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#1 2004-02-11 13:17:27

From: Aarau, Switzerland
Registered: 2003-05-27
Posts: 3,378

qt3.3 with .NET framework ...? wrote:

Qt 3.3 includes support for a number of new technologies -- such as .NET framework, IPv6 and 64-bit processing -- that are key to developing state-of-the-art software applications. The addition of GNU C++ compiler on Windows (MinGW gcc) ensures that developers can create multiplatform applications using the same API and the same compiler on Unix, Linux, Mac, and Windows.

does this mean, that you can compile a .NET-written app for windows on linux?

are we coming to a time where there is no problems for companies porting their apps to qt for linux? (MSOffice natively on QT? i would pay for it working perfect :-) )

The impossible missions are the only ones which succeed.


#2 2004-02-11 14:13:53

Registered: 2004-02-04
Posts: 1,185

Re: qt3.3 with .NET framework ...?

Not really, see

Trolltech is definitely hot about .NET on Windows but they are not so hot about it on Linux. They have discussed a few times binding with either Portable.NET or Mono, but the fear of a possible Microsoft lawsuit on these projects has held off any plans to go for either (the Qt# project on Sourceforge is effectively dead). However, Mr Nord said that the legal issues are just a part; there are also some technical challenges which would make a well-supported Qt# environment difficult to create.

I Think it's more a .NET binding for Qt, if you want to run .NET programs on Linux then Mono is what you want.


#3 2004-02-11 14:47:54

From: Aarau, Switzerland
Registered: 2003-05-27
Posts: 3,378

Re: qt3.3 with .NET framework ...?

thanx for the competent answer

The impossible missions are the only ones which succeed.


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