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#1 2006-02-08 19:17:01

Jacek Poplawski
From: Poland
Registered: 2006-01-10
Posts: 736

Fonts in KDE vs X fonts available to xfontsel

I am not KDE expert, I always liked Window Maker. Now I can't run it, so I am trying to work with KDE and use its toys - like "konsole".

After kdebase upgrade I can't configure konsole to satisfy my needs.

In the font selection I can choose only from 6 fonts:
- Andale Mono
- Bitstream Vera Sans Mono
- Courier New
- Monospace
- Sans Serif
- Serif

Only two fonts (Andale and Courier) have correct encoding (iso-8859-2).

Both looks very bad in terminal, it's not possible to work that way for long time.

When I run "xfontsel" I have much more fonts to choose. For example helvetica or fixed - and they have correct -2 encoding.

What kind of fonts are used in KDE konsole? How to change them? Where to configure it? What should I install to have more fonts there? I have all *fonts* from pacman installed.

PS. xorg7 if that matters


#2 2006-02-08 23:02:08

Forum Fellow
From: Melbourne, Australia
Registered: 2004-10-09
Posts: 4,927

Re: Fonts in KDE vs X fonts available to xfontsel

The fonts in xfontsel are bitmap, or older fonts.

The ones in KDE are ttf, truetype fonts. Konsole only allows monospaced truetype fonts to appear in the list.

Your best option if you must use konsole is to get some new fonts, Or just use xterm/aterm/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzterm.



#3 2006-02-09 16:36:22

Registered: 2005-01-31
Posts: 62

Re: Fonts in KDE vs X fonts available to xfontsel

Jacek Poplawski wrote:

I am not KDE expert, I always liked Window Maker. Now I can't run it, so I am trying to work with KDE and use its toys - like "konsole".

After kdebase upgrade I can't configure konsole to satisfy my needs.

In the font selection I can choose only from 6 fonts:
- Andale Mono
- Bitstream Vera Sans Mono
- Courier New
- Monospace
- Sans Serif
- Serif

from fonts you have listed only Sans Serif and Serif used to have good encoding for us Polish users, but as for now it seems to be broken (dunno why, just stopped working after one of updates) and as for now I use windows fonts (these work - eg. Tahoma is just fine for kde), apart from this try using unicode fonts. For the terminal I use font named "clean", but to enable it you have to link /etc/fonts/conf.d/10-bitmap.conf to yes-bitmaps.conf
for testing purpose


#4 2006-02-09 20:11:14

Jacek Poplawski
From: Poland
Registered: 2006-01-10
Posts: 736

Re: Fonts in KDE vs X fonts available to xfontsel

Could you compare SansSerif from current version and old one? Are they changed? Or is there something wrong with new KDE?


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