to re-install (pacman -Sy kde) it fails with the message "kdebase-3.5.0-4.pkg.tar.gz is currpted" (!!?)
Any help would be appreciated. I love KDE and I really ( I mean REALLY!) like Arch.
To deal with the corrupted package, type this as root:
rm -f /var/cache/pacman/pkg/kdebase*
Now rerun pacman -Sy kde.
As for the kicker crash, it's a well known upstream bug that the KDE devs still have not fixed. I added the "Lock/Logout buttons" applet to my panel and use them to logout, as they don't seem to crash kicker. YMMV!!
Thanks for your reply.
That worked! I'm now downloading the packages. As per the kicker thing ... are you saying that this problem shows for other distros too?
I run Slackware and *none* of my boxes have the problem with KDE 3.5.0 I've also added the buttons you mentioned ( I always do) but no luck ...
I guess I'll have to put up with it until a viable solution is found.
Once again thanks for your help, I appreciate it.
Glad I could help.
Back when I used mandriva, I ALWAYS had that kicker crash. If you go to the bugtracker and search for "kicker", you'll see what I'm talking about. Anyways, I guess you could try the good ol' "backup and delete the .kde folder" in /home and see if that stops the kicker crash.
Let me know if you solve it.
Good Luck !
I did the "kill the folder" thing but ... no such luck. The problem persists.
I went to KDE's web site and I can see that they duscuss the problem. It is also rated as SOLVED in some places of the site and (in the same site) depending on the output errors from kicker window as NOT VERIFIDED. ??!
I wonder if it is related to the way the packages are put together in each distro. I have NEVER had the problem in Slackware, and I have been running it as my sole OS for over 4 years. In fact in my office I have yet Slackware 10.2 (with KDE 3.5.0) and at home I was using it until last week when I "migrated" to Arch.
I love the speed of Arch and the package manager. This is the way things should be if Linux it to ever live outside the "geek space". ;-)
I know, I know, this is not the easiest distro for new users but I think things will evolve with time and Arch is sure moving in the right direction.
Thanks again.
Surely enough the kicker crash was a very annoying one...
Now, I've simply got used to it!
Microshaft delenda est
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