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Hi. I have some problems with gnome. Trash applet which I have on panel is not partically working. When I remove some files to trash, icon won't update and action to empty trash is disabled. Trash icon on desktop is ok.
Another problem is totem. In totem, which is based on gstreamer, when I try to turn off dvd's subtitles, totem will freeze. In xine-based totem I have problems with controls in fulscreen mode. If I move by mouse, cotrols will appears. Afrer 5s they shoul disappear, but they don't - it only stops repainting label which shows ellapsed time.
And the last problem is GnomeBaker 0.5.1 which is not formating DVD's. But this is author's fault, because it's happening in all distros I now.
That's all and sorry for my bad english.
Trash applet works fine for me.
Try vlc instead of totem.
Maybe try graveman for burning.
Pages: 1